Maggy The Dream Fairy
PPL Causas

Maggy The Dream Fairy

The mission of bringing music, love and making dreams come true to all children in need! The greatest reward you can have for helping me accomplish this mission is that together...

  • 72


    4% of 6 000€

    19 backers

  • 28/05/2021

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

The mission of bringing music, love and making dreams come true to all children in need! The greatest reward you can have for helping me accomplish this mission is that together we can make this world an enchanted place to live!

Maggy the fairy of dreams, was born not only from a dream, but from a desire to fulfill a life mission. I have always wondered about the purpose and mission of life that we human beings have here on earth and I asked myself many times what would be my mission? I always remember saying that I liked being a “dream maker”, but how? How could I make others' dreams come true without really finding out what mine was?
I believe that we are here to be happy, and to be happy also means making the other happy… «I don't know what tomorrow will bring»… Fernando Pessoa used to say… but I know that my present can change my tomorrow and that it depends on only one thing… we follow our dreams and for that we have to listen to what the heart tells us…
Maggy the fairy of dreams, will take wings and fly to give smiles, love and joy to all children but especially those who need affection the most. Enter the enchanted world of the dream fairy and help me bring music, joy and love to all children, help me make this world an enchanted place to live ... After all, the world belongs to children, the world is ours ! We were born to be happy ... Help me make dreams come true! Bora?



About the author

I consider myself an eternal child, and if the world belongs to children the world is mine, the world is ours! Children are the future, and if we want our future to be happy and bright, we have to set good examples. I believe that the basis of everything is love, emotions and feelings are our greatest wealth and that is what I as a Dream Fairy want to pass on to all children. I want them to look at the world through their hearts and never lose their true essence. My main message will be through music, joy, through videos with fundamental themes for the formation of an altruistic personality, because if children grow up with values they will become free, quick and happy human beings and whoever is happy learns to do the other happy too. Life is an exchange! I love writing, I love music, I love making dreams come true, I love feeling, giving and feeling emotions! My character Maggy The Dream Fairy is a character of light and represents everything that we should be for each other. Pure light!

I am a girl / woman who has never lost my essence as a child and who knows that this is one of the secrets of happiness, and who is eager to start spreading smiles and emotions to all children and making them believe that everything is possible. Just believe.

Maggy A Fada Dos Sonhos

Budget and due dates

The budget for my campaign is 5000 thousand euros, which translates into the recording of a children's CD, with original songs and lyrics. It is the only value I need for my life mission, to bring smiles, love and joy to all needy children. The videos, the children's stories, the facial paintings, the making of dreams, all this the Fairy of Dreams does on her own, this way the Fairy needs your magic powders for the recording of the CD. It is through music that many emotions, feelings and learnings are passed on, so I consider music and the recording of this solidary CD fundamental to this mission on earth. soul to life! And we want to live a life with a soul!

In terms of dates, by the end of the year I intend to have my Solidario CD ready, since there is a need to write lyrics, create music and enter the studio, and the studio has recording by other artists.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more


    Maggy A Fada Dos Sonhos, after having recorded the solidarity cd, will sell each one for 5 euros to anyone who helps to carry out this solidarity project and that money will go to an association of needy children.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Children's book

    Maggy The Dream Fairy will launch her fourth book, this time in the children's area, and whoever helps me in this campaign, I will sell it for only 5 euros.

    17 backers

Fri, 28/03/2025 - 09:21

Tue, 27/07/2021 - 08:26

Informação de Campanha

Olá, daqui é a Maggy A Fada Dos Sonhos! Tenho novidades para te dar! A Fada vai entrar em estúdio para gravar a primeira música original de nome «Acredita» dedicada a todas as c...

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Fri, 18/06/2021 - 08:33


Muito obrigada a ti que me ajudas-te nesta campanha de angariação de sonhos! Não consegui o objectivo principal que eram os 6 mil euros para gravação de cd de originais, mas co...

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Tue, 01/06/2021 - 11:47

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Fri, 02/04/2021 - 19:21

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Margarida Menezes

    Informação de Campanha

    Olá, daqui é a Maggy A Fada Dos Sonhos! Tenho novidades para te dar! A Fada vai entrar em estúdio para gravar a primeira música original de nome «Acredita» dedicada a todas as crianças, para as fazer acreditar na vida e nos sonhos e nunca desistirem de serem felizes! O dinheiro angariado nesta campanha foi 240 euros, desta forma a Fada encontrou um estúdio musical onde cada música fica por 250 euros! Desta forma esta primeira música vai ser dedicada a todos vocês que me ajudaram nesta campanha! Obrigada de coração.

    Até breve!

    Um beijinho grande da vossa Fada Dos Sonhos

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  • Margarida Menezes


    Muito obrigada a ti que me ajudas-te nesta campanha de angariação de sonhos!
    Não consegui o objectivo principal que eram os 6 mil euros para gravação de cd de originais, mas consegui reunir 240 euros que vou usar para comprar tintas mágicas que me vão permitir realizar pinturas faciais a todas as crianças que a Maggy A Fada Dos Sonhos alcançar! Por vezes queremos começar no topo da escada e esquecemos que temos degraus até lá! Gratidão! Em breve vou partilhar mais coisas em vídeo! Um beijinho grande da tua fada dos sonhos!

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19 members of the PPL community
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  • 1
    recurrent backer

  • 2
    anonymous backers

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