Regina Coeli - 5 Musical Pieces for the future

Regina Coeli - 5 Musical Pieces for the future

Comission of five choral pieces to five portuguese composers: a journey through the poetry of José Tolentino de Mendonça, having the marian antiphon Regina Coeli as its leitmotiv.

  • 3652


    146% of 2 500€

    117 backers

  • 06/01/2017

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Comission of five choral pieces to five portuguese composers: a journey through the poetry of José Tolentino de Mendonça, having the marian antiphon Regina Coeli as its leitmotiv.

 This project of musical comissioning takes place in the context of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Coro Regina Coeli de Lisboa. We aim at making the most of this occasion so as to support the work of Portuguese composers and broaden the field of choral repertoire available for singing by choral ensembles, either Portuguese or Foreign.

 The pieces will be composed by Alfredo Teixeira, José Luís Ferreira, Daniel Davis, Nuno da Rocha e Sara Ross. There will be five autonomous pieces, linked together by a common leitmotiv whenever they are played together. This motive will be the marian antiphon Regina Coeli, guiding us through the poetry of José Tolentino de Mendonça, one of the foremost contemporary portuguese poets.

 The pieces will be premiered in the year 2017, when they will be played together for the first time. The partitions will be edited by MPMP, Movimento patrimonial pela música portuguesa.


Festival Coral de Verão - Junho 2015

About the author

Founded in 1966 by the Maestro António Joaquim Lourenço, Coro Regina Coeli de Lisboa celebrates in 2016 its 50th anniversary.

The choir is presently composed by approximately 40 elements and addresses a vast and eclectic repertoire, which includes choral a capella music from centuries XVI to XX, as well as choral-symphonic works from baroque to contemporary, for instance Bach’s Magnificat, Vivaldi´s Gloria, Handel’s Messiah, Mozart’s Requiem, Beethoven’s choral 9th Symphony, Fauré’s Requiem, Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana, or Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms. Thematic programs are also highlights, either a capella or with instruments, like the programs “The Night”, “Love in the Renaissance – madrigals and vilancicos”, “Garden of poets”, “Lux aeterna” and “Lux aurumque”.  Moreover, the Choir Regina Coeli of Lisbon shows a special interest for XXth and XXIst centuries composers, whom it has often interpreted. Some of them are active nowadays, like Arvo Pärt, Eurico Carrapatoso, Eric Whitacre, Morten Lauridsen or Ola Gjeilo.

It has performed throughout Portugal and participated in several festivals – Óbidos, Sintra, Évora, Algarve -, Choir meetings – Setúbal, Cascais, Algarve -, and musical seasons – S. Roque, Loures, Barreiro. The Choir Regina Coeli of Lisbon has been performing in multiple events and concert cycles, namely the launching of Expo’98 logo and the 100 Days Festival that preceded the Expo, the cycles “Chistmas in Churches” and “Music in Squares”, in Lisbon, and the Festival of the Arts in Coimbra. In 2014, it took part in the concert Open Doors, in Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the choir's foundation.

Coro Regina Coeli de Lisboa has been performing together with orchestras or professional instrumental ensembles, such as the National Conservatory of Lisbon’s Chamber Orchestra, the Portuguese Musical Youth Orchestra, Filarmonia das Beiras Orchestra, Portuguese Symphonic Orchestra, ARTAVE Orchestra, Lisbon’s Symphonietta, National Orchestra of Lituania, New Portuguese Philarmonia, and Cincinatti Philarmonia Orchestra. It recorded several CDs, as well as radio and TV programs.

In the years 2015 and 2016, Coro Regina Coeli de Lisboa was a participant in the Summer Choral Festival, a component of the Lisbon Festivities, organized by Lisbon Town Hall, EGEAC and SourceWerkz. In 2015 it won the gold medal-III in the category Mixed voices, and in 2016 the silver medal-IX in the category Sacred Music.

At present, the choir is part of the project Monster in the Maze, a community opera by composer Jonathan Dove produced by Fundação Gulbenkian that will have its portuguese premiere in 2017.

The Choir was directed by its founder, António Joaquim Lourenço, until 1983, and afterwards by maestros António Lourenço, Paulo Lourenço, Regina Mostardinha and Henrique Piloto. The present artistic direction belongs to maestro Pedro Miguel.

