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Name: Nuvem - Photographic project by Arminda Moisés Coelho at SNBA

Name: Nuvem - Photographic project by Arminda Moisés Coelho at SNBA

Name: Nuvem was born from the desire to take photography as a support for my individual expression. The vital need to dream, to be able to be and to live in another way.

  • 4000


    100% of 4 000€

    34 backers

  • 13/02/2023

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Name: Nuvem was born from the desire to take photography as a support for my individual expression. The vital need to dream, to be able to be and to live in another way.

My photographic project Nome: Nuvem was inspired by the poet José Gomes Ferreira and the photographer Alfred Stieglitz, both had as a way of looking at reality and reflecting on it, denouncing and rejecting the reigning conformism in the world of men and creating new perspectives , creatively reorganize reality, give voice to imagination. Poetry and photography as Art that expresses the thought and feeling of its creator, who raises his voice and his ideas regardless of the created object. The vital need to dream, to be able to be and to live in another way.

I identified myself with this way of thinking, intervening and creating and I also aspired to seek my poetic cry, artistically expressing my restlessness, my desire for a different world, to be able to be something else, cloud... maybe!

Anyone who knows this dream of mine knows that I need it to breathe, live and continue screaming, for images, always free! Who knows how to inspire others to imagine and dream too.

Help me make this dream come true and bring this dream to the world with the financial support needed for the production and setting up of this exhibition at the Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes, opening on the 31st of January.

About the author

Arminda Moisés Coelho Seixal, 1970

As a Visual Artist, he has participated in multidisciplinary projects ranging from theater to dance and music.

In this context, photography was often the starting point, used in various scenic environments.

Photography is currently one of the means of communication that allow you to reflect on yourself and the world. It favors authorial projects and architectural photography.

Graduated in Scene Design from ESTC, she has taken Fashion Design courses from Magestil, Drawing from SNBA, Photographic Technical Training from IPF, Photographic Design course from APAF and Real Estate Photography from IPF.

2021 - Photographic project The restless look in search of peace...or not!

2022- Photographic project Name: Nuvem – homage to José Gomes Ferreira and Alfred Stieglitz .

Budget and due dates

The exhibition Nome: Nuvem, authored by Arminda Moisés Coelho, will be on display at the Modern Art Gallery of the National Society of Fine Arts in Lisbon from January 31st to March 4th.

The disclosure will be made by graphic and digital means, such as room sheets, screens and totem with texts on the wall at the exhibition site, dissemination in the various social networks, Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin, dissemination to a wide network of personal contacts.

Production and assembly costs, which include printing of the 22 photographs, graphic and digital communication materials, catering for the inauguration, possible payment of copyrights, miscellaneous expenses with assembly, travel expenses and transport of the photographs, expenses are expected in a total amount of €4,000.00.

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Photo Name: A4 format cloud

    photograph that is part of the exhibition can be chosen by the supporter and autographed

    Hand-delivered (see above)

    11 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Photography Name: custom format cloud

    photograph that is part of the exhibition can be chosen by the supporter and reproduced in a personalized and autographed format

    Hand-delivered (see above)

    14 backers

Sun, 22/09/2024 - 10:36

Tue, 14/02/2023 - 11:08

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Mon, 13/02/2023 - 19:58

Nome: Nuvem - Agradecimento de Arminda Moisés Coelho

A todos os que apoiaram a campanha de angariação de fundos e que permitiram a realização da minha primeira exposição fotográfica Nome: Nuvem, MUITO OBRIGADA!! Desta forma, esp...

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Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Sun, 12/02/2023 - 14:48

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Sun, 29/01/2023 - 17:40

Nome :Nuvem

Agradeço a todos os amigos que continuam a apoiar a minha campanha. Os anónimos que não consigo agradecer pessoalmente envio por aqui um muito obrigada! Só com a ajuda de todo...

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Wed, 25/01/2023 - 14:25


Muito obrigada a todos os que contribuíram e divulgaram. Falta cerca de 1. 600, 00€ para atingir o valor da campanha com fim a 11 Fevereiro. Vamos continuar juntos neste caminh...

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Wed, 25/01/2023 - 13:51

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Mon, 16/01/2023 - 14:14

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Mon, 16/01/2023 - 09:34


Muito obrigada a todos os que apoiaram!! A campanha decorre até 30 de Janeiro e até 18h, quem ainda não teve oportunidade de apoiar não esquecer por favor o prazo limite, se não...

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Mon, 09/01/2023 - 19:11

Muito obrigada pelo apoio de

Muito obrigada pelo apoio de todos!!! Bem hajam!!!

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Mon, 09/01/2023 - 18:54

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Arminda Moisés Coelho

    Nome: Nuvem - Agradecimento de Arminda Moisés Coelho

    A todos os que apoiaram a campanha de angariação de fundos e que permitiram a realização da minha primeira exposição fotográfica Nome: Nuvem, MUITO OBRIGADA!!
    Desta forma, espero que cada um de vós encontre também a sua Nuvem...
    Um bem hajam a todos sem exceção!!!
    Arminda Moisés Coelho

    To all those who supported this campaign and who allowed my first photographic exhibition Name: Nuvem to take place, a BIG THANK YOU!!
    In this way, I hope that each one of you will also find your Cloud...
    Arminda Moisés Coelho

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  • Arminda Moisés Coelho

    Nome :Nuvem

    Agradeço a todos os amigos que continuam a apoiar a minha campanha. Os anónimos que não consigo agradecer pessoalmente envio por aqui um muito obrigada!
    Só com a ajuda de todos vocês consigo levar a bom porto este sonho! Grande beijinho a todos e muito obrigada.

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  • Arminda Moisés Coelho


    Muito obrigada a todos os que contribuíram e divulgaram. Falta cerca de 1. 600, 00€ para atingir o valor da campanha com fim a 11 Fevereiro. Vamos continuar juntos neste caminho!!! Vamos sonhar juntos!!
    Muito obrigada
    Nome : Nuvem
    Arminda Moisés Coelho

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  • Arminda Moisés Coelho


    Muito obrigada a todos os que apoiaram!! A campanha decorre até 30 de Janeiro e até 18h, quem ainda não teve oportunidade de apoiar não esquecer por favor o prazo limite, se não atingir o valor os apoios serão devolvidos e campanha fica sem efeito. Agradeço a todos o apoio e divulgação para atingir o valor até à data limite.
    Que o meu sonho e os vossos sonhos se tornem realidade.
    Grande obrigada!!!
    Arminda Moisés Coelho

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  • Arminda Moisés Coelho

    Muito obrigada pelo apoio de

    Muito obrigada pelo apoio de todos!!! Bem hajam!!!

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34 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 29
    new backers

  • 5
    recurrent backers

  • 7
    anonymous backers

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