Gira no Bairro - A Police Station Open to the Community
Giving Tuesday 2020

Gira no Bairro - A Police Station Open to the Community

A Squad of Causes - We create bridges and break down barriers between children / young people and PSP agents.

  • 210


    2% of 10 000€

    8 backers

  • 07/12/2020

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

A Squad of Causes - We create bridges and break down barriers between children / young people and PSP agents.

Gira no Bairro Project - A Squad of causes and opportunities, which enables the education and inclusion of children, youth and the community with Public Security Police Officers. The value we need? € 10,000, which will make all the difference in our mission, as it will allow us to purchase bicycles, protective equipment, computers, artistic and recreational-pedagogical materials, as well as tickets for diversified activities that will give young people different opportunities to build and discover. In this squad ... we learn side by side, give hugs, help each other, build together, share smiles and much more! Join your world to ours… I & You changed the world! Thanks

About the author

Mundos de Papel and the Public Security Police have been promoting, in partnership and since June 2019 in Oeiras, a pilot and innovative project , which aims to strengthen relations between the PSP and the community , namely with children and young people from different backgrounds. disadvantaged socio-economic sectors. This perspective is pioneering, as it develops within the police station itself and integrates PSP agents who daily participate in the project's activities, interacting with young people. The project has contributed to demystifying prejudices, maintaining security, preventing risky or deviant behaviors, strengthening personal and social skills, and in general, educating about law and citizenship. So far, more than 350 activities have been developed (inside and outside the police station and also online, due to the pandemic), and involved more than 100 young people, 40 PSP agents, dozens of families, the local community and several partners (Centro Educativo Father António Oliveira, among others), causing a very positive impact. However, the project still lacks regular financial support, which guarantees its stability and long-term continuity. For the continuity of a highly innovative project, for the possibility and interest in its replication to other squads in the country, help us to continue and to do more and better every day. Help build more and more consistent bridges between security forces and the community!

Budget and due dates

Total amount required for 2021 - € 10,000:

€ 5750 - computers and other computer equipment (headphones and mice)

1500 € - Human Resource - computer monitor

€ 1500 bicycles and protective equipment

1250 € artistic and playful pedagogical materials


  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Digital Postcard

    Digital Thank-You Card prepared by the young people.

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    Postcard Collage

    A collage postcard built by a young man from the project.

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    50€ or more


    An Engraving made by a young man from the project.

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    75€ or more

    1 workshops

    Voucher for Art Therapy workshops promoted by the Mundos de Papel Association.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    150€ or more

    3 workshops

    Voucher for three Art Therapy workshops promoted by the Mundos de Papel Association.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Sat, 11/01/2025 - 23:20

Fri, 11/12/2020 - 10:39

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Fri, 11/12/2020 - 10:34


Caros Apoiantes, Agradecemos imenso o vosso apoio, que fará toda a diferença no nosso projeto. Espero que nos continuem a acompanhar, nomeadamente, nas redes sociais, de form...

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Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Tue, 01/12/2020 - 18:32

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Mundos de Papel Associação


    Caros Apoiantes,

    Agradecemos imenso o vosso apoio, que fará toda a diferença no nosso projeto. Espero que nos continuem a acompanhar, nomeadamente, nas redes sociais, de forma, a verem o que vamos fazendo. E deixamos o convite, para que quando a pandemia passar, nos possam ir conhecer!

    Até breve,
    Com os melhores cumprimentos

    Mundos de Papel Associação

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  • Rita Santos

    Que projeto maravilhoso!

    Que projeto maravilhoso!

    Sem dúvida que estas pontes são muito necessárias para que o nosso mundo gire de uma forma mais cívica e consciente, e para que sejamos mais humanos e mais iguais.

    Tenho oportunidade de acompanhar de perto este projecto e todos os dias me espanto com o que é feito e alcançado!

    Muitos parabéns à Mundos de Papel por este projeto incrível! ?

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8 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 4
    new backers

  • 4
    recurrent backers

  • 1
    anonymous backer

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Ana Cristina Fonseca Nogueira da silva

    02/12/2020 - 12:16

    É um projeto inteligente. Ajuda a integrar jovens que muitas vezes estão entregues à sua sorte, que olham para a polícia como o inimigo. Aqui é o contrário.

  • Pedro Nogueira da Silva

    01/12/2020 - 22:03

  • Teresa Gonçalves

    01/12/2020 - 19:58

  • Antonio Silva

    01/12/2020 - 18:32

    Boa sorte para o projecto

  • Anonymous

    01/12/2020 - 18:03

    Adoro o vosso projeto!

  • Carla Castelo

    01/12/2020 - 11:17

    Continuem o bom trabalho!

  • Rita Santos

    01/12/2020 - 10:28

  • Ana Santos

    30/11/2020 - 16:35

    Excelente projeto! Que tudo corra como merecem e que sejam criadas cada vez mais pontes entre os jovens e agentes! Boa sorte! ???