Turn the Page - BD Anthology
PPL Causas

Turn the Page - BD Anthology

Virar a Página - Antologia de BD is a project that brought together Portuguese scriptwriters and designers in the creation of 41 BD stories, seeking to be an active part of the ...

  • 2484


    124% of 2 000€

    123 backers

  • 30/09/2020

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Virar a Página - Antologia de BD is a project that brought together Portuguese scriptwriters and designers in the creation of 41 BD stories, seeking to be an active part of the support of the social action of the CAIS Association.

[IMAGE: 776946: 2]


The Comics Anthology Virar a Página , brought together Portuguese screenwriters and designers, professionals and amateurs, around the desire to be an active part in the search for minimizing the negative consequences that the pandemic scenario left exposed.

In this sense, aware that there are several needs and fronts to fight the virus, we want to address all of our efforts in supporting the social protection action that the CAIS Association carries out. At a time when homeless people have less means and face the lack of passers-by to whom they sell CAIS magazines, this initiative aims to raise funds to help the institution in acquiring the necessary resources for them to continue to perform their functions.

With this project, national BD took an important step on a path that will only be concluded with the support of all of you.

Thank you!



Since its founding in 1994, CAIS's mission is to contribute to the global improvement of the living conditions of socially and economically vulnerable people, in situations of deprivation, exclusion and risk. The various projects that we develop have as main objective to promote the social integration of these people, through training methodologies to approach or return to the labor market, helping them to recover their self-esteem, skills and their rightful place in society.

The promotion of partnerships with companies, other for-profit and non-profit organizations, national and international, is also in the DNA of CAIS, fostering social responsibility through employability, creating and participating in knowledge sharing, innovation and entrepreneurship networks social. It was, therefore, with great gratitude that we became aware of the initiative of the Anthology of Comics to Turn the Page whose authors, aware of the social reality in which we live and that the recent pandemic has worsened, decided to design to support our organization.

Our motto, in recent years, has been "Everyone counts". This means, not only, that everyone has the right to a voice and a place in society, but also that we all have a duty to contribute to making this a reality. The gesture of the authors of this Anthology conveys it completely.

On behalf of CAIS, I would like to thank you most!

Conceição Cordeiro, Executive Director of the CAIS Association

About the author

This project brought together several artists from the Portuguese comic strip, among which are internationally renowned authors, professionals in the field and distinguished strangers of enormous talent, all having dedicated the same energy and enthusiasm to this well-deserved initiative, contributing to what they know best : BD!

These storytellers joined hands and wove tales of mutual help, humor, action and thoughtfulness, which will certainly please readers, creating an unprecedented project at an equally remarkable moment in our history. A project that owes its essence to each of them: Alberto Pereira, Alexandra Sousa, Ana Monteiro, André F. Morgado, André Mateus, André Oliveira, AS, Barbara Lopes, Beatriz Blodau, Carla Rodrigues, Carlos Drave, Carlos Martins, Daniel Maia, Daniel Silva Lopes, Dario Lucas, Diana, Diogo Almeida, Diogo Carvalho, Diogo Semedo, Filipe Duarte, Filipe Pina, GEvan, Guilherme Trindade, Henrique Gandum, Inês Barroso, Inês Silva, Joana Afonso, João Inglês, João Sequeira, Jorge Coelho, Kachisou, Liliana Gaito, Lucas Benetti, Luis Guerreiro, Marco Fraga da Silva, Maria Lima, Mário Freitas, Miguel Peres, Nuno Dias, Diogo Campo, Nuno Duarte, Osvaldo Medina, Patrícia Costa, Patrick Caetano, Paulo Monteiro, Paulo Pinto , Pedro Moura, Pedro Reis, Pedro Santos, Pedro Serpa, Quico Nogueira, Rafael Marques, Rafael Sales, Rafael Sanzio, Ricardo Andrade, Ricardo Baptista, Ricardo Santo, Rodrigo Mota, Ronald Kaiser, Rui Cunha, Rui Soares, Rui Tomás, Sérgio Santos, Susa Monteiro, TCHE and Te lmo Freitas.

Budget and due dates

[IMAGE: 776946: 0] [IMAGE: 776946: 1]

We will try, with your help, to raise € 2000!

