At Project 3D-ANTÁRTIDA we propose to buy an UAV (ebee – sensefly) to monitor ice-free terrestrial environments in Antarctica.

  • 21917


    110% of 20 000€

    302 backers

  • 31/01/2014

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

At Project 3D-ANTÁRTIDA we propose to buy an UAV (ebee – sensefly) to monitor ice-free terrestrial environments in Antarctica.

The Antarctic Peninsula region has been suffering significant environmental changes in the last decades, having recorded a warming of ci 2.5 ºC in the mean annual temperatures over the last 50 years. In some locations winter average temperature have increased up to 6 ºC! The effects over the environment have been very significant and well described for glaciers, ice-shelves and sea-ice. Our team works with perenially frozen ground – permafrost – and in this component of the cryosphere, changes are much more difficult to identify, since permafrost is to be found mainly in the subsurface. Portuguese research teams on permafrost have been working in an interdisciplinary approach with scientists from various countries (Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Spain, Russia, South Korea, USA, United Kingdom), in order to improve knowledge on changes in the permafrost environment in Western Antarctic Peninsula. In recent years, significant steps have been achieved (see e.g. Vieira et al. 2010, Bockheim et al. 2013).

The fast technological development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and their cost reduction currently allow for huge advances in their applications for studying Earth surface changes. In the regions where we are conducting research, such as the Antarctic Peninsula, changes have been very fast and using UAVs to obtain detailed maps of the vegetation, geomorphological units, snow and runoff allows for important advances that were impossible a few years ago. Our team has got, therefore, a HUGE INTEREST in obtaining na UAV platform allowing to obtain such cartographic data of high scientific significance. However, recent funding constraints have limited our capacity to obtain such an UAV and that’s why we have decided to advance with this proposal, for which we ask for your support.

Our team currently operates in the Antarctic Peninsula region every year and is involved in competitive projects. However, the UAV which we are proposing for this project would result in an important step forward, contributing to increase the international impact of our science. It would also be used in doctoral research at IGOT and IST, contributing to the PhDs of Alexandre Nieuwendam, Alice Ferreira and Maura Lousada, which are also members of the team.

At Project 3D-ANTÁRTIDA we propose to buy an UAV (ebee – sensefly) costing the total amount requested in the crowdfunding proposal. The UAV will allow us to make detailed topographical surveying, as well as collecting very high resolution aerial imagery, which will be orthorectified for analytical purposes. The advances that this technology will provide are enormous, since in the regions where we work there are not good topographical surveys and it is extremely complex to fly with regular helicopters for aerial photography surveys.

The project will be implemented in two Antarctic campaigns:

a)     February – March 2014. Preliminary tests in Barton Peninsula (King George Island). This phase will also depending on the timing of the finishing of the crowdfund raising, which should take place until February 2014.

b)     January – February 2015. Detailed surveys in Livingston, Deception and King George Islands, with possible application in Cierva Cove – Antarctic Peninsula.

We will also use the UAV in detailed surveying campaign in serra da Estrela (Central Portugal) in the summer of 2014, as well as in the Canadian Arctic in July 2014. Depending on logistical possibilities, after 2015, we should be able to extend the application of the UAV surveying to all permafrost monitoring observatories that we maintain in the Antarctic Peninsula between Palmer and King George Islands.

Last Reward: 

(1) All of the above + MAIN SPONSOR STATUS with special focus of the company logo at all activities related to the project. Possibility of lectures at your company on Polar research, climate change and Polar science expeditions by team members. Company logo in the project t-shirt.

3D Antartida has the support of Agência Ciência Viva:

About the author

The Polar Group of the University of Lisbon joins 3 teams (CEG/IGOT, CERENA/IST and CQE/IST) that have a wide expertise in research in permafrost terrains in Antarctica and the Arctic. Our main research topics are permafrost and climate change, remote sensing of permafrost environments and contaminants. The team also coordinates the Portuguese Polar Program, responsible for providing support to about 20 Portuguese scientists each year in Antarctica and to transport over 100 scientists and technicians of partner programs.




Gonçalo Vieira | Associate Professor at IGOT and Head of the Research Group on Antarctic Environments and Climate Change of the CEG. Expert on permafrost and climate change. 7 Antarctic and 2 Arctic campaigns. Coordinator of the Portuguese Polar Program and Co-Chair of the Expert Group on Permafrost of SCAR.

