Chelsea is a young Mozambican selected for the HPAIR Harvard 2022 Conference and represents a watershed because it belongs to a population of more than 30 million inhabitants and 5.1% less women complete higher education.
Chelsea was selected to participate in an HPAIR Harvard 2022 Conference that connects today's global leaders with tomorrow's. It is very important for you and your community to participate in person at the event, in order to make the most of what this opportunity can provide, raising the name of your country and breaking new ground for the leadership that emerges and grows in it.
Participating in this conference will make it possible to share the work done by organizations in Mozambique and bring back new approaches and perspectives on the development of people and organizations.
Students are selected from all over the world, less than 2% of whom are African, and being in a forum like this makes me understand that our dreams are fuel for a path to overcoming difficulties.
About the author
Chelsea Marlen, a Girl Mover Alumni, studied Organizational Psychology and became an entrepreneur through a streak that doesn't let her mind settle down to the problems she sees around her.
Curious, in the midst of the suffering caused by a gastric disease she was facing! His curiosity led him to seek effective treatment for himself, which resulted in the start of a startUp focused on producing beverages and foods that fight food-preventable diseases.
It believes in human potential as a driving force to drive its development, and wants to contribute to the growth of people and organizations. He became a changemaker because he believes he can generate the change he wants to see in the world.
It is currently one of the only Mozambican content partners that writes for a Portuguese company on topics related to leadership and people management, and through this has elevated the name of Mozambique in the Portuguese-speaking community; intends to continue to develop its skills in order to contribute to the development of organizations and people in Mozambique and in the world.
Budget and due dates
To participate in the conference, I need to collect $3,000,000 (including airfare and other expenses) by January 26, 2022.
Chelsea Marlen
Nota de agradecimento!
Olá, espero que esteja tudo bem do seu lado!
Muito obrigada por ter doado não só seu tempo para ver a campanha assim como o valor😊 está a contribuir para a realização de um sonho e o desenvolvimento de uma jovem que move-se pela paixão em tudo o que faz.
Desejo sucessos e prosperidade em sua vida.
Chelsea Marlen 😊
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