Going Gremlin beer

Going Gremlin beer

From Mogwai to Gremlin (FMTG), is launching its first own beers and needs your help to achieve it!

  • 2241


    112% of 2 000€

    50 backers

  • 18/08/2022

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

From Mogwai to Gremlin (FMTG), is launching its first own beers and needs your help to achieve it!

From Mogwai to Gremlin (FMTG), is launching its first own beers and needs your help to achieve it!

This is another step in the FMTG project, which since 2019 has grown in the portuguese craft beer scene, from the online beer talks with national and international brewers during the time of confinement, to the collaborations and challenges issue to brewers, to create and brew different and experimental beers.

Now it's time to go one step further and produce the "Going Gremlin" beer, which will have two well know styles: Imperial Stout and Double IPA. For that I need your help, in order to have beer all year around! Shall we take this step together?

About the author

Hi, I'm Jaime André, and I've been in the craft beer world since 2016, participating in different craft beer festivals over the years, and launching the From Mogwai to Gremlin project in 2019. This project's initial objective was to support and promote brewers and craft beer brands, helping them to move from a peaceful Mogwai to a restless Gremlin!

But when the pandemic hit us all in 2020 and confinement became a reality, it was obvious to me that it was important to bring the craft beer community together, hence the beer talks live on instagram, take are also available on youtube (www. youtube.com/c/FromMogwaitoGremlin). Over the course of 7 months, these talks allowed me to reconnect and get to know better my brewer friends and with that, also share their personal history and journey.

And it was exactly from these interactions that the idea of challenging these brewers to make collaborative beers arose, seeking to create something new and different from what they usually do, whether in the style of beer or the ingredients used, but always with the aim of bringing added value to the craft beer scene.

Budget and due dates

This crowdfunding will be used to finance the production of From Mogwai to Gremlin's first beers, supporting the costs of raw materials, labor, use of equipment, design and printing of labels and purchase of bottles. The amount requested will thus be used in the production of two beers called Going Gremlin, in its two styles: Imperial Stout and Double IPA.

Imperial Stout will be the first to be produced (production date scheduled for August 2022) and is expected to launch in November 2022

Double IPA is scheduled for production in February 2023, with release scheduled for May of the same year.

  • Billy

    Invest with
    15€ or more


    1 beer bottle of Going Gremlin Beer (33cl) + Public thanks on From Mogwai to Gremlin social media pages

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    15 backers

  • mogwai

    Invest with
    25€ or more


    2 beer bottles of Going Gremlin Beer (33cl) + Public thanks on From Mogwai to Gremlin social media pages+ 1 FMTG Sticker

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    6 backers

  • Gizmo

    Invest with
    45€ or more


    6 beer bottles of Going Gremlin Beer (33cl) + Public thanks on From Mogwai to Gremlin social media pages + 1 FMTG Sticker + 1 FMTG Special Edition Sticker

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    12 backers

  • Gremlin

    Invest with
    65€ or more


    6 beer bottles of Going Gremlin Beer (33cl) + Public thanks on From Mogwai to Gremlin social media pages + 1 FMTG Sticker + 1 FMTG Special Edition Sticker + FMTG T-Shirt

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    7 backers

  • stripe

    Invest with
    100€ or more


    12 beer bottles of Going Gremlin Beer (33cl) + Public thanks on From Mogwai to Gremlin social media pages + 1 FMTG Sticker + 1 FMTG Special Edition Sticker + FMTG T-Shirt + A special thank you with your name on the beer label

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    8 backers

Sun, 16/02/2025 - 17:56

Mon, 24/04/2023 - 19:28

Going Gremlin Imperial IPA está a chegar!

A segunda cerveja do crowdfunding, a Imperial IPA , já se encontra na fase final de produção, sendo lançada já no próximo mês de Maio. Por isso, fiquem atentos!

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Mon, 24/04/2023 - 19:24

A Imperial Stout ganhou um prémio!

A primeira cerveja da FMTG, a Going Gremlin IMperial Stout que foi produzida com a ajuda dos vossos contributos, venceu a medalha de prata na ultima edição do Concurso Nacional ...

