Fundraising to pay for the transport of essential goods to Ukraine
Good morning dear friends.
As Founder and President of the NGO Viver 100 Fronteiras and Ambassador of World Peace, I developed a campaign to raise humanitarian aid for Ukraine.
I have 1000m2 of warehouses full of high-value material, which I am proud of, and I thank all the companies, friends, schools, kindergartens and good people who helped me on this journey.
The hardest part has come as I was expecting to send all this to Ukraine by land.
At the beginning of a war like this, everything is easy, everyone helps, all companies collaborate in shipping for free. With the economic situation that we are going through in the area of fuels, among others, it becomes difficult for someone to offer transport.
As such, I make my appeal for help here to help pay for transport, because if we collaborate with donations, we will make sure that the material reaches the right place.
I have a transport budget of €5,200, we don't have the money for it, but I believe we will manage, as in other missions.
Grateful everyone, let's help the Ukrainian people.

Voluntários nos armazéns
Natália Rocha
Carregamento do camião
Bom dia,
Conforme estipulado, dia 12/04 foi o grande dia do carregamento do camião.
Contámos com a preciosa ajuda dos escuteiros do agrupamento - 1043 - S.João das Caldas de Vizela, o nosso muito obrigado do fundo do coração pelo vosso espírito de cooperação.
O camião vai sair de Portugal no dia 18/04 para estar em Suceava, Roménia no dia 22/04.
Estarei lá a partir desse dia para fazer entrega do Material, com ajuda do Rotary da Ucrânia e Roménia. Também iremos doar algum material ao representante da Federação das Mulheres para a Paz Mundial, da qual eu sou embaixadora.
Podem continuar a ajudar.
Obrigado a todos!
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Natália Rocha
As doações continuam a chegar...
O nosso obrigado à B. Braun pelo material da área da saúde.
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