support CORAL, a project that curates, promotes and supports independent artists and creators in a safe, inclusive and collaborative cultural and culinary space

  • 7142


    110% of 6 500€

    225 backers

  • 26/04/2021

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

support CORAL, a project that curates, promotes and supports independent artists and creators in a safe, inclusive and collaborative cultural and culinary space

what is it?

CORAL is an initiative created from the union of three small businesses in Lisbon - VALSA, Café Mortara and Artesanalis. with a diverse curatorship, which brings together ideas, food, drink and culture, CORAL is made by people who value collective, uncomplicated and artisanal processes, created with love and respect.


2020 has changed the way we work, socialize, consume and, for us, it no longer makes sense to exist if we do not grow together. together we are stronger and can impact the lives of more people, so, from May 2021 we will share a space that will enable the creation and realization of our multiple activities.

what for?

we want to contribute to the local culture in an innovative, free, creative, collective and real way, in a place where people can meet and develop themselves in a safe space especially for women and LGBTQIA + people.

how does it work?

CORAL's headquarters are where Graça, Penha da França and Anjos neighbourhoods meet. these are multicultural neighborhoods where more than 25,000 people live. the space will comprise two rooms: one is a food space, cozy and informal, as ifit were the dining room of our own house, where we will serve homemade pasta made by Mortara, VALSA’s famous sourdough pizzas and a small grocery store with various homemade products, including craft beers selected by Artesanalis. the other room will be dedicated to art and culture, where concerts, poetry readings, DJ sets, workshops and many other things will take place, bringing about 200 annual cultural activities to the area, in addition to countless other remote events.

we will be responsible for engaging the services of dozens of people, including artisans, small producers, artists and informal and independent professionals, in addition to offering options for creative meals at good prices, always thinking about seasonality and sustainability.

we cook with fresh ingredients, produced by hand, creating the opportunity for locals to try drinks of different origins, exchange ideas and knowledge, meet new artists, participate in workshops or simply be and socialize, feeling comfortable any time of the day.

how can I help? 

to make this dream possible we need a space. we have already found the perfect spot for CORAL to happen, but we need your help to do a little remodeling, because despite being new, the space is still just a skeleton.

with this crowdfunding project, it will be possible to build the bathrooms, prepare the electrics and hydraulics for the kitchen, among other things that will breathe life into the building which will become home to the culinary and cultural events we all love. 

Nika, Marina e Thiago (Foto: Alex Rajan)

VALSA : created by Marina and Nika, since 2018 it has promoted diversity and a welcoming environment in a space for socializing with cultural events, acting as a laboratory for artists. in 2020, Thiago joined the team with his pizzas to make everything tastier. in 3 years, it brought life to the area with a line-up full of names relevant to the independent Portuguese-Brazilian scene with more than 400 activities.

Letícia e Vitor (Foto: Alex Rajan)

Café Mortara : project by Letícia and Vitor, has existed for almost 2 years. it is a space for experimentation that focuses on  homemade pasta, where they seek to build experiences with the community centred around food and work. today, it produces more than 15 varieties of fresh pastas, homemade sauces and affective dishes from scratch, with the gentle art of Italian grandmothers as inspiration.

Pedro e Martha (Foto: Alex Rajan)

Artesanalis : the idea of Martha and Pedro, it was born from the desire to work with beer. after market studies, visits to beer festivals and contact with professionals in the field, the project took shape in Portugal and today unites lovers of craft beer and serves up the global beer culture from its storerooms, stocked with more than 150 different labels, and a space to consume them accompanied by snacks and good music.

About the author

we are microentrepreneurs, immigrants, cultural producers and enthusiasts of everything that is authentic, simple and easy. 

CORAL (Foto: Alex Rajan)

together we are CORAL: Letícia, Marina, Martha, Nika, Pedro, Thiago and Vitor.

