Campaign to decrease APATIA production costs
This is not a campaign to finance the creation of a show, but rather to appeal to your help in covering some of the inevitable production costs associated with it. For the premiere of a theatre show to take place there are numerous factors that have to come together and, unfortunately, most of them involve high expenses.
Although the show already has several co-producers and some sessions confirmed, the money from these sales is intended to pay the creative team and the actors for their countless hours of rehearsals and shows. Therefore, there is a need for the project manager to sustain these costs with limited private funds, which may compromise the quality of essential elements for APATIA such as set design, costumes or advertising.
It is in this sense that we have come to appeal for your support, since it becomes impossible for us, a professional, numerous, hard-working team that has aligned itself in every way to raise a project in which it believes and for which it works daily, to bear all costs without any foreign funds. The debut is in one month and we still need to polish the last edges that will allow shaping APATIA in the conditions that we know we deserve and, for that, it became urgent to send this appeal to you.
APATIA requires your help!
It is true that there are several entities that support the creation of theatre projects, but all of them operate in a logics of a deadline application that, unfortunately, is not compatible with the schedule of this project. However, APATIA has applied to all the initiatives for which it is eligible. However, we still need you to cover our expenses, as we aspire to have a long career and significant impact in Portuguese theatre dramaturgy.

Muito obrigada a todos os que já contribuíram, fazendo com que nas primeiras 24h de campanha tenhamos atingido quase 40% do nosso objetivo! Não podíamos estar mais agradecidos. Até breve <3
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