Thinking about being able to make this dream come true is A BIG DREAM. My first book of poetry is called "The Belief of Desamor" and has about 300 pages. I would love to have your help to be able to publish it!
This campaign aims to: Make my dream come true: Publish my first long-awaited poetry book, created with so much love and care.
My first book of poetry is called "The Belief of Dislove" and it tells us about the loves and disappointments of falling in love with someone, all the adventures, the first discoveries, the first experiences, the repetition of cycles, marriage, self-love, external love, universal love as something that will always be stronger than the possibility of breaking our hearts into pieces. We pick up the pieces and carry on, even though Pain seems to be, at times, more intimate than Love. Dislove is nothing more than a belief, since Love will always win.
I really hope that this first book will be published by the author because it is so intimate and autobiographical, but that means that all the costs will be my responsibility, so that is why today I am asking for your help: One Euro can make ALL the difference.
This will really be a big step in my life to publicize my art as something tangible.
Thank you for reading and helping me,
With much love,
Anabela Carrazedo
About the author
My name is Anabela Vital Carrazedo, I am a Mother, Artist and I was a Holistic Therapist for many years.
I was always known as a happy and fun child, very dedicated to my studies. However, I hid my sorrows in my thoughts without telling anyone. When I was 12 years old, in a class at school, I wrote my first poem, the only one entitled "Untitled". It was the beginning of something very strong. From an early age, I addressed themes such as death, loss, anguish, lack, longing, inferiority, and prejudice. It was through writing that I found my refuge from everything that I did not want to show to the outside world because I felt responsible for the well-being of others. Today, I decide to share the darkest side of myself, but always with a slight hope for better days.
I volunteered for 12 years in various organizations.
I am an advocate for animals and humanity.
I understand any being by knowing how to read, understand and write about the depth of the being.
I believe that the Gift is the transmutation of Pain and this is one of my Gifts: Putting the most complex feelings into Words and in what remains to be expressed lies the key to understanding Life.
Anabela Carrazedo (Autora do Livro "A Crença do Desamor")
Budget and due dates
PUBLICATION: In the month of October-November.
Designer S. - I would like to offer €600 for the illustrations.
Designer M. - I would like to offer €600 for the layout.
Review - I would like to offer €300.
Graphics - €8,000 for 1,000 copies.
Anabela Vital Carrazedo
Alcançamos o objetivo dos
Alcançamos o objetivo dos 4000€
Não posso mesmo estar mais grata.
Se não tiver no grupo do WhatsApp sobre o livro por favor envia-me uma mensagem a pedir.
Isto porque partilhei lá mensagens lindas de agradecimento profundo.
Segue-me nas redes sociais:
Instagram: @bellakarr_
Até já,
Com amor,
O sonho não acaba aqui!
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Rosa PiresAnabela Vital Carrazedo
Fico extemamente feliz que o seu objetivo tenha sido alcançado. Nunca devemos desistir dos nossos sonhos. E serei uma futura leitora e apiante dos seus escritos.
Rosa Pires - anankeromi (instagram)
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Anabela Vital Carrazedo
Faltam 8 dias ♡
Muito, muito, muito grata por todo o apoio até agora.
Estou a fazer um Sorteio do Livro com 8 prémios portanto aproveitem para comprar rifas a 2€ até este Domingo! Um preço super acessível para prémios que valem entre 30€ a 80€.
E assim é uma forma de também contribuírem e terem algo de volta!
O sorteio está na minha página de instagram: @bellakarr_
Obrigada será sempre pouco!
Está quase ♡♡♡
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Anabela Vital Carrazedo
Faltam 2 semanas ♡
Muito, muito, muito grata por todo o vosso apoio!
Faltam apenas duas semanas e ainda não cheguei a metade do que necessito para concluir este objetivo.
Que não é apenas um objetivo, é um grande, grande sonho!
Próxima segunda-feira estarei no Bota Anjos a declamar a minha poesia.
Partilhem o Crowdfunding com a vossa comunidade.
Vamos fazer isto acontecer. É possível, eu acredito! E tu?
Muito obrigada ♡
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