Budget and due dates

dando vida ao espaço

our goal: 6.5k

2k | the base of everything: floors, plumbing, electrics
1.5k | the space: bathrooms, walls, taps and doors
1.5k | to work: painting, smoke extraction, basic lighting, counters and storage spaces
1k | to take care of our neighbors: soundproofing structure to receive concerts
€ 599.63 | to make it possible: PPL commission (7.5% + VAT)

the works will start in April, scheduled to be finished at the second half of May. some of the rewards listed next will start to be delivered as soon as the space is up and running. we intend to deliver all the gifts by the end of 2021. all supporters will obviously be contacted to arrange the pick up or delivery in the best possible way.

remember that the project can only be financed if we reach our goal 100%. otherwise, the contribution amount will be returned in full. if you can't help with money, you can also support us by sharing our campaign with friends, family, and on social media. every little help is welcome!

  • Invest with
    5€ or more


    You will receive a personalized thank you email from CORAL.

    52 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more


    You will receive a personalized thank you email and you will be entitled to 2 pints or wine glasses to have a toast with us

    127 backers

  • Invest with
    55€ or more


    You will have your place guaranteed to get to know CORAL in the week before the official opening, including dinner and beer pairing (2 courses and 2 beers).

    25 backers

    Limited to 40 units. 15 remaining

  • Invest with
    75€ or more


    A sourdough pizza workshop with Thiago Rocha, with food and drinks included.

    4 backers

    Limited to 40 units. 36 remaining

  • Invest with
    80€ or more


    You will have your name mentioned on the thanks page of our official website.

    3 backers

    Limited to 30 units. 27 remaining

  • Invest with
    100€ or more


    CORAL kit that includes: 1 packet of dry pasta from Café Mortara, 1 pot of cashew pesto from VALSA, 1 craft beer selected by Artesanalis and 1 exclusive CORAL poster painted byJaqueline Arashida.

    23 backers

    Limited to 100 units. 77 remaining

  • Invest with
    1500€ or more


    You can schedule a private dinner with a DJ set for 15 people (from Sunday to Thursday) in 2021.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

    Limited to 2 units. 2 remaining

Wed, 02/10/2024 - 17:16

Tue, 27/04/2021 - 10:22

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Sun, 25/04/2021 - 12:01

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Sat, 24/04/2021 - 11:44

Saímos no Público + faltam 2 dias para o fim da campanha

Olá apoiantes! Hoje saímos no P3, do jornal Público. Para quem quiser ler:

Read more

Fri, 16/04/2021 - 16:32

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Fri, 16/04/2021 - 13:32

Saímos no site da Sábado + faltam 10 dias para acabar a campanha

Querides apoiantes, o site da revista Sábado publicou ontem uma reportagem com o coletivo CORAL. leiam e compartilhem:

Read more

Fri, 02/04/2021 - 19:35

Uma semana de campanha!

Olá! Faz uma semana que a nossa campanha de financiamento coletivo está no ar. Até agora angariamos 22% do objectivo. Por isso precisamos mais do que nunca do apoio de todes par...

Read more

Sun, 28/03/2021 - 11:14

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Fri, 26/03/2021 - 07:32

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register


    Saímos no Público + faltam 2 dias para o fim da campanha

    Olá apoiantes! Hoje saímos no P3, do jornal Público. Para quem quiser ler:
    Passando aqui também para dizer que faltam 843€ e apenas 2 dias para o fim da nossa campanha de financiamento coletivo. Por isso vamos dar aquele folêgo nessa reta final para atingirmos nossa meta e dar vida ao CORAL. Agradecemos imenso a todes que já nos apoiaram e que, em breve, estarão frequentado nosso querido espaço. <3

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    Saímos no site da Sábado + faltam 10 dias para acabar a campanha

    Querides apoiantes,

    o site da revista Sábado publicou ontem uma reportagem com o coletivo CORAL. leiam e compartilhem:

    faltam 10 dias para o término da campanha de financiamento coletivo! agora é a hora de lembrar aquele amigue que falou que ia apoiar :)

    Obrigade a todes!

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    Uma semana de campanha!

    Olá! Faz uma semana que a nossa campanha de financiamento coletivo está no ar. Até agora angariamos 22% do objectivo. Por isso precisamos mais do que nunca do apoio de todes para espalharmos nossa mensagem para começarmos a dar vida ao espaço CORAL. Agradecemos imenso a todes que já nos apoiaram. Vamos a isso até 26 de Abril!

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225 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 172
    new backers

  • 53
    recurrent backers

  • 18
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true