Casal Hortelão - help us buy a mini tractor!

Casal Hortelão - help us buy a mini tractor!

he solution is to buy a mini tractor with fitting tools and implements to work our small scale farm, and give our growing capacity a boost.

  • 8220


    149% of 5 500€

    65 backers

  • 31/03/2015

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

he solution is to buy a mini tractor with fitting tools and implements to work our small scale farm, and give our growing capacity a boost.

A few seasons into farming our vegetable garden, we feel that working the soil properly has been our main handicap. Our loamy and heavy soil requires really hard physical work and our single rototiller is inadequate and inefficient, leaving us with quite an amount of seedlings and young plants that never get to the soil on time and go to waste.

The solution is to buy a mini tractor with fitting tools and implements to work our small scale farm, and give our growing capacity a boost.

We need your help to turn our vegetable garden more sustainable and productive, so that we can support this agricultural model and demonstrate that local, family run, small scale organic farming is the future of the world's production system.

Filipa & Telmo

Thank you so much!

O Casal Hortelão - Telmo & Filipa

About the author

Casal Hortelão is a small organic farming business run by Telmo and Filipa. We are two young farmers that see in organic farming the way to help this world become a better one, feeding people with healthy, flavorful vegetables and at the same time protecting the environment and the natural resources upon which we all depend on.

Telmo has a degree in Sociology and has worked forever with computers, but always felt drawn to devote himself to social projects related to food, its production and its consumption.

Filipa has always had green fingers and has graduated in environmental engineering. She has worked as an observer in a fisheries observer program in Azores and also in the water public services, but has been working full time at Casal Hortelão's garden since 2011.

Ultimately our goal is to demonstrate that small scale organic farming business are sustainable, enabling farmers to live an economically viable, healthy and happy life.

Budget and due dates

The amount collected will pay for a second hand tractor, the making of adequate implements and tools to work our small scale vegetable garden, as well as the manufacture and shipping of the rewards and the crowd-funding platform PPL's fee. We are hoping to have everything up and running when this (2015) spring starts, just in time for the first soil preparation works.
  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Public thanks

    Your name will be forever engraved on our website. Yay!

    11 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    Thank you postcard

    You'll get a handwritten postcard from us with a picture of our vegetables or our farm. Thanks! (delivery by mail included for Portugal)

    20 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    Tote bag

    Investing this amount will get you a fabric tote bag that you can use when shopping farmers markets or simply to carry your stuff around. It is handmade by us and will have our logo. Thank you! (delivery by mail included for Portugal)

    8 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Yummy tomato jam

    As soon as our tomato plants start producing big fat tomatos we'll make our yummy tomato jam and you'll be one of the first to try it. You'll get a 200g jam jar, enclosed in a small fabric bag with our logo and a wooden spoon. Thanks! (delivery by mail included for Portugal)

    10 backers

  • Invest with
    80€ or more

    Casal Hortelão's T-shirt

    Wearing a t-shirt with our logo is the best way to show your support not just to us but to the small scale organic farming businesses - and we'll thank you for that! (delivery by mail included for Portugal)

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    150€ or more

    Sweat shirt + thank you postcard

    With such generosity you sure deserve a Sweatshirt with a hoodie and our logo. You'll be cozy and warm and at the same time support this pair here. It will sure be a great conversation starter too! As soon as the campaign ends you'll also receive a handwritten thank you postcard. Swell! (delivery by mail included for Portugal)

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    300€ or more

    Weekly vegetable crate for 6 months + thank you postcard

    LIMITED TO 10 SUPPORTERS (2 AVAILABLE). This reward is intended for true fans of Casal Hortelão and our project, that are willing to share the hardness of the farming business and to harvest the bounty of our hard work. By investing this amount you'll get every week, free of charge, our vegetable crate #1 (valued for 10€) for 6 months (24 deliveries). Because we are small and advocate the benefits of local economies, deliveries can only be made in the Lisbon whereabouts, and they will start as soon as spring crops are available for harvesting - it should last for the whole summer and autumn. As soon as the campaign ends you'll also receive a handwritten thank you postcard. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    9 backers

Sun, 16/02/2025 - 20:04

Thu, 23/04/2015 - 01:18

Já temos o trator :) e agradecimento publico!

Já recebemos o nosso trator e já metemos mãos à obra a mexer e preparar o terreno para as culturas :) As recompensas do cabaz semanal já andam na rua desde a semana passada, ...

Read more

Tue, 31/03/2015 - 23:25

Passámos os 100% :)

A campanha foi um sucesso e conseguimos com a vossa ajuda superar o valor pretendido. Todo o valor angariado vai ser utilizado para facilitar o nosso trabalho na horta. Muito ...

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Tue, 31/03/2015 - 22:23

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Tue, 24/03/2015 - 11:08

Estamos quase nos 60%!!!

O vosso apoio tem sido fantástico, sem ele não seria possível estarmos já a chegar aos 60%... Muito obrigado :) Entrámos na última semana da campanha, e só falta um "empurrãozi...

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Mon, 09/03/2015 - 20:10

Já passámos a barreira dos 25%

Muito obrigado a todos os apoiantes, graças a vocês já passámos a barreira dos 25% do objetivo!!! O caminho ainda é longo, e o tempo está a encurtar mas sem dúvida de com apoia...

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Campaign launched


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  • Casal Hortelão

    Já temos o trator :) e agradecimento publico!

    Já recebemos o nosso trator e já metemos mãos à obra a mexer e preparar o terreno para as culturas :)

    As recompensas do cabaz semanal já andam na rua desde a semana passada, e esperamos que os subscritores estejam a gostar :)
    O agradecimento publico a todos os que nos ajudaram já está on-line, para que fique sempre registado no nosso site os nomes de quem nos ajudou a andar com a nossa horta para a frente. Podem consultar aqui:

    O resto das recompensas em em processo de elaboração, e não tarda serão também enviadas para os seus destinatários.

    Até breve,
    Telmo & Filipa

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  • Maria Az


    Votos de grande Sucesso e concretização dos Vossos Sonhos
    Bem hajam

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  • Casal HortelãoMaria Az

    Muito obrigado! :)

    Muito obrigado!

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  • Casal Hortelão

    Passámos os 100% :)

    A campanha foi um sucesso e conseguimos com a vossa ajuda superar o valor pretendido. Todo o valor angariado vai ser utilizado para facilitar o nosso trabalho na horta.
    Muito obrigado a todos os que nos apoiaram, e vamos dando novidades sobre as próximas etapas do nosso projeto :)

    Casal Hortelão
    Telmo & Filipa

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  • Casal Hortelão

    Estamos quase nos 60%!!!

    O vosso apoio tem sido fantástico, sem ele não seria possível estarmos já a chegar aos 60%... Muito obrigado :)
    Entrámos na última semana da campanha, e só falta um "empurrãozinho" na divulgação para atingirmos os 100% indispensáveis para o sucesso da campanha, que também já é vossa.
    Contamos com a ajuda de todos!!!

    Casal Hortelão
    Telmo & Filipa

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  • Casal Hortelão

    Já passámos a barreira dos 25%

    Muito obrigado a todos os apoiantes, graças a vocês já passámos a barreira dos 25% do objetivo!!!
    O caminho ainda é longo, e o tempo está a encurtar mas sem dúvida de com apoiantes como os nossos vamos conseguir :)

    Casal Hortelão
    Telmo & Filipa

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65 members of the PPL community
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  • 40
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  • 25
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  • 0
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