North Pole - The final Ice melting

North Pole - The final Ice melting

North Pole - The Final meltdown, is a strong and symbolic imagery collection efforts aim to alert the world to the effects of global warming,. It is engaged in the collection ...

  • 3169


    106% of 3 000€

    73 backers

  • 01/03/2016

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

North Pole - The Final meltdown, is a strong and symbolic imagery collection efforts aim to alert the world to the effects of global warming,. It is engaged in the collection of wildlife pictures in which their existence is in danger, as the media Polar Bear.

North Pole -The last frontier. One of the most inhospitable places in the world inhabited by the media Polar Bear, Walrus, Arctic foxes, whales who  visit the months of thaw and some birds. Much has been said about global warming and its effects "practical" in the world. One of the most  affected areas has been the North Pole, losing ice year to year. Given the less ice and less time in which the ice remains in the Arctic waters has increased polar bear deaths due to food shortages. It is estimated that the daytime running there is only 3000 polar bears at the North Pole.

The news given by scientists are not encouraging and predict that the leave be ice in the Arctic in a period less than 50 years.

 As a wildlife photographer, it is my duty to try to do something to help stop the melting and the rise in global temperature. Or at the  very least ... collecting photographic records that make us remember years from now, what we have lost ...

The ultimate goal of this documentary expedition is to create a wide range of images that will enable the preparation of a book  and also the creation of a itinerária exhibition that is intended to be displayed in the main European capitals.

To be a freelance photographer, all the expenses of the trip will have to get to my office and I confess that it is financially impossible to carry out this project without help.

So the amount you ask (3000 €) only covers about 46% of total spending that will go to the trip.


About the author

Pedro Rego 36, Bragança Natural - Nature Photographer, specializing in Wild Life and Landscape.

Physical Education teacher of academic training, abandoned the profession at age 34 to devote himself exclusively to Photography Wildlife and Nature. Winner of 4 awards, Shot trainer, already had several photos published in publications and magazines. Total 3 photos recognized by National Geographic Portugal and now works with Nature Conservation associations. Its favorite animal, the Iberian wolf and deer. In 2015 prepared the project "The scavenger" where you shot the existing scavenger birds in Portugal. Keeps running the Wild State Project - Behind the Wild Montes, who hopes to present in the last quarter of 2016.

Pedro Rego - Wildlife Photographer

Budget and due dates

Date of travel - June 8

Help end date for the project: March 1

Itemized expenses: (approximate and rounded values)

- Travel round trip: 1000€
- 8 days expedition (boat, rubber boat, guide) - € 3,000€
- 3 days ground shipping - 1,000€
- Two days accommodation Longyerbyden 150€
- Food and other expenses (250€)
- Polar clothes shops (800€)

Exclude the purchase of essential photographic material for this work.

Final total: 6,200€
Help ask: 3000€

  • Invest with
    2€ or more

    Support between 2€ and 10€

    By supporting this value, you are entitled to a heartfelt thanks to all viewing share of the output. Your name will be on the list of supporters that will always be displayed.

    42 backers

  • Invest with
    40€ or more

    By supporting this project with 40€ will be entitled to a photo / print poster with high quality in a size of 60cmx30cm

    23 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    By supporting with this value will be entitled to a printed SCREEN with high quality, size 80x40. 6 euros will be added for postage when sending. You can choose to have an Arctic landscape or an Arctic Animals. .

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    135€ or more

    By supporting this value, it is entitled to an oversize SCREEN, 100cmx30cm high quality. You can choose to have an Arctic landscape or an Arctic Animals. 6 euros will be added for postage when sending.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    200€ or more

    Commercial Support

    By opting for this support selected two photos and send photos in a digital format for your company or for you if sole trader. To contribute to this value will be 2 shots on a full transfer of commercial rights, that is, you can use them for advertising campaigns of your company. The photos will be sent in jpeg and tiff format.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    350€ or more

    Commercial Support and Sponsor

    By opting for this support selected two photos and send photos in a digital format for your company or for you if sole trader. To contribute to this value will be 2 shots on a full transfer of commercial rights, ie you can use it for advertising campaigns of your company. The photos will be sent in jpeg and tiff format. Your company will also have their logo placed on all present photos on social networks that are related to the project: - Preparation phase - Travel - Income statement During the trip, will be put 2 or 3 photos per day, which will cover a high number of people. This comprehensiveness will gradually increase through the number of shares and your company will be present with the logo on the photo and also with the company name in the photo description. Photos of wild animals such as polar bears and polar landscapes are widely repilicadas the Internet and social networks. The brand of your company will follow all the pictures during the time of the trip. For more information, please contact.

