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Intenso - II Festival de Tunas de Elite (Crowdfunding - TAFDUP)

Intenso - II Festival de Tunas de Elite (Crowdfunding - TAFDUP)

Following the success of the first edition, which filled Porto's Colosseum and revolutionized the panorama of the whimsical world of Academic Tunas, TAFDUP Club set as their goa...

  • 178


    8% of 2 000€

    10 backers

  • 25/10/2019

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Following the success of the first edition, which filled Porto's Colosseum and revolutionized the panorama of the whimsical world of Academic Tunas, TAFDUP Club set as their goal for 2019, and as part of their 20th anniversary celebration, the organization of the second edition of their festival, which will take place next 27 and 28th of September, this time at the renowned Casa da Música.

Following the success of the first edition, which filled Porto's Colosseum and revolutionized the panorama of the whimsical world of Academic Tunas, TAFDUP set as their goal for 2019, and as part of their 20th anniversary celebration, the organization of the second edition of their festival, which will take place next 27 and 28th of September, this time at the renowned Casa da Música.

Without ever leaving behind the “Elite Spirit" by which TAFDUP guides its entire performance, INTENSO - II Festival de Tunas de Elite will bring more surprises, more bohemia and more music, maintaining elements that immediately acquired the status of the Festival’s brand images, such as the magnificent Student Rafael as presenter of the show, or the intervention of special guests, very well-known to the general public.

Thus, besides expecting your presence at the Casa da Música on September 28th, we count on your participation and support in order to, during an amazing weekend, convert Porto into an intensity explosion, and make INTENSO - II Festival de Tunas de Elite an unforgettable experience.

About the author

The Academic Tuna of the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto (Tuna Académica da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto - TAFDUP) was founded in November 1998, catapulted by their member's desire to reconcile the passion for music with the dynamic spirit so characteristic of the university student. The Faculty of Law of the University of Porto (FDUP) had just been founded three years prior, and until the year of 2006 the first elements of TAFDUP consecrated it as one of the most prominent academic groups within the school, beginning to spread what would later be designated as the "Elite Spirit".

In 2007, the new generations of TAFDUP gave a new direction to the group, starting to build the "Tuna de Elite Project". The infectious spirit, both on and off stage, which was already identifiable within TAFDUP, was combined with a desire to achieve new and more challenging goals.

TAFDUP began to spread its music all over the country, stepping on stages such as Coliseu do Porto, Coliseu Micaelense, Theatro Circo or the Gil Vicente Academic Theater. Summer tours, which reached across borders, also became a cornerstone, and took TAFDUP throughout neighboring Spain, from the capital Madrid, to Catalonia, southern Spain and Galicia.

TAFDUP's most recent history is characterized by the realization of designs that had long been part of its imagination. 

Firstly, the organization of two editions of TUNx, an innovative conference of tunas that set out to alter what is the traditional view of the ordinary citizen on Academic Tunas.

Then, in April 2016, it was with great pride that TAFDUP released their first album, "Tuna de Elite", featuring the entire repertoire built over the last few years. 

Last but not least, on April 1st, 2017, TAFDUP wrote the most beautiful page in its entire history with the organization of their first Festival of Tunas, the INTENSO - I Festival de Tunas de Elite, at the Porto Colosseum, a huge success.

Budget and due dates

Show room (Casa da Música) - 10393,50€

Accommodation for the invited Tunas - 2000€

Meals for the invited Tunas - 1400€

S.P.A (Portuguese society of authors fee) - 388€

General-Inspection and Liability Insurance - 79,65€

Design & Advertising Material - 350€

Photographers - 100€

Video recording & Streaming - 900€

Total Amount: 15611,65€

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Caveira’s Friends Pack

    - Thank you note on our social media

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    Bronze Pack

    - A ticket for the show at Casa da Música (this reward is valid until September 26th) - Thank you note on our social media

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    Silver Pack

    - A ticket for the show at Casa da Música (this reward is valid until September 26th) - Thank you note on our social media - INTENSO - II Festival de Tunas de Elite commemorative t-shirt

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Gold Pack

    - A ticket for the show at Casa da Música (this reward is valid until September 26th) - Thank you note on our social media - An A3 poster of the Festival - TAFDUP’s CD - "Tuna de Elite” - INTENSO - II Festival de Tunas de Elite commemorative t-shirt

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    75€ or more

    Premium Pack

    - A ticket for the show at Casa da Música (this reward is valid until September 26th) - Thank you note on our social media - An A3 poster of the Festival - TAFDUP’s CD - "Tuna de Elite” - INTENSO - II Festival de Tunas de Elite commemorative t-shirt - The INTENSO Experience (Spend all Saturday with TAFDUP - includes dinner, backstage pass, first row seats during the show and a personal thank you live in the closing cerimonies of the show) - this pack is reward until September 26th

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    250€ or more

    Elite Pack

    - An arranged performance by TAFDUP just for you (Guaranteed in the Porto metropolitan area / On request and subject to conditions regarding traveling expenses on other areas) - A ticket for the show at Casa da Música (this reward is valid until September 26th) - Thank you note on our social media - An A3 poster of the Festival - TAFDUP’s CD - "Tuna de Elite” - INTENSO - II Festival de Tunas de Elite commemorative t-shirt - The INTENSO Experience (Spend all Saturday with TAFDUP - includes dinner, backstage pass, first row seats during the show and a personal thank you live in the closing cerimonies of the show) - this rward is valid until September 26th

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Sun, 22/09/2024 - 21:43


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Tue, 27/08/2019 - 23:55

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


10 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 10
    new backers

  • 0
    recurrent backers

  • 3
    anonymous backers

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