Blasted Mechanism - Eighth generation

Blasted Mechanism - Eighth generation

Blasted Mechanism is activating a crowdfunding campaign, with the ultimate goal of producing the eigth generation of the band, new album, new costumes, new show.

  • 8172


    102% of 8 000€

    1122 backers

  • 07/01/2014

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Blasted Mechanism is activating a crowdfunding campaign, with the ultimate goal of producing the eigth generation of the band, new album, new costumes, new show.

Blasted Mechanism is activating a crowdfunding campaign, with the ultimate goal of producing the eigth generation of the band, new album, new costumes, new show.

We are calling all the Blasted tribe to support us, so that we can make this eight generation possible. 

We have created several rewards, with fair share in mind, so choose your best way to help us.

We also need your support to help us promote this campaign massively, and only with your commitment and dedication, we can turn this idea, into a real success!

We are counting on you!


Blasted Mechanism - Crowdfunding Parties 2013/14

About the author

More than a band or an artist collective, Blasted Mechanism are also a group of thinkers who came together to develop a concept that breaks the barriers of stage and enters our daily reality. In this process the music and lyrics are allied to visual arts and technology to create a memorable performance, recognized by audiences around the world.

Since 1996 they have been on tour around the planet and have played in the biggest festivals of the world as Glastonbury (England), Sziget Festival (Hungary), Rock for People (Czech Republic), Fusion Festival (Germany), Vive Latino (Mexico), as all the major festivals in Portugal like Boom Festival, Sudoeste, Paredes de Coura, Alive and Vilar de Mouros. During their carrer they have also shared the stage with bands like Prodigy, the Chemical Brothers, Rage against the Machine, Pearl Jam, Linking Park and Marilyn Manson, among others. The group won one Portuguese Golden Globe, was nominated for three MTV EMA awards and achieved first place in the Portuguese top chart, wining a Gold Record.

With a vast discography the band launched the first EP in 1996 "Balaiashi" who granted them the recognition by the public and the media, in 1999 they released the expected album "Plasma", followed in 2000 by an album of remixes "MIX 00" produced by the group, in 2003 they released "Namaste" and in 2005 "Avatar", for which they received the golden award. 2007 was the time for the release of "Sound in Light - Light in Sound", a double virtual album, in 2009 "Mind at Large", the first album in the world with augmented reality in the artwork, and at last, in 2012, they launched "Blasted Generation".

The musicians are merging ancestral sounds with new technologies, and through the development of their own instruments, such as "Bambuleco", the "Kalachakra", the "Mawashi", the "MaeGeri", the "Banjuleco" and "Onozone", they create a unique sound, that culminates in a burst of energy in their live shows.

In 2009 for the release of the album "Mind at Large" they took 230 fans in an Airbus to the crater of the Seven Cities volcano in the Azores Islands, joining more than 10,000 fans to watch the live performance of the album. That same year they launched an environmental initiative with the fans, so, for each ticket sold for the Lisbon Coliseum show, they planted one tree, this initiative gave birth to a forest of 4000 trees in the Ribatejo Leziria contributing to the change in the local landscape.

In 2012 Blasted Mechanism launches "Blasted Generation" the 7th album, as a tribute to all who marched in the streets for a better world, against corruption and environmental destruction. In this generation, the audience was presented with the "Metatron" an architectural structure which was designed for stage video-mapping, based on sacred geometry, an immersive experience, of the band visual universe.

During the year of 2013, Blasted has been preparing the eighth generation.

Budget and due dates


Sun, 02/03/2025 - 19:05

Wed, 08/01/2014 - 16:05

We made it!!!

Obrigado a todos aqueles que tornaram isto possível!

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Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Blasted Mechanism

    We made it!!!

    Obrigado a todos aqueles que tornaram isto possível!

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  • Claudio CostaBlasted Mechanism

    já há data para o novo álbum?

    a data prevista inicialmente era 2014, para quando podemos esperar o novo álbum?

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  • Claudio CostaClaudio Costa

    pelos vistos o novo álbum já

    pelos vistos o novo álbum já está cá fora à venda, mas para a malta do crowdfunding, nada.
    é feio não cumprir o que se prometeu, mas pior ainda é não dar valor aqueles que estão convosco desde a primeira hora.

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  • Claudio CostaClaudio Costa

    Descobri agora o link para

    Descobri agora o link para download do álbum, de acordo com a minha recompensa. Ainda assim a promessa de o entregar "antes de chegar às lojas" ficou pelo caminho...
    Enfim, fico apenas triste por sentir alguma desconsideração por quem contribuiu no crowdfunding e apoiou a banda ao longo de tanto tempo.

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  • Ví Sá

    …the so much needed Panacea!

    Longe vão os tempos em que o vosso projeto embrionário resultou num Balayhashi aplaudido e adorado por uma legião de fãs que foi crescendo ao longo dos anos. Desde aquele primeiro encontro sideral em Paredes de Coura em 97 e à semelhança de tantos outros jovens por esse mundo fora, tenho vindo a ser impregnado e profundamente marcado pela vossa dinâmica musical, diversas vezes e em distintas ocasiões ao longo da minha vida. Namaste, Light In Sound/Sound In Light e até mesmo Mind At Large são, para mim, álbuns inegavelmente marcantes!! No entanto, preocupa-me a orientação musical que vocês têm vindo a adotar nestes últimos tempos o que, lamentavelmente, levou-me um pouco à apatia... Sugiro, portanto, uma tão necessária reinvenção/revitalização da vossa viagem artística para que todos possamos esquecer e deixar para trás, ainda que por breves momentos, todo este marasmo político-económico depressivo ao qual chegámos…the so much needed Panacea! Fica aqui a dica! Agora é convosco… Um grande abraço para vocês/fãs e um grande bem-haja! Esperamos ansiosamente que o mecanismo estourado nos incendeie mais uma vez para dançarmos todos ao som da vossa Magic Dance!! =)

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  • Hugo Carrilho

    Se o Karkov ainda fosse o

    Se o Karkov ainda fosse o vocalista, apoiava o projecto num piscar de olhos, mas o projecto com este vocalista já não mexe comigo...

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  • Liliana Silveira

    azoresss onfire :)

    we will never never forget you....como diria o karkow "terra bonita"...

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