So Much Sea - new album by Helena Sarmento

So Much Sea - new album by Helena Sarmento

Tanto Mar is a journey between fado and traditional Brazilian music, choosing poetry and feeling as the compass of the journey. We need your support to make this record a reality!

  • 5594


    102% of 5 500€

    73 backers

  • 22/09/2023

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Tanto Mar is a journey between fado and traditional Brazilian music, choosing poetry and feeling as the compass of the journey. We need your support to make this record a reality!

The singer and performer Helena Sarmento is preparing to record and release her 5th album.

Tanto Mar will be her most intimate album and she will put her fado soul and the intensity of her interpretations in fados and sambas-canção.

"Partida"("Departure"), the single that she has just released in partnership with the renowned wine brand Niepoort, marks her debut as a lyricist and also the "starting point" for a journey to record the new album that will begin at the end of 2023 in Rio de Janeiro and which will end in Porto, in March 2024.

The album will have another traditional fado song with lyrics by Helena, as well as two completely original themes (lyrics and music) and even her own versions, like "Naufrágio" (Cecília Meireles and Alain Oulman), "Foi Deus" (Alberto Janes), "Chão de Estrelas" (Orestes Barbosa e Sílvio Caldas) and "Linda Flor (Ai, Yoyô)” (Henrique Vogeler and Marques Porto).

The reason for the trip to Rio de Janeiro in December 2023, is her concert at Casa do Choro for which she has received a financial support of IBerMúsicas to cover the air travel costs.  However, it would be a huge waste not to take advantage of the inevitable preparation work for the concert (selection and study of repertoire and rehearsals, individual and collective) and not to register 4 of the songs that will be part of the concert's repertoire and which will have the Brazilian Bandolin as a solo instrument. The other 4 tracks of “Tanto Mar” will be recorded in Porto, with Portuguese Guitar.

It is an album that aims to celebrate the affection between two sister countries, with so much in common beyond the most unequivocal elements that unite them: language and words.

Through this campaign, Helena asks for your support to materialize this multicultural project, which involves so many good artists from both sides of the Atlantic. She counts on you.

About the author

Hello! My name is Helena Sarmento and I'm a singer and performer. My discography includes 3 original albums: FADO AZUL (2011), FADO DOS DIAS ASSIM (2013) and LONJURA (2018, Antena 1) and the EP “Liberdade, Liberdade!” (2022). There are 13 years of dedication to music sung in Portuguese, materialized in 4 albums and many concerts in Portugal and abroad. Since Fado dos Dias Assim I have always recorded a song from Brazil. This album that I now intend to record represents the natural evolution to which my path in music has led me.

My artistic career has been made of belief and a great effort, dedication and commitment to “make it happen”. That's where my restlessness finds its way and purpose. None of what I have today would, however, be possible without the affections that I build – and they are the heritage that I value the most. I know that this campaign will reach people who have already supported me several times, including in this pandemic that has shaken us so much. And other people I don't know who I hope will believe. It will be a beautiful album, much dreamed of, built together with several other artists and friends and which will be, together with you, our album. Thank you for being on that side.


On her debut album “Fado Azul” (2011) Rui Vieira Nery highlighted her uniqueness “Helena Sarmento is not the 2nd Amália, nor the 3rd Hermínia, nor the 4th Fernanda Maria: she is the 1st Helena Sarmento. (…) We hear traditional fados, sung by so many people, but we have the feeling that they are being reinvented, we have the feeling of the new.”

Referring to “Lonjura” (2018), Fernando Dacosta said that “(…) Helena Sarmento is one of those beings who arrive discreetly and available, who expose themselves without reservations, without networks; one of those beings who know how to find their own paths, assert themselves to be different, solidary, sensitive; who have intelligence, imagination, persistence, creativity, freedom maps without retreat. Discreet, secret, she began her statement outside the mainstream, guided by a demand, an unshakable lucidity. “Lonjura” remains, due to its atmosphere, a plain of irrefutable modernity. (...)”

Among her main achievements, she highlights the international edition of her first two albums through the French label Sunset France and the various international concerts in Spain (namely in 3 editions of the Festival de Fados de Castilla & Léon, in Zamora), France (namely in Paris , at Theátre Jacques Prévert) Germany (namely, at Museu Leopold – Duren), Poland (at Teatro Slaski - Katowice) and Brazil (in Maceió, Alagoas, at the 4th edition of Festival Portugal em Cena and in Rio de Janeiro, at Casa das Artes Paquetá and at Casa do Choro).


Budget and due dates

All the money raised in this campaign will be precious and essential for the realization of this record.

The money raised will cover the following expenses:

2500€ - recording, mixing and mastering of 8 tracks + copyright payment

2500€ - fees for 10 musicians and graphic art

€507.38 - 5% PPL commission costs + VAT and 2.5% payment commission costs + VAT




December 2023 - 4 track recording in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro)

March 2024 - 4 track recording in Porto (Portugal)

April 2024 - Mixing and Mastering

May 2024 - graphic art

June 2024 - pre-release dinner concert at Caves Niepoort

July 2024 - Premiere and release of the album "Tanto Mar" on all digital platforms


  • Album in digital format + name on the acknowledgments list

    Invest with
    10€ or more

    Album in digital format + name on the acknowledgments list

    €10 or more Complete album in digital format for exclusive download one week BEFORE the official launch + booklet (booklet with graphic art: photographs + song lyrics + technical lineup) + thanks on social networks

    43 backers

  • Pack Fado dos Dias Assim + Bottles of Niepoort wine

    Invest with
    24€ or more

    Pack Fado dos Dias Assim + Bottles of Niepoort wine

    FADO DOS DIAS ASSIM album pack + 2 bottles of Niepoort wine port of 375ml + Reward 1

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    19 backers

  • Pack Fado Azul or Lonjura + 2 bottles of Niepoort wine

    Invest with
    45€ or more

    Pack Fado Azul or Lonjura + 2 bottles of Niepoort wine

    FADO AZUL or LONJURA album pack + 2 bottles of Niepoort wine port of 375ml + Reward 1 (limited to 15 packs for Fado Azul + 15 for Lonjura!)