Budget and due dates


  • Composers’ fees: 4250€
  • Maestro/musical directors’ fees: 800€
  • Concerts’ costs (4 performances): 1000€
  • Partitions’ edition: supported by MPMP, without costs for the project
  • PPL (5%) + IVA (23%)= 153,75€

The crowdfunding will cover for 40% of the project’s value. The remaining 60% will be covered by owned revenues, with the support of partners (Local City Authority and REN).


- June-July 2016: Literary work, choosing of the texts to be put in music

- August-December 2016: Composition work, in close contact between the composers, the choir and the artistic direction.

- January-March 2017: Preparation and rehearsal of the 5 pieces, including one public session of rehearsal, where the composers and the maestro can interact with the audience so that it can follow the process of creation of a musical piece.

- April 2017: Debut concert in Lisbon, in a place yet to determine. Public presentation of the partition. Concerts in other places of Portugal.

-13th August 2017: Concert “Rejoice, Queen of Heaven”, part of the Cycle of Sacred Music, in the scope of the celebrations of the hundred years of Fatima apparitions, at the Basílica of Our Lady of Rosário, in Fátima.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Thanking and Invitation for concert.

    Public thanking on Facebook and concert program brochure and double invitation with reserved seats for premiere concert.

    18 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Thanking including printed thanking in the partitions edition and Invitation for concert.

    Public thanking on Facebook, on concert program brochure and on the partitions edition and double invitation with reserved seats for premiere concert.

    49 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    Thanking including printed thanking in the partitions edition, Invitation for concert and Commemorative cloth bag.

    Public thanking on Facebook, on concert program brochure and on the partitions edition, double invitation with reserved seats for premiere concert and 50th anniversary commemorative bag.

    25 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Thanking including printed thanking in the partitions edition, Invitation for concert and Commemorative Pack.

    Public thanking on Facebook, on concert program brochure and on the partitions edition, double invitation with reserved seats for premiere concert and 50th anniversary commemorative pack (includes cloth bag, extra-virgin olive oil Olivais do Sul special edition and Regina Coeli cookies)

    19 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Thanking including printed thanking in the partitions edition, Invitation for concert and Partitions printed edition.

    Public thanking on Facebook, on concert program brochure and on the partitions edition, double invitation with reserved seats for premiere concert, 50th anniversary commemoration pack (includes cloth bag, extra-virgin olive oil Olivais do Sul special edition and Regina Coeli cookies) and Partitions edition printed copy autographed by the authors (mpMP edition).

    10 backers

  • Invest with
    500€ or more

    Thanking including printed thanking in the partitions edition, Invitation for concert, Partitions printed edition, concert and p

    Public thanking on Facebook, on concert program brochure and on the partitions edition, double invitation with reserved seats for premiere concert, Partitions edition printed copy autographed by the authors (mpMP edition), Concert in event promoted by the donor (transport and accommodation not included) and Publicity space on the choir and project’s communication media.

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Fri, 27/09/2024 - 16:52

Thu, 06/07/2017 - 00:43

Estreia da Obra

Queridos apoiantes do projecto "Regina Coeli: 5 Décadas de História, 5 Obras para o Futuro", Estamos a aproximar-nos do momento de desvendar a obra que encomendámos para celebr...

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Wed, 26/04/2017 - 01:07

Apresentação pública do projecto

Queridos apoiantes do projecto "Regina Coeli: 5 Décadas de História, 5 Obras para o Futuro", Após algumas recalendarizações necessárias, estamos a aproximar-nos do momento de d...

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Fri, 17/03/2017 - 17:47

A obra nasce!

Queridos apoiantes do projecto "Regina Coeli: 5 Décadas de História, 5 Obras para o Futuro", Tem sido um grande entusiasmo para nós impulsionar esta criação, desde a concepção ...

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Wed, 11/01/2017 - 11:24

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Wed, 28/12/2016 - 00:24

O objectivo já foi atingido!

Queridos apoiantes do projecto "Regina Coeli: 5 Décadas de História, 5 Obras para o Futuro", A nossa campanha de crowdfunding atingiu hoje o montante mínimo para assegurarmos o...

