This is a campaign to raise founds for the European release of "Anamaguaçu", the first album by the Brazilian band Teko Porã, with a show in Portugal and the printing of the physical discs.
[IMAGE: 788471: 4]
From the ancient tradition of the bards and minstrels to the metro railroads in the modern megalopolies; strolling through the Indigenous philosophy and cosmogony and rescuing the African ancestry; from the lyricism of classical music to the mysteries of the Tarot; from denouncing the barbarism of colonialism and debating on the right of land for all its children; the right of Earth itself to be understood as a conscience and mother. This is the world of Teko Porã.
This is a simple and straightforward campaign to fund the pressing of a thousand copies of "Anamaguaçu", the first album by the Brazilian band Teko Porã, together with a debut concert, at Quimera Brew Pub, in Lisbon, between December 2020 and January 2021 .
[IMAGE: 788471: 5]
A Brazilian band releasing a record in Portugal in the strange post-covid19 world? What is it? That's exactly it. This is dream, utopia, the daring life that resists pulsating. The path has to be walked. Teko Porã is a band that was born and grew up on the streets of the largest city in Latin America, playing everywhere. Now they need your help to carry on this story, to the distances beyond the ocean. As the poet says, "Navegar é preciso, viver não é preciso". Why a physical CD, in the era of digital streaming? For a band used to playing in public places like streets, squares, metro stations, the CD is still an important source of revenue. After the debut concert the band plans to travel around Portugal playing through cities and towns (when there's a vaccine for covid-19 and a proper traveling permit), it makes essential to have a good amount of physical records.
[IMAGE: 788471: 3]
Like Teko Porã's first crowdfunding, which financed the recording / pressing of the album Anamaguaçu in Brasil, this one also has "esoteric" rewards. Tarot and astrologic chart readings made by more than ten partner astrologers / tarologists are among the reward options, you can check a mini biography of each astrologist / tarologist and social network links and make your better choice. There are also special rewards: Two paintings by Rio de Janeiro artist Cris Conde (@criscondegaleris), and a 7-string guitar by São Paulo luthier Samuel Carvalho (@luthiersamuelcarvalho), autographed by the renowned Brazilian guitarist Badi Assad (@badiassad).
Fillipe Augusto Alves Monteiro
Buenos diasss, comunidade de apoiadores da nossa campanha PPL!!!
Bom, nós do Teko Porã gostaríamos de agradecer a contribuição de cada um de voces, foi muito importante cada apoio pra gente bater ( e passar) a meta estabelecida. Chegamos a 112% da meta, e isso seria impossível sem a força de cada um de voces.
Vamos deixar um numero de WhatsApp pra facilitar o alinhamento da entrega das recompensas. Se alguém preferir tratar por email, tudo bem também.
Um abraço no coração de cada um de voces, nos vemos em Portugal em 2021, se assim permitirem os "Deuses do Metal".
Pablo Nomás +32 (Bélgica) 484 130 125
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