BeEat -  First platform dedicated to eco friendly restaurants and their sustainable practices.

BeEat - First platform dedicated to eco friendly restaurants and their sustainable practices.

We intend to contribute to a more sustainable world by making BeEat the platform most used by consumers looking for authentic and more sustainable experiences in the area of eco...

  • 180


    3% of 4 600€

    8 backers

  • 08/02/2021

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

We intend to contribute to a more sustainable world by making BeEat the platform most used by consumers looking for authentic and more sustainable experiences in the area of eco friendly restaurants.

You have been invited to a celebration dinner and will have to choose between two restaurants. Both have good cuisine, similar prices and a pleasant atmosphere. In the first, you will enjoy food provided by local, organic producers and that adopts sustainable practices. In the second, you do not know where the food comes from and there is no action to reduce the environmental impact. What's up? Which one do you choose?

    According to the FAO definition (2015), sustainable food has a low environmental impact and contributes to the population's food and nutritional security, as well as to their health status, both now and in the future.

    Therefore, we believe that by adopting small practices on a daily basis, we can build healthier and more sustainable habits. And why not start with what we like most?

    The consumption of eco friendly food besides being beneficial for our health can determine the future of our planet.

    BeEat aims to contribute to a better world! Like? Creating a digital platform that brings together eco friendly restaurants, valuing their sustainable practices and gastronomic quality, and connecting them to their target audience, that is, people looking for authentic and more sustainable experiences.

    [IMAGE: 836124: 1]

    We were born to mitigate the biggest challenges faced by SMEs that adopt sustainable restoration practices.

    1. Increase visibility. We provide information that strengthens the concept and image of the business, arousing consumer interest.
    2. Connect to the target audience . We connect businesses to people who are looking for differentiated experiences and who value initiatives related to sustainability.
    3. Recognize sustainable attitudes. We present every effort to provide the customer with differentiated gastronomic experiences and committed to quality and sustainability.

    BeEat was one of the fifteen projects selected in the Bora Women Program, aimed at women who have a clear business idea related to the food and beverage sector, support female talent, equal opportunities, and the leadership of women in society .

    The objective of this campaign is to raise approximately 4500 euros that will be used to develop the platform and include the first eco friendly restaurants for testing.

    Our contribution can be significant if we join forces, publicize purposes and connect to further expand this network.


    About the author

    Diego Rios , 39 years old. He believes that we are just a grain in the immensity of the universe and that we have everything we need on our planet. We just need to take better care of him. Its purpose in life is to leave a legacy. With over 15 years of experience in Business Development, he has worked as a volunteer, consultant, commercial executive and entrepreneur in non-governmental organizations for local development, multinationals and SMEs.

    [IMAGE: 836124: 4]

    Cassiana Damo , 42 years old. Over the past few years he started to change his habits by adopting more sustainable practices. He believes that the process of change and its impact happen from small steps taken every day, where any initiative in this regard should be valued and encouraged. He has more than 20 years in management and development of small businesses.

    Budget and due dates

    One of the values that guide the founders is Ethics and Transparency .

    Our goal is 5000 € and this is how the value will be distributed for each cent:

    1. PPL commissions = € 424.35
    2. Platform Development = 4000 €
    3. Marketing (Social Media Ads) = 175.65 €

    Total: € 4600

    Our roadmap is written and we intend to carry out the development phase right after the crowdfunding campaign ends. You will be guaranteeing the start of the project by being a contributor to this change.

    • Invest with
      5€ or more

      Thanks for the support!

      You will receive: - a personalized thank you email - a complete roadmap of the next steps

      2 backers

    • Invest with
      10€ or more

      A big thank you!

      Our purpose moving towards becoming reality! You will receive: - rewards of the previous amount - transparency report of the amount invested - invitation to participate in a virtual café via skype to celebrate this achievement!

      1 backer

    • Invest with
      20€ or more

      Public thanks

      We're getting there! You will receive: - rewards of the previous amount - the inclusion of your name in the thank you list published on the platform

      3 backers

    • Invest with
      50€ or more

      Ready to be a BeEat?

      Reality is built by joining forces. You will now be able to enjoy this experience. You will receive: - rewards of the previous amount - voucher for a draw for a complete menu in one of the future eco friendly restaurants of BeEat

      2 backers

    Sat, 21/09/2024 - 10:13


    Campaign ended

    The campaign failed to raise the total amount

    Fri, 22/01/2021 - 09:28

    Demoday Bora Mulheres

    Dia 20/01, aconteceu o DemoDay do Programa Bora Mulheres e Cassiana Damo, fundadora, representou a BeEat na etapa final que contou com a presença de Rui Serpa (VP da Coca-Cola),...

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    Sun, 10/01/2021 - 16:39

    First five backers

    We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

    Tue, 29/12/2020 - 17:10

    BeEat no Progama Bora Mulheres

    BeEat avança na segunda fase do Programa Bora Mulheres. O Bora Mulheres é um programa de empreendedorismo dirigido a mulheres que tenham uma ideia clara de negócio - ou um proje...

    Read more

    Campaign launched


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    • Diego Rios

      Demoday Bora Mulheres

      Dia 20/01, aconteceu o DemoDay do Programa Bora Mulheres e Cassiana Damo, fundadora, representou a BeEat na etapa final que contou com a presença de Rui Serpa (VP da Coca-Cola), Anne Geubelle (CEO na Prológica), Isabel Gaspar (Business Angel na Core Angels Impact) e Isabel Saldanha (Fotógrafa e Escritora).

      Foi uma excelente oportunidade, onde apresentamos os progressos conquistados em pouco mais de um mês. Aproveito e partilho com você o link da apresentação realizada

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    • Diego Rios

      BeEat no Progama Bora Mulheres

      BeEat avança na segunda fase do Programa Bora Mulheres. O Bora Mulheres é um programa de empreendedorismo dirigido a mulheres que tenham uma ideia clara de negócio - ou um projeto já em curso – relacionada com o setor de alimentos e bebidas.

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    8 members of the PPL community
    support this campaign

    • 3
      new backers

    • 5
      recurrent backers

    • 0
      anonymous backers

    Meet the people helping this dream come true