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Production of the 1st P3DRA CD record
  • Music
  • Caparica, Portugal

Production of the 1st P3DRA CD record

I am launching a Crowdfunding campaign to finance the production of my first original record. Be part of this movement, financing and inviting your network of friends and contac...

  • 3402


    113% of 3 000€

    100 backers

  • 30/10/2020

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

I am launching a Crowdfunding campaign to finance the production of my first original record. Be part of this movement, financing and inviting your network of friends and contacts. Help shape this P3DRA.

I am launching a Crowdfunding campaign to finance the production of my first original record.

I decided to go ahead with this project at a critical time for our culture and for all cultural agents. Musicians, singers, technicians, etc. Never before has public support been as important as it is now and, that is why I decided to launch this campaign on this platform. At this point in order to have music we need your support and I believe that this is the simplest and most effective way to do it.

For each support you will have a reward, soon we will all win. You help me to set up this project and help a series of artists and technicians who collaborate with me and, I give you music for your ears and above all for your souls.

Be part of this movement by financing and inviting your network of friends and contacts.

Help shape this P3DRA.

Em estúdio com os os meus 2 produtores. Guilherme Marinho (Guilha) e Rui Carvalho(Ruizinho)

About the author

I'm Pedro Pereira; writer and composer of P3DRA songs.

After living on music and for music for about 30 years; after, with different projects, among which “Meninos d'Avó” and “Quartet of the 3 brothers Pedro & Paulo”, stepped on the main and most varied stages of this country; after giving voice to animated characters who come into the house every day; after recording records and presenting his brand, 432, to all the main companies in Portugal and the world.

For me, music is a pretext to gather wills, preserve memories and immortalize moments between people, believing that my songs are a direct link to those around me.

P3DRA is where I raise my voice and, through songs, open my soul.

P3DRA represents the courage to expose pains, fears, insecurities and weaknesses and thus show the true strength that every human being has.

I'm just a normal man who, like any of us, walks this balance between strength and vulnerability.

I am this P3DRA that is hard and at the same time porous. It is these ambiguities and paradoxes that I propose to sing.

For me, singing is more than singing songs is an act of love.

A família também participou a fazer coros. Inês/Marta/eu/Guilherme/Afonso)

Budget and due dates

The cost of the project will be greater than what I propose to raise.

Musicians / producers is 3000 €

Back-vocals 800 €

Recording studio 1500 €

Mixtures 2000 €

Mastering 500 €

Recordings are due to end on September 15th

The mixtures should be ready by September 30

I would like Crowdfunding to be from October 1st to October 30th.


  • Invest with
    7€ or more

    Virtual P3DRA

    Wave format disc for online download.

    18 backers

  • Invest with
    12€ or more

    P3DRA Real

    Disc in CD format, autographed by Pedro Pereira. (The CD will be sent via CTT and shipping costs are not included - about 2.00 € in Portuguese territory)

    6 backers

  • P3DRA Real + T Shirt

    Invest with
    20€ or more

    P3DRA Real + T Shirt

    Disc in CD format, autographed by Pedro Pereira + T Shirt (The CD and T-Shirt, will be sent via CTT and shipping costs are not included - about 5.00 € in Portuguese territory)

    47 backers

  • Invest with
    40€ or more

    P3DRA Real + 1 Video

    Disc in CD format, autographed by Pedro Pereira. (The CD will be sent via CTT and shipping costs are not included - about 2.00 € in Portuguese territory) Exclusive production of a video with an acoustic version (Voice and guitar) of one of the P3DRA songs, so they can offer it to someone special . This video will be personalized by sending the dedication in writing. It will be sent digitally.

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    P3DRA Real + 2 Videos

    Disc in CD format, autographed by Pedro Pereira. (The CD will be sent via CTT and shipping costs are not included - around 2.00 € in Portuguese territory) Exclusive production of two videos with an acoustic version (voice and guitar) of one of the P3DRA songs, so they can offer it to someone special . These videos will be personalized by sending the dedication in writing. They will be sent digitally.

    19 backers

  • Invest with
    300€ or more

    P3DRA at home

    Invite your friends to watch a P3DRA acoustic show-case (voice and guitar) at your home (in Portuguese territory). Includes a CD format disc signed by Pereira.

    3 backers

Sun, 22/09/2024 - 00:12

Wed, 04/11/2020 - 09:17

Muito obrigado

Bom dia a todos. Esta é uma mensagem de agradecimento pela vossa generosidade e por acreditarem num projecto onde eu e um grupo de pessoas extraordinárias se empenharam a fun...

Read more

Mon, 02/11/2020 - 10:36

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Fri, 25/09/2020 - 13:31

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Thu, 10/09/2020 - 19:18

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Wed, 09/09/2020 - 15:13


Olá a todos, Muito obrigado pelo vosso contributo. Já ultrapassamos 10% do objectivo desta campanha. Para mim, vocês serão sempre os pioneiros, os primeiros garimpeiros desta...

Read more

Wed, 09/09/2020 - 12:33

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Pedro Pereira

    Muito obrigado

    Bom dia a todos.

    Esta é uma mensagem de agradecimento pela vossa generosidade e por acreditarem num projecto onde eu e um grupo de pessoas extraordinárias se empenharam a fundo para produzirmos um disco do qual estamos muito orgulhosos.
    Juntos conseguimos levar esta campanha a bom porto.
    Nem consigo expressar devidamente a minha gratidão pelo facto de terem acreditado ao ponto de terem contribuído de forma tão generosa.

    A partir da semana que vem vamos começar a organizar a parte das recompensas. Muitos de vós já receberam um mail da Marta a pedir medidas de t-shirts, moradas, etc.
    A previsão é que o álbum estejam finalizado em meados de Dezembro, por isso vai ser como uma prenda de Natal :)
    Se quiserem oferecer o CD a alguém querido podem também fazê-lo por mail e enviamos também via CTT. O valor do CD será de 12€ mais portes.
    Como foram vocês os pioneiros desta caminhada, merecem que vos revele a capa do Álbum em primeiro lugar.
    Foi um trabalho incrível com 2 grandes amigos: O Vasco Noronha Santos e o Miguel Costa, que tem os créditos e os méritos da foto.
    Espero que gostem e até breve.

    Obrigado mais uma vez por me ajudarem a parir esta P3DRA

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  • Pedro Pereira


    Olá a todos,
    Muito obrigado pelo vosso contributo. Já ultrapassamos 10% do objectivo desta campanha.
    Para mim, vocês serão sempre os pioneiros, os primeiros garimpeiros desta P3DRA que para mim é preciosa.


    Pedro Pereira

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100 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 76
    new backers

  • 24
    recurrent backers

  • 11
    anonymous backers

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