Friend of AURORA - Artistic Learning Space

Friend of AURORA - Artistic Learning Space

Aurora is a space to awaken the essence of children and families. Anyone who knows knows that our activities only make sense in person due to the concrete explorations and human...

  • 1083


    135% of 800€

    31 backers

  • 22/03/2021

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Aurora is a space to awaken the essence of children and families. Anyone who knows knows that our activities only make sense in person due to the concrete explorations and human relationships we advocate. Help AURORA!

With this campaign we intend to meet the expenses of space (income and fixed bills for net, water and electricity). For us, your collaboration will be a way of maintaining space in these atypical pandemic times, for you, collaboration will be an investment for when we resume activities, which we hope will be as soon as possible, as it will be converted into vouchers for activities and / or tickets to our performance events (depending on the amount - see rewards). You can also contribute only monetarily and in that case we insist on sending a treat!

For those who don't know us, Espaço Aurora's environment is inspired by art and by pedagogical principles, such as Maria Montessori, Emmi Pikler, Loris Malaguzzi, among others, whose approaches place the child at the center of learning and recognize it as a being powerful, active and able to build knowledge from their experiences, thus giving meaning to their learning.

We intend to respond to human tendencies that naturally impel us to explore, know and develop. Feeling good while learning, naturally will make us want to learn and know more and more. Thus, we grew up integrally, authentically and, above all, happy and in family.

Friends are for occasions, we need you! Help AURORA - Artistic Learning Space.

About the author

Susana Brandão has a degree in Architecture, a Master in Teaching and a Master in Performing Arts. In addition, she has certified training in the area of motor skills, body expression and early childhood education. For her, the arts have always been a driving force for discoveries and that is why her path was made with them, through them and through them. Later, he discovered his vocation in education, more specifically in artistic education. He taught and teaches in several schools, in different subjects and levels; streamlines and guides artistic projects and activities. She considers herself a teacher and an artist, but sometimes it is not easy to define where one ends and the other begins. Above all, it seeks to transport its creations and experience to its creations and projects, always with the objective of adding something meaningful and constructive for itself, for the other and for the world.

Besides, it's a mother! Being a mother allowed her to reflect on the family, without a doubt the first environment that welcomes us as human beings, first physically while we are forming in the womb, then emotionally and intellectually as we grow up, especially in early childhood. The importance of the family bond for development and learning is obvious and proven, but shortly after birth, mothers / fathers find themselves in need of being away from their children for many hours and there are few possibilities for interaction and involvement, which substantially affects safe and favorable growth. The school, which should privilege this contact, rarely fulfills this role, not to mention its paralyzed and backward state in the face of contemporary educational challenges. In addition, it is difficult to find conditions to be with our young children in sharing and social life, which often makes parenting a lonely place and full of doubts.

Thus, Aurora - Artistic Learning Space - emerges as the project that unites two passions, the arts and education. It is the realization of a journey (personal and professional) combined with an urgent need in today's society (learning with meaning and with joy), in an environment conducive to exploration and experimentation in which children and families can (really) be together.

Budget and due dates

800 Euros related to space rent, fixed net account and minimum water and electricity bills.

Until March 8, 2021, deadline for payment of rent.

  • Magic wool fairy

    Invest with
    10€ or more

    Magic wool fairy

    If you contribute only monetarily, without purchasing a voucher or entry to one of our activities, you will receive a handmade Waldorf inspired magic wool fairy!

    4 backers

  • Voucher 1 Despertar das Artes Workshop (18 months to 6 years)

    Invest with
    15€ or more

    Voucher 1 Despertar das Artes Workshop (18 months to 6 years)

    DESPERTAR DAS ARTS Workshops (weekends) These are research environments where children have the opportunity to explore, build and learn based on the arts. It is not a matter of teaching artistic techniques, but of a laboratory space rich in diverse stimuli that welcome and amplify the curious spirits of children and young people and encourage dialogue, research and experimentation. Offer 18 months to 6 years: Coloring the World - approach to painting and color through sensory and artistic exploration with various materials. Shaping the World - approach to sculpture and modeling through the exploration of clay.

    7 backers

  • Voucher 1 Despertar das Artes Workshop (6 to 10 years)

    Invest with
    18€ or more

    Voucher 1 Despertar das Artes Workshop (6 to 10 years)

    DESPERTAR DAS ARTS Workshops (weekends) These are research environments where children have the opportunity to explore, build and learn based on the arts. It is not a matter of teaching artistic techniques, but of a laboratory space rich in diverse stimuli that welcome and amplify the curious spirits of children and young people and encourage dialogue, research and experimentation. Offer 6 to 10 years: Body-Dash - approach to the relationship between drawing and movement. Draw jumping, dancing, laughing, flying! (inspiration Segni Mossi, Pretend that I am… - visual arts with a practical approach to the main artistic movements and their protagonists.

    2 backers

  • 1 Show ticket (child + accompanying adult)

    Invest with
    20€ or more

    1 Show ticket (child + accompanying adult)

    SPECTACLES (weekends) Espaço Aurora has a regular program of performances for children and young people with a focus on theater and music. The program selected for Espaço Aurora aims to focus on relevant topics of our time and promote an informed, attentive and participatory reception, from early childhood, forming critical and creative audiences for the arts and culture, expanding different readings about the world. Offer: Choosing one of the shows on the monthly schedule.

