This campaign was created with the aim of contributing to the maintenance of the Ti-Natércia de Lisboa tavern and helping our dear Natércia to overcome this critical moment due to the restrictions imposed because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Times are difficult for everyone, but especially for those who work in the catering industry. Ti-Natércia's clients (and adopted sons) know that the restaurant is small and has no other employees, in addition to our dear Natércia, who has been prevented from working for months because of the restrictions resulting from the pandemic. The present campaign is organized by some of these clients, who, aware of the difficulties faced by catering professionals and knowing that Natércia has dear clients in several countries around the world (especially in Portugal, Brazil, Spain and Italy), met to raise funds for help her to overcome this crisis. Everything will be fine! But when that happens, we want to be able to enjoy the company and the wonderful food made by Ti-Natércia and for that we need everyone's help. Aid can vary in value according to the possibilities of each one, but we also want Natércia to feel that she is not alone and that all of us (wherever we are) want to support her. So, in addition to the possible contribution, we ask Ti-Natércia's customers and friends to leave a message of support, which will certainly make her very happy. All messages will be printed and delivered to her personally. Help us to help our beloved Ti-Natércia and the best restaurant in Lisbon!
Bacalhau Ti-Natércia
Bacalhau à Brás
só isso... saudade imensa...
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Amigos da Ti-Natercia
Caros amigos da Ti-Natércia ! Conseguimos atingir o nosso primeiro objetivo que era arrecadar 1600€ para a nossa querida Natércia!!! Mas não menos importante é mostrá-la o quanto gostamos dela, assim que agradecemos de coração se puderem nos ajudar a continuar a divulgar a campanha. Os que ainda não fizeram podem contribuir até o dia 6 de Maio. Todo o montante arrecadado, mesmo acima da meta proposta, será doado a Natércia. Mais uma vez obrigada pela sua ajuda!
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