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Fri, 11/11/2022 - 10:34

Lançamento a 11/11

Chegou o dia do lançamento da Going Gremlin Imperial Stout! O dia em que este crowdfunding se materializa em cerveja, a primeira da From Mogwai to Gremlin. Obrigado a todos!

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Sat, 22/10/2022 - 23:36

Going Gremlin Imperial Stout

UPDATE: Petróleo Going Gremlin já engarrafado! Cada vez mais perto de concretizar este objectivo, que sem a vossa ajuda não seria possível! Obrigado!

Read more

Mon, 19/09/2022 - 10:59

Going Gremlin Imperial Stout

A Going Gremlin Imperial Stout leva já 3 semanas de fermentador, mas muitas mais ainda faltam. Por isso, em Novembro teremos a primeira cerveja da From Mogwai to Gremlin, porque...

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Fri, 26/08/2022 - 20:23

Cerveja a caminho!

No dia 25 de Agosto foi produzida a primeira cerveja Going Gremlin, a Imperial Stout, que deverá estar pronta para ser lançada em finais de Outubro. Fiquem atentos!

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Fri, 19/08/2022 - 21:00


O crowdfunding foi um sucesso e graças a todos vocês, vamos iniciar a produção das cervejas Going Gremlin, começando pela Imperial Stout que será já na próxima semana. Em bre...

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Fri, 19/08/2022 - 11:54

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Tue, 09/08/2022 - 11:40

Conseguimos! Com ajuda de

Conseguimos! Com ajuda de todos vocês as cervejas Going Gremlin vão ser uma realidade! Muito obrigado pelos contributos e por terem aceite vir fazer cerveja comigo!

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Tue, 09/08/2022 - 10:50

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Sun, 10/07/2022 - 22:34

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Sat, 09/07/2022 - 13:26

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Tue, 05/07/2022 - 00:41

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Jaime André

    Going Gremlin Imperial IPA está a chegar!

    A segunda cerveja do crowdfunding, a Imperial IPA , já se encontra na fase final de produção, sendo lançada já no próximo mês de Maio. Por isso, fiquem atentos!

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  • Jaime André

    A Imperial Stout ganhou um prémio!

    A primeira cerveja da FMTG, a Going Gremlin IMperial Stout que foi produzida com a ajuda dos vossos contributos, venceu a medalha de prata na ultima edição do Concurso Nacional de Cervejas Caseiras e Artesanais, na categoria de Ale. Um sucesso só possível porque acreditaram neste meu projecto. Obrigado a todos!

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  • Jaime André

    Lançamento a 11/11

    Chegou o dia do lançamento da Going Gremlin Imperial Stout! O dia em que este crowdfunding se materializa em cerveja, a primeira da From Mogwai to Gremlin. Obrigado a todos!

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  • Jaime André

    Going Gremlin Imperial Stout

    UPDATE: Petróleo Going Gremlin já engarrafado! Cada vez mais perto de concretizar este objectivo, que sem a vossa ajuda não seria possível! Obrigado!

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  • Jaime André

    Going Gremlin Imperial Stout

    A Going Gremlin Imperial Stout leva já 3 semanas de fermentador, mas muitas mais ainda faltam. Por isso, em Novembro teremos a primeira cerveja da From Mogwai to Gremlin, porque vale a pena esperar por um bom petróleo!

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  • Jaime André

    Cerveja a caminho!

    No dia 25 de Agosto foi produzida a primeira cerveja Going Gremlin, a Imperial Stout, que deverá estar pronta para ser lançada em finais de Outubro. Fiquem atentos!

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  • Jaime André


    O crowdfunding foi um sucesso e graças a todos vocês, vamos iniciar a produção das cervejas Going Gremlin, começando pela Imperial Stout que será já na próxima semana.

    Em breve enviarei mensagens a todos os que escolheram receber as recompensas, para acertarmos os pormenores de entrega.

    Mais uma vez obrigado e vamos fazer cerveja juntos!

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  • Jaime André

    Conseguimos! Com ajuda de

    Conseguimos! Com ajuda de todos vocês as cervejas Going Gremlin vão ser uma realidade! Muito obrigado pelos contributos e por terem aceite vir fazer cerveja comigo!

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50 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 36
    new backers

  • 14
    recurrent backers

  • 3
    anonymous backers

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