    12 backers

  • 1 Baby Fusion Session + Despertar do Ninho (babies from 2 months and caregiver)

    Invest with
    30€ or more

    1 Baby Fusion Session + Despertar do Ninho (babies from 2 months and caregiver)

    BABY FUSION (week) Based on the pleasure of dancing and physical activity, the Baby Fusion method is an affectionate, enriching and therapeutic way of strengthening the affective connection between the baby and its caregivers. Classes consist of dances with movements from jazz and classical ballet, movements based on Pilates techniques and somatic education methods, as well as moments of bonding with the baby, such as the Shantala massage, among others. Espaço Aurora is the only space with a certified Baby Fusion teacher in the city of Porto. AWAKENING FROM THE NEST (week) In the first year of life, growth is very fast and of great evolution in several aspects. During this stage the baby will start to smile, to react to stimuli, to sit, to crawl, to stand, to babble sounds and, who knows, even words. Based on the pedagogical approaches of Maria Montessori and Emmi Pikler, Espaço Aurora provides a prepared environment and materials for your baby to feel stimulated to a normal and integral development process in the areas of movement, sensory and language. Offer: A Baby Fusion session followed by Awakening from the Nest

    7 backers

  • Pack of 4 sessions Awakening of the Senses (children from 1 to 3 years old and caregiver)

    Invest with
    75€ or more

    Pack of 4 sessions Awakening of the Senses (children from 1 to 3 years old and caregiver)

    AWAKENING OF THE SENSES (week) From the first year of life, the awakening of the child is done through the body and the senses, so that he knows himself and his surroundings. Based on the pedagogical approaches of Maria Montessori, Emmi Pikler and Loris Malaguzzi, Espaço Aurora provides a prepared environment and materials for small explorers to make many discoveries, be it movement, sensory or language. In addition, it allows an approximation to the school context in day care through some group activities that encourage the interaction of peers, promote cooperation, curiosity and communication, but also help the child to develop abilities to follow directions, wait for his turn and develop self-confidence to learn. Offer: A pack of 4 Senses Awakening sessions. You can enjoy 1x a week or 2x a week.

    4 backers

  • Theme Party Pack (birthday, babyshower, among others)

    Invest with
    150€ or more

    Theme Party Pack (birthday, babyshower, among others)

    THEMATIC PARTY The Aurora Space is prepared to receive small events (maximum of 20 people), as well as plan them according to your imagination: birthday parties for children (1-6 years), baby shower (girl, boy, I don't want to know), celebratory brunch (baby's birthdays, visiting grandparents, uncles, friends who live far away), photo shoot (pregnant, baby, family) ... Offer: A basic themed party pack that includes space provision, activity planning and orientation for 10 people. If you want more services, these will be added to the pack, such as catering (snacks or brunch), invitations, decoration, photography and video, animation, among others.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Tue, 07/05/2024 - 17:42

Fri, 26/03/2021 - 17:24

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Fri, 12/03/2021 - 11:17


Conforme decretado no Plano de Desconfinamento anunciado ontem: a partir de 15 de março podem retomar presencialmente as atividades de apoio à família e de enriquecimento curric...

Read more

Mon, 01/03/2021 - 12:31

Agradecimento AURORA

Muito obrigada pelo teu contributo para manter financeiramente o Aurora nestes tempos de pandemia. Graças a todos os nossos amigos alcançamos o objetivo e conseguimos cobrir as...

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Fri, 26/02/2021 - 15:08

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Thu, 25/02/2021 - 18:58

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Mon, 22/02/2021 - 14:50

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Susana Brandão


    Conforme decretado no Plano de Desconfinamento anunciado ontem: a partir de 15 de março podem retomar presencialmente as atividades de apoio à família e de enriquecimento curricular, bem como atividades prestadas em centros de atividades de tempos livres e centros de estudo e similares, apenas para as crianças e os alunos que retomam as atividades educativas e letivas, ou seja, até ao 1º ciclo, inclusive.
    Uma vez que o Espaço Aurora se enquadra nesta categoria estamos muito contentes por informar que iremos retomar as nossas atividades regulares a partir da próxima segunda-feira nos horários habituais!
    Quanto à programação de fim-de-semana, uma vez que as atividades de prestação de serviços em estabelecimentos devem encerrar até às 13h aos sábados, domingos e feriados, brevemente lançaremos a programação de acordo com este horário e daremos prioridade aos Vouchers dos nossos amigos!
    Para marcar o vosso Voucher liguem para 917148283 ou mandem email para
    As fadinhas em lã mágica (para quem escolheu essa recompensa) seguirão a partir do fecho da campanha a 22 de março.


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  • Susana Brandão

    Agradecimento AURORA

    Muito obrigada pelo teu contributo para manter financeiramente o Aurora nestes tempos de pandemia.
    Graças a todos os nossos amigos alcançamos o objetivo e conseguimos cobrir as despesas relativas ao mês de fevereiro. De qualquer forma vamos continuar a pedir apoio pois ainda não há perspetivas de abertura e março já começou!
    A tua colaboração e amizade podem agora traduzir-se na partilha da campanha junto de outras famílias

    Informações através de email ou telefone 917148283.

    Mais uma vez, OBRIGADA!

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31 members of the PPL community
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