* E-Book Turn the Page - BD Anthology (48 total pages, with 41 BD stories)

a) 90% of the amount raised reverts to Associação Cais

b) 10% for payment commissions on the PPL + VAT platform (the amounts resulting from the rate adjustments of the total calculations, will revert in full to the CAIS Association)


* Turn-Page Physical Book - BD Anthology (48 total pages, with 41 BD stories)

There will be physical copies for the most enthusiastic supporters!

a) 50% of the amount raised reverts to the CAIS Association

b) 40% of the amount raised will be used to produce and send books

c) 10% of the amount raised will be for the respective commissions of the PPL + VAT platform (the amounts resulting from the rate adjustments of the total calculations, will revert in full to the CAIS Association)


* Any amount obtained through extended goals will be delivered, in full, to the CAIS Association


Book production and shipping deadlines

The production of the book will start as soon as the campaign ends, so it is expected that the sending of the books will start about one and a half months after the end of the campaign.


It's your time to dress up as heroes! With your contribution, help Portuguese comics to help turn the page of this chapter in the lives of the most needy supported by CAIS.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Grain to grain

    With € 5, everyone involved will be very grateful for the help!

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    8€ or more

    Turn the Page - Digital Anthology - E-book

    Thank you! Receive the Anthology in e-book format.

    21 backers

  • Invest with
    19€ or more

    Turn Page - Physical Book

    Thank you! One of the books in physical format will be in your hands, soon! You will also receive the digital format.

    102 backers

Fri, 18/10/2024 - 07:30

Mon, 30/11/2020 - 16:42


Acabados de chegar, os nossos livros estão um mimo! Durante os próximos dias tratarei dos envios. Não desesperem e peço-vos um último rasgo de paciência - em breve, virarão a p...

Read more

Sat, 14/11/2020 - 18:42

Atualização: A caminho da gráfica!

Olá, pessoal! Apesar de um pouquinho mais tarde do que o que espetava, venho informar-vos que as provas do livro já foram feitas, validadas e seguiu, portanto, para produção!...

Read more

Thu, 29/10/2020 - 23:53

Quase, quase!

Olá a todos! Venho atualizar todos os que apoiaram o projeto e que se mantêm pacientemente a aguardar (pelo menos) o ebook! Conto fazê-lo chegar a toda a gente ainda amanhã - ...

Read more

Mon, 12/10/2020 - 11:05

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Tue, 06/10/2020 - 13:30


Olá, a todos! Estamos todos de parabéns! A campanha foi um sucesso e o nosso objetivo foi alcançado! Agora, uma nova e trabalhosa fase se avizinha: dar vida ao livro físic...

Read more


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Mon, 07/09/2020 - 12:41

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Sat, 22/08/2020 - 01:06

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Thu, 20/08/2020 - 14:42

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Diana David

    Continuo à espera

    Não recebi nada...

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  • André MorgadoDiana David

    Livro virar a pagina

    Olá, Diana.

    Os livros todos foram enviados no início do ano, pelo que isso é uma infeliz notícia.
    Entra em contacto através do mail do projecto : antologiabdcovid19@gmail.com para tentarmos encontrar solução.
    Até já

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  • André Morgado


    Acabados de chegar, os nossos livros estão um mimo!
    Durante os próximos dias tratarei dos envios. Não desesperem e peço-vos um último rasgo de paciência - em breve, virarão a página neste nosso projeto e faremos chegar, todos, o nosso apoio à CAIS.

    Um abraço,

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  • André Morgado

    Atualização: A caminho da gráfica!

    Olá, pessoal!

    Apesar de um pouquinho mais tarde do que o que espetava, venho informar-vos que as provas do livro já foram feitas, validadas e seguiu, portanto, para produção!!
    Em breve, o formato físico estará aí!

    Obrigado pela vossa paciência,


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  • André Morgado

    Quase, quase!

    Olá a todos!
    Venho atualizar todos os que apoiaram o projeto e que se mantêm pacientemente a aguardar (pelo menos) o ebook!
    Conto fazê-lo chegar a toda a gente ainda amanhã - o atraso deveu-se a um lapso de última hora que teve que ser corrigido pelo designer gráfico do projeto.

    Quanto ao livro físico: orçamentos, orçamentos e orçamentos!
    Conto ter uma de isso final toma da nos primeiros dias de novembro - altura em que receberei, espero, uma última proposta de orçamento de uma das gráficas contactadas.

    Obrigado pela vossa paciência!

    Um abraço,

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  • Nuno Moreira


    Ainda não recebi o meu e-book

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  • André Morgado


    Olá, a todos!

    Estamos todos de parabéns! A campanha foi um sucesso e o nosso objetivo foi alcançado!
    Agora, uma nova e trabalhosa fase se avizinha: dar vida ao livro físico!
    Para todos os que aguardam o e-book, o mesmo seguirá para os respetivos apoiantes ainda esta semana!
    Manter-me-ei em contacto convosco!

    Um abraço e obrigado!
    andré f. morgado

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123 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 57
    new backers

  • 66
    recurrent backers

  • 7
    anonymous backers

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