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    17 backers

  • 1 invitation to the album's premiere dinner-concert at the iconic Niepoort Caves

    Invest with
    130€ or more

    1 invitation to the album's premiere dinner-concert at the iconic Niepoort Caves

    Invitation to the album’s premiere dinner-concert at the iconic Caves Niepoort, in Vila Nova de Gaia, where the video clip for the single Partida was shot. Limited to 24 people!

    17 backers

  • Private-concert (maximum 15 people)

    Invest with
    750€ or more

    Private-concert (maximum 15 people)

    Private concert for a maximum of 15 people at private parties, on a date to be agreed. (if each person at the party contributes 50€ each, we will sing and be part of the party! :))

    1 backer

  • Private concert (maximum 30 people)

    Invest with
    900€ or more

    Private concert (maximum 30 people)

    A concert for a maximum of 30 people at a private event, on a date to be agreed. (if each person at the party contributes 30€ each, we will sing and be part of the party! :))

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Wed, 02/10/2024 - 14:21

Mon, 25/09/2023 - 16:08

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Sun, 24/09/2023 - 14:50

Obrigada a todos!

"A cultura é o aliado preferencial da liberdade, da autonomia e da independência. Na cultura reclama-se ser livre e aceita-se as reivindicações de liberdade do vizinho; o homem ...

Read more


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Thu, 21/09/2023 - 17:30

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Fri, 08/09/2023 - 17:35

Muito obrigada a todos!

Olá! Venho por aqui agradecer a todos vós que fizeram com que esta campanha tenha atingido hoje os 64% necessários! Faltam apenas 15 dias para o final da campanha pelo que a v...

Read more

Mon, 04/09/2023 - 08:59

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Wed, 23/08/2023 - 00:33

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Wed, 23/08/2023 - 00:26

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Mon, 31/07/2023 - 11:13

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Mon, 31/07/2023 - 11:10

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register


    Obrigada a todos!

    "A cultura é o aliado preferencial da liberdade, da autonomia e da independência. Na cultura reclama-se ser livre e aceita-se as reivindicações de liberdade do vizinho; o homem culto sabe reconhecer e elogiar as qualidades dos outros."

    Há dias cruzei-me com estes dizeres escritos numa placa, colocada em frente a uma comum loja de rua. Não sei como lá foi parar mas a mim impactou-me.

    Neste discurso proferido pelo antigo Presidente brasileiro Fernando Henriques Cardoso encontrei muito do que me move na vida artística que decidi seguir.
    Sempre persegui caminhos de liberdade.
    E sempre entendi a arte como um espaço de união, partilha e reconhecimento entusiástico, sincero e despojado do outro.
    Não sei aliás sentir-me pertencente em meios onde isso não acontece.
    A vida apresentou-me este desafio de arriscar uma campanha de financiamento colectivo para conseguir obter uma verba indispensável para gravar e produzir o meu 5° disco, Tanto Mar.

    E essa circunstância, que precisou que eu abrisse mão do orgulho, da vergonha, do medo da exposição de vulnerabilidade, trouxe-me 117 vezes alegria, pois aproximou-me mais (ou ainda mais) de 117 extraordinárias pessoas que acreditam em mim, no meu talento, no meu trabalho e nos meus sonhos.
    É uma grande responsabilidade que pretendo honrar com toda a alegria da minha alma!
    E provou o quanto a união faz a força e pode mover montanhas.

    Aproveito para dar conta por aqui, por uma questão de transparência e para o caso disso não ter ficado bem explícito nos textos da minha campanha, que o dinheiro angariado será para pagar os cachês dos 10 músicos com quem vou trabalhar neste disco, bem como os honorários de estúdio (no Porto e no Rio de Janeiro), mistura e masterização, fotografias e arte gráfica e direitos de autor.
    Para mim, irei apenas reservar uma percentagem de 5% do apoio para ajudar nas minhas despesas no Rio de Janeiro (onde, para minha grande alegria, tenho amigos que me irão acolher).
    O meu presente com o sucesso desta campanha é outro.
    É o de continuar a trabalhar com a arte.
    E a acreditar que a liberdade, a autonomia e a independência, que tantas vezes trazem muitas lágrimas, têm também o sabor das vitórias que nascem das flores que "brotam do impossível chão".

    Por isso (que é tanto!), obrigada, do fundo do meu coração.

    Nota: o disco vai ser gravado entre o final do ano (no Rio) e Março de 2024 (no Porto). Só quando o disco estiver concluído enviarei todas as recompensas.

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    Muito obrigada a todos!

    Venho por aqui agradecer a todos vós que fizeram com que esta campanha tenha atingido hoje os 64% necessários!
    Faltam apenas 15 dias para o final da campanha pelo que a vossa partilha e divulgação junto de familiares e amigos seria igualmente valiosa!
    Este projecto é de todos nós e eu sinto realmente uma imensa alegria por esta onda de generosidade e solidariedade.
    Obrigada, do coração!
    Helena Sarmento

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73 members of the PPL community
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