Pedro Pina | Principal Researcher at IST and Head of the Group on Imagery Analysis and Remote Sensing of Planetary Surfaces at CERENA. Expert in remote sensing and pattern detection. 2 Antarctic and 2 Arctic field campaigns.

João Canário | Principal Researcher at CQE – IST. Expert in environmental contaminants. 2 Antarctic and 2 Arctic field campaigns.

Julio Martín-Herreo | Associate Professor at the University of Vigo. Expert in remote sensing and artificial vision. 1 Antarctic campaign. Cooperates with the team since 2011.

Carla Mora | Post-doctoral researcher at CEG/IGOT. Expert on mountain climatology and remote sensing. 1 field campaign in the Arctic and 1 in the Antarctic.

Lourenço Bandeira | Post-doctoral researcher at IST. 1 campaign in the Arctic and 1 in the Antarctic. Expert on multi-platform image processing and pattern recognition.

Mário Neves | Assistant Professor at IGOT and reseacher at CEG. 3 Antarctic campaigns and 1 Arctic campaign.

Inês Fonseca | Assistant researcher at CEG-IGOT. PhD in Physical Geography at King’s College on spatial modelling of soils.

Gonçalo Prates | Adjunct Professor at ISE/UALG and post-doctoral researcher at CEG/IGOT. 2 campaigns in the Antarctic.

Marc Oliva | Post-doctoral researcher at CEG/IGOT. 3 Antarctic campaigns and 2 Arctic campaigns. Expert on paleoenvironmental reconstruction on Polar and mountain environments.

Alexandre Nieuwendam | PhD student at CEG/IGOT. 5 Antarctic and 1 Arctic campaign. President of the Permafrost Young Researchers Network. Paleoenvironmental reconstruction on polar and mountain environments.

Alice Ferreira | PhD student at CEG/IGOT. 2 Antarctic and 1 Arctic campaign. Spatial modelling of permafrost.Maura Lousada | PhD student at IST. 2 Arctic campaigns. Analysis of soil patterns in permafrost soils using remote sensing imagery.

Maura Lousada | PhD student at IST. 2 Arctic campaigns. Analysis of soil patterns in permafrost soils using remote sensing imagery.

João Branco | Commercial airline pilot and geographer. Collaborates with 3D Antartida in remote sensing studies.

Vanessa Batista | Geologist and post-graduate in Physical Geography. Two Antarctic campaigns. Collaborates with the Polar Group of the University of Lisbon since 2007 on research on permafrost in the South Shetlands.

Budget and due dates

A equipa necessita de apoio para a aquisição do UAV Sensefly da ebee que custa cerca de 20 mil euros. Esta é a nossa única necessidade, pois temos vários projetos de investigação em curso no Ártico e na Antártida, onde iremos aplicar o instrumento. Todas as outras despesas com as campanhas de investigação estão asseguradas por esses projetos. Contamos comprar o UAV no final de Janeiro de 2014, de modo a podermos levá-lo para a campanha antártica na ilha King George no final de Fevereiro de 2014. Se, por algum motivo, houver atrasos na entrega, utilizaremos o UAV apenas a partir das campanhas do Ártico Canadiano em Julho de 2014 e campanha Antártica em 2014-15. Ainda antes do Verão de 2014 efetuaremos pelo menos uma campanha de recolha de imagens na serra da Estrela, que visa apoiar a dissertação de doutoramento do Alexandre Trindade.

Sun, 02/03/2025 - 19:07


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • estudantes de palmela

    Trabalho para a escola

    Boa tarde,estamos a contacta-lo da escola EB23 Hermenegildo de Capelo.Nos estamos a desenvolver um trabalho sobre o projeto que esta a desenvolver e gostaríamos que nos desse informações sobre o mesmo.E gostaríamos, se possível para se deslocar a nossa escola,para nos falar do seu impressionante trabalho.
    Com os nossos cumprimentos.

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  • Jose Úbeda

    1) Puede que más adelante

    1) Puede que más adelante deseen probar sus métodos de monitoreo en áreas tropicales con permafrost, como estas:
    - http://onggem.wordpress.com/2011/01/02/descubrimiento-de-permafrost-en-u...
    - http://onggem.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/figura-2-estacic3b3n-permafros...

