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Investment Complement in Trela Amarela II (PetHotel Santarém)

Investment Complement in Trela Amarela II (PetHotel Santarém)

Trela Amarela II aims to be the best hotel for dogs in the Santarém Region (Portugal). In a country side area, a new space will be created from scratch, with them in mind, with ...

  • 1845


    36% of 5 000€

    25 backers

  • 18/05/2020

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Trela Amarela II aims to be the best hotel for dogs in the Santarém Region (Portugal). In a country side area, a new space will be created from scratch, with them in mind, with comfort, security and contact with Nature.

This campaign aims to raise funds to support the expansion of the Pet Hotel A Trela Amarela.

The expansion must necessarily be done in a new space, built entirely from scratch because the space where we are currently has residences in less than 200 meters away and our activity results in a discomfort (noise) for these neighbors. The current Hotel will be transformed into a Feline Hotel, which is a much less noisy service. Meow ...

To be able to carry out with this project, I need your support and confidence, because the terrain is wild, without water or light, to be sufficiently distant from the dwellings that we now harass. We have to seal off the entire land, build the hotel and a reception; we have to install video surveillance to ensure protection. It is too much effort that has to be undertaken before opening doors, to ensure that everything is perfect to receive our 4-legged guests.

The money will serve as a complement to the investment, which is a big amount, and will translate into vacation vouchersa, Spa services for dogs or workshops for tutors.

A Trela Amarela II will have 20 large rooms, with indoor and outdoor areas. Recreational Areas; Training and Agility zones; Native trees; and a customer reception with a ward and WC.

About the author

My name is Joana Vilela and I'm 42 years old. I have always been passionate about animals and nature. At the age of 36 I decided to give up city life and an office career to dedicate myself to being happy. If I do what I love, I cannot say that I am working, I will be having fun! Fortunately this area that I love is booming and is a rewarding and in demand activity.

For now the team for this project is just me, but with the opening of the new space, with the capacity for more dogs, I plan to open 1 or 2 jobs at full time, which will team up with me.

Budget and due dates

Crowdfunding Campaign: February and March.

February: Land acquisition. (Own capitals)

March: Placement of water and electricity (extension); Earth movement; Preparation of the Hotel floor.

April: Construction of the Hotel (Multipet) and Reception (contractor)

May: Fencing and outdoor arrangements (creation of recreational rings and canine activities)

June: Inauguration

The € 5000 will be used to purchase Agility equipment and exterior arrangements.

500 € - agility equipment and games;

2,500 € - fences and material for the construction of recreational rings;

1,600 € - labor and preparation of the surrounding space (elaboration of a garden with street within the farm where the Hotel will be built);

€ 400 - PPL fee

  • Dog hygiene workshop according to breed

    Invest with
    15€ or more

    Dog hygiene workshop according to breed

    Training on how to care for your dog, by breed. What specifics; What material to use; Practical class; 2 hours in duration.

    1 backer

  • A day at the Spa for your best friend

    Invest with
    25€ or more

    A day at the Spa for your best friend

    Your dog spends a day with us, socializes, plays, runs and in the end, enjoys a bath and beauty care.

    3 backers

  • 5 days Hotel for 1 dog

    Invest with
    50€ or more

    5 days Hotel for 1 dog

    By supporting with 50 € you will be guaranteeing 5 days of hotel for your dog in our new Hotel, to enjoy within 1 year.

    9 backers

  • 10 days Hotel for 1 dog

    Invest with
    100€ or more

    10 days Hotel for 1 dog

    By supporting with 100 € you will guarantee 10 days of Hotel for your dog in our new Hotel, with an appointment period of 1 year.

    7 backers

  • 15 days Hotel for 1 dog

    Invest with
    150€ or more

    15 days Hotel for 1 dog

    By supporting with 150 €, you will be guaranteeing 15 days of vacation for your dog in our new Hotel, with an appointment period for 1 year. Summer is just around the corner!

    2 backers

  • 20 days Hotel for 1 dog or 10 days for 2 dogs

    Invest with
    200€ or more

    20 days Hotel for 1 dog or 10 days for 2 dogs

    By supporting this campaign with 200 € you guarantee your dog hotel for 20 days, in our new Hotel, with a booking period of 1 year. If you have two dogs, enjoy 10 days!

    1 backer

Sun, 22/09/2024 - 21:39

Tue, 19/05/2020 - 13:05

A campanha terminou e nós aprendemos

Olá a todos os envolvidos nesta nossa campanha. Antes de mais agradecemos a todos quanto acreditaram e apoiaram este projeto! :) Iremos avançar à velocidade possível e ultrapas...

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Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Tue, 18/02/2020 - 14:49

Grão a grão...

Obrigada a todos pela partilha. Ao partilhar já está a ajudar. Anseio pelo dia em que vos receba na minha nova "casa". Até breve, Joana

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Tue, 11/02/2020 - 23:14

Primeiros apoiantes

Em menos de 24 horas de campanha, sou presenteada com imensas mensagens de congratulações e os primeiros apoios! Obrigada pela partilha da mensagem e obrigada por acreditarem!...

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Tue, 11/02/2020 - 01:01

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Joana Vilela

    A campanha terminou e nós aprendemos

    Olá a todos os envolvidos nesta nossa campanha. Antes de mais agradecemos a todos quanto acreditaram e apoiaram este projeto! :)
    Iremos avançar à velocidade possível e ultrapassando os obstáculos que cruzam o nosso caminho. Infelizmente não reunimos a totalidade da verba proposta, mas o PPL, como plataforma 10 Estrelas, permite que os apoiantes coloquem um NIB para devolução da verba que não o seu próprio, isto é, fazem a devolução do dinheiro para o promotor da campanha, ou seja, eu.
    Se quiserem, podemos manter as condições propostas nesta campanha com os valores anunciados, e vocês dão o IBAN que vou colocar aqui para "devolução do dinheiro":
    Qualquer dúvida, liguem-me: 938503142

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  • Eduarda Costa Ferraz


    Vai receber animais abandonados? Qual o custo da diária ou mensal? Estar a angariar para um hotel só se for para ajudar VERDADEIRAMENTE os animais, espero que esse seja o objectivo.

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  • Joana VilelaEduarda Costa Ferraz

    Olá Eduarda, obrigada pelo

    Olá Eduarda, obrigada pelo seu comentário. A Trela colabora com as diversas associações da zona de Santarém e ajuda sempre na medida das suas possibilidades. Nós não estamos a pedir donativos, estamos a fazer uma venda antecipada de serviços. Todos os contributos são transformados em serviços. Somos uma empresa, com fins lucrativos. O crowdfunding não é um sistema de recolha de donativos, embora também possa ser utilizado para esse fim. O Crowdfunding é uma plataforma de financiamento alternativo aos bancos, para empreendedores avançarem com projetos que têm guardados… :)

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  • Joana Vilela

    Grão a grão...

    Obrigada a todos pela partilha. Ao partilhar já está a ajudar.
    Anseio pelo dia em que vos receba na minha nova "casa".
    Até breve,

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  • Joana Vilela

    Primeiros apoiantes

    Em menos de 24 horas de campanha, sou presenteada com imensas mensagens de congratulações e os primeiros apoios!
    Obrigada pela partilha da mensagem e obrigada por acreditarem!

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25 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 16
    new backers

  • 9
    recurrent backers

  • 4
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true