Tormented by an impending deadline, an unscrupulous playwright seeks answers in an unfinished dream.
Leonardo, a failed middle-aged playwright, aspires to succeed in his profession. In that quest, he plagiarises the synopsis of his naive colleague Alberto in order to get a job as a playwright. However, the writing process is interrupted by a severe creative block. Inspired by a technique created by Salvador Dali, Leonardo's obsessive methodology places him in a limbo between the real and a dreamlike state of consciousness. Neurotic and exhausted, Leonardo has idealized visions of reality that become a premonition and an unhealthy mirror of the truth.
Non Finito is a black comedy that addresses themes such as premonition, the unconscious, the dream, the beyond, limbo and obsession. This film has naturalistic moments that intertwine with dreamlike fragments, which, as the narrative unfolds, infect the realistic notes with their surrealist nature. The technique described by Salvador Dali, used to enhance creativity, and the ideas expressed by Sigmund Freud in The Interpretation of Dreams (1899), inspired the writing of the script. Directors such as Andrzej Żuławski, Roman Polanski, David Lynch, Stanley Kubrick, Jacques Rivette, and Luis Buñuel also served as inspiration. However, the search for an ideal balance between the real and the dream, predicts the future of the playwright.
Despite the melancholy and pessimistic connotations conveyed by the moments when Leonardo is isolated at home, the film does not take itself seriously. The absurd element inevitably becomes comical, causing dark humor to permeate this story.
The narrative is limited to the inhospitable and filthy, playwright's apartment, and to the theatre, where his visions play the main role. The contrast between the two spaces will be illustrated through a more sober treatment in the apartment – with characteristically more static and structured scenes – and the preponderant role of colors in the theatre – with more dramatic and dynamic scenes.
Regarding the sound component, it is intended that it play an equally important role to that of the image. Explored during the script writing process, it helps to create an atmosphere of dream and mystery, being a meta diegetic element that emphasizes the notion of premonition and surrealism.
Non Finito
Estreia: Fantasporto, 28 de Fevereiro pelas 17h
É com enorme prazer e orgulho que informamos que o NON FINITO foi selecionado para o Prémio Cinema Português - Melhor Filme (Escolas De Cinema), no festival FANTASPORTO - Oporto International Film Festival!
É possível ir à estreia do filme dia 28 de Fevereiro no Cinema Batalha pelas 17h.
Mais informação sobre o horário e aquisição de bilhetes em
Agradecemos a todos aqueles que tornaram este projeto possível!
Com os Melhores Cumprimentos,
A Equipa Non Finito
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Non Finito
Cartaz A3 Assinado
Boa tarde,
Agradecemos, mais uma vez, a todos os que contribuíram para a nossa campanha.
Significa muito para nós a oportunidade de conseguir materializar este filme. Sem a tua ajuda não seria possível!
O filme encontra-se neste momento em fase de pós-produção.
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Fica atento a futuras atualizações no nosso Instagram @ccurtametragemnonfinito .
Um abraço de gratidão,
A Equipa Non Finito
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Non Finito
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Non Finito
Conseguimos atingir o nosso objetivo, muitíssimo obrigada a todos aqueles que contribuíram para este projeto!
O projeto encontra-se em fase de montagem e para mais updates sigam o nosso instagram!
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Non Finito
Muito Obrigada!
A nossa equipa agradece a todos aqueles que contribuíram!
Divulgue com os seus amigos! :) Continue a alimentar sonhos.
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