    2) Podrían contar con apoyo de instituciones peruanas en las que trabajo como asesor y trabajar en cooperación con el grupo de investigación de David Palacios. Recientemente hemos suscrito los convenios que aseguran el apoyo para este tipo de investigaciones.

    3) Contacto: joseubeda@ghis.ucm.es

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  • Gonçalo VieiraJose Úbeda

    Claro que si!

    Claro que si, Jose Ubeda. Creo que eso vendra muy interesante. Estamos en contacto!

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  • Vanessa Rei


    Muitos parabéns e votos de muito sucesso! Certamente irão desenvolver um excelente trabalho.

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  • david montenegro

    água mole em pedra dura tanto dá até que a fura

    Para tornar viável o vosso projecto há que insistir na sua divulgação através dos mais diversificados meios de comunicação,antes que seja tarde.

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  • Gonçalo Vieiradavid montenegro

    Obrigado pelo apoio! Hoje o

    Obrigado pelo apoio! Hoje o projeto deu um salto significativo e estamos a voltar a divulgar em força. Contamos com todos para ajudar na divulgação.

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  • david montenegroGonçalo Vieira

    Tratem dos agasalhos.

    Boa sorte.

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  • ppalma

    Isto é ciência.

    "A região da Península Antártica tem sofrido profundas mudanças nas últimas décadas com um aquecimento de cerca de 2,5 ºC nas temperaturas médias anuais desde 1950". Bela afirmação, qual a fonte? Uma extrapolação dos dados incompletos da estação de Byrd?

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  • Gonçalo Vieirappalma


    O artigo que refere centra-se na Antártida Ocidental, enquanto a Península Antártica é uma região diferente do ponto de vista geográfico climático e glaciológico. O aquecimento nessa região tem sido muito marcado, particularmente nos meses de Inverno e, em algumas áreas, superou mesmo o valor que indicámos, o qual é usado como valor genérico médio para a região.

    Pode encontrar referências sobre o tema, por exemplo, em:
    - Turner, J., Colwell, S.R., Marshall, G.J., Lachlan-Cope, T.A., Carleton, A.M., Jones, P.D., Lagun, V., Reid, P.A., Iagovkina, S., 2005. Antarctic climate change during the last 50 years. International Journal of Climatology 25, 279–294.
    - Turner, J., Bindschadler, R., Convey, P., et al., 2009. Antarctic climate change and the environment. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research. Cambridge, England.
    - Vaughan, D.G., Marshall, G.J., Connolley, W.M., Parkinson, C., Mulvaney, R., Hodgson, D.A., King, J.C., Pudsey, C.J., Turner, J., 2003. Recent rapid regional climate warming on the Antarctic Peninsula. Climatic Change 60, 243–274.
    - Böning, C.W., Dispert, A., Visbeck, M., Rintoul, S.R., Schwartzkopf, F.U., 2008. The response of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current to recent climate change. Nature Geoscience 1, 864–869.
    - Cook, A.J., Vaughan, D.G., 2010. Overview of areal changes of the ice shelves on the Antarctic Peninsula over the past 50 years. The Cryosphere 4, 77–98.

    Convido-o também a ler alguns dos nossos trabalhos sobre permafrost antártico:
    - Bockheim J, Vieira G, Ramos M, Lopez-Martinez J, Serrano E, Guglielmin M, Wilhelm K, Nieuwendam A. 2013. Climate Warming and Permafrost Dynamics in the Antarctic Peninsula Region . Global and Planetary Change, 100: 215-223.
    - Vieira, G., Bockheim, J., Guglielmin, M., Balks, M., Abramov, A.A., Boelhouwers, J., Cannone, N., Ganzert, L., Gilichinsky, D.A., Goryachkin, S., López-Martínez, J., Meiklejohn, I., Raffi, R., Ramos, M., Schaefer, C., Serrano, E., Simas, F., Sletten, R., Wagner, D. 2010 - Thermal State of permafrost and active-layer monitoring in the Antarctic: advances during the International Polar Year 2007-09. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 21(2): 182-197.

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