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Mon, 21/11/2016 - 23:52

Chegámos a meio do caminho!

Caros apoiantes do projecto "Regina Coeli: 5 Décadas de História, 5 Obras para o Futuro", A nossa campanha de crowdfunding acaba de ultrapassar 50% do objectivo mínimo e faltam...

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Campaign launched


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  • Coro Regina Coeli de Lisboa

    Estreia da Obra

    Queridos apoiantes do projecto "Regina Coeli: 5 Décadas de História, 5 Obras para o Futuro",
    Estamos a aproximar-nos do momento de desvendar a obra que encomendámos para celebrar o cinquentenário do Coro. O concerto de estreia de "A Presença mais Pura: 5 Poemas para um Regina Coeli" é já no Sábado, dia 8 de Julho, às 21h30, na Igreja de Nossa Senhora de Fátima, em Lisboa!
    Contamos com a vossa presença e de todos os vossos amigos e família. A entrada é livre.
    Sem a vossa generosidade não teríamos chegado ao fim deste caminho. Bem-hajam!

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  • Coro Regina Coeli de Lisboa

    Apresentação pública do projecto

    Queridos apoiantes do projecto "Regina Coeli: 5 Décadas de História, 5 Obras para o Futuro",
    Após algumas recalendarizações necessárias, estamos a aproximar-nos do momento de desvendar a obra que está a ser criada, com a ajuda de todos. Ainda antes da estreia em concerto, teremos uma sessão de apresentação / ensaio aberto, que terá lugar na Academia das Ciências de Lisboa no sábado, 6 de Maio, às 21 horas. Com a presença dos 5 compositores convidados, o maestro e o coro irão mostrar um pouco do processo de criação, dos textos escolhidos e da música que foi composta, num diálogo entre todos. Temos o maior prazer em contar com a vossa presença!
    Aproveitamos para anunciar que o Concerto de Estreia foi fixado no dia 8 de Julho, às 21h30, na Igreja de Nossa Senhora de Fátima!

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  • Coro Regina Coeli de Lisboa

    A obra nasce!

    Queridos apoiantes do projecto "Regina Coeli: 5 Décadas de História, 5 Obras para o Futuro",
    Tem sido um grande entusiasmo para nós impulsionar esta criação, desde a concepção da ideia à volta de uma mesa, ao contacto com os compositores e escritor, à escolha dos textos e à sua articulação, à angariação de fundos e à divulgação por muitos amigos e apoiantes. A música começa a nascer: chegaram já as primeiras partituras e o Coro trabalha já na preparação da obra! Temos o prazer de anunciar que a data de estreia está fixada para o dia 20 de Maio, em Lisboa. Antes disso haverá mais novidades que iremos actualizando.
    Muito obrigado a todos!
    A direcção do Coro Regina Coeli de Lisboa

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  • Coro Regina Coeli de Lisboa

    O objectivo já foi atingido!

    Queridos apoiantes do projecto "Regina Coeli: 5 Décadas de História, 5 Obras para o Futuro",
    A nossa campanha de crowdfunding atingiu hoje o montante mínimo para assegurarmos o financiamento - 2500 euros, graças a 82 generosos doadores - e excedeu em muito as nossas expectativas! Até dia 6 de Janeiro pensamos ser possível atingir um valor ainda mais expressivo, que muito irá ajudar ao orçamento total do projecto. A vossa ajuda foi preciosa - muito obrigado a todos!
    Um feliz Ano Novo, com nova música!

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  • Coro Regina Coeli de Lisboa

    Chegámos a meio do caminho!

    Caros apoiantes do projecto "Regina Coeli: 5 Décadas de História, 5 Obras para o Futuro",
    A nossa campanha de crowdfunding acaba de ultrapassar 50% do objectivo mínimo e faltam ainda 46 dias até à meta!
    Nada teria sido possível sem o vosso apoio generoso e a vossa ajuda na divulgação. Estamos muito orgulhosos deste projecto, que pensamos irá enriquecer a música e a cultura portuguesas e que está cada vez mais perto de se materializar.
    Muito obrigado!

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