    2 backers

Sun, 15/09/2024 - 12:02

Wed, 09/11/2016 - 17:46

Criação de Grupo de Facebook!

Caros amigos, foi criado um grupo secreto no Facebook, com o objetivo de expor as fotografias que poderão escolher conforme o vosso apoio à expedição! Se ainda não faz parte do ...

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Wed, 02/03/2016 - 13:41

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Pedro Rego

    Criação de Grupo de Facebook!

    Caros amigos, foi criado um grupo secreto no Facebook, com o objetivo de expor as fotografias que poderão escolher conforme o vosso apoio à expedição! Se ainda não faz parte do grupo por favor, envie-me email para para que o possa adicionar.

    Muito obrigado a todos!!!!

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  • Sonia Afonso

    Boa sorte Pedro!!! Com

    Boa sorte Pedro!!! Com empenho e trabalho a recompensa chegará e tu vais conseguir realizar este projeto!!!

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73 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 52
    new backers

  • 21
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  • 5
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Daniela Sofia Garrido Rico

    06/02/2016 - 09:52

  • Anselmo Antonio

    05/02/2016 - 14:59

    Força Pedro. O teu deslumbre será o nosso também ;-)

  • candido manuel de sousa condez

    05/02/2016 - 14:59

    força amigo...

  • taniaraujo

    04/02/2016 - 21:45

  • Maria Alexandra da Costa Vaz

    04/02/2016 - 16:53

    Força Pedro... Mesmo que não seja bonito, fotografa!

  • Sílvia Pombo

    04/02/2016 - 15:19

  • Helder pires ferreira

    03/02/2016 - 10:55

  • Paulo Mafra

    01/02/2016 - 12:14

    Força Pedro! A todos: apoiem este projeto! Por mais simbólico que seja o vosso contributo, o resultado final será com certeza memorável.

  • Margarida Domingos

    01/02/2016 - 12:02

  • Ana Maria Geraldes

    30/01/2016 - 11:26

  • Luís Ademar

    28/01/2016 - 18:40

    Sempre quis ter uma foto de paisagem do artico! Obrigado por lá ires tira-la :p

  • MasterYoda Marques

    28/01/2016 - 18:29

    Apesar do titulo ser um pouco excessivo, compreendo o sonho ! É um sonho que partilho! É um sonho que gostava de que concretizasses... Abraço do Primo !

  • Lúcia Santos

    28/01/2016 - 18:26

    Pedro, toda a ajuda é pouca para a realização de um sonho, espero que com mais esta ajuda estejas um pouco mais próximo do teu objectivo.

  • Anonymous

    27/01/2016 - 17:19

    Sem mais delongas, parabéns pela ousadia e pela iniciativa. Votos de boa sorte, na campanha de angariação e no projecto ele mesmo.

  • nuno taveira

    25/01/2016 - 13:46

    Por uma causa Maior, conta com o meu apoio!

  • Américo Carvalho (Neca)

    25/01/2016 - 11:24

    Um abraço, e boa sorte, não te esqueças de levar algo da tua terra para ficar lá a nossa marca ;)

  • Ismael Ribeiro Cunha

    22/01/2016 - 14:15

    bBoa Sorte Amigo Pedro neste Projecto! Abraço

  • Anabela Carvalho

    22/01/2016 - 10:19

    Um projecto nacional com belas perspectivas. Votos de sucesso para uma bela experiência fotográfica e científica. De volta não será o mesmo.

  • Sonia Afonso

    21/01/2016 - 01:21