Príncipe 2013 – Reconstruction of the nursery of Ponta do Sol
  • Education
  • Príncipe Island, São Tomé e Príncipe

Príncipe 2013 – Reconstruction of the nursery of Ponta do Sol

It is on the island of Príncipe, located on São Tomé, that ‘Sonha, Faz e Acontece’ is developing its pilot project. The specificity of the Principe’s people and the serious s...

  • 141


    141% of 1 000€

    59 backers

  • 26/07/2013

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

It is on the island of Príncipe, located on São Tomé, that ‘Sonha, Faz e Acontece’ is developing its pilot project. The specificity of the Principe’s people and the serious s...

It is on the island of Príncipe, located on São Tomé, that ‘Sonha, Faz e Acontece’ is developing its pilot project. The specificity of the Principe’s people and the serious social, educational and economic gaps awakened in the volunteers of ‘Sonha, Faz e Acontece’ the impetus and the desire to help changing the future of children and young people from the Island. The Principe is a special and exciting place, but where shortages abound all around.

Considering the activity focus of ‘Sonha, Faz e Acontece’, the volunteers of the Project ‘Principe 2013’ established as a main objective the reconstruction of the nursery of ‘Ponta do Sol’ (located between Lola Beach and Sundi Mount), one of the poorest places in the Island.

The Nursery of Ponta do Sol is one of the eight existing nurseries across the Island and is in an advanced state of degradation. Thus, the reconstruction of this building is so important, not only for that specific community but also to the very Príncipe Island, which will have one more nursery where children under 6 years old may establish a first contact with Education - the dream that moves our association.

The crowdfunding campaign ends on July 26, since our volunteers depart to the island of Principe on 27 July.

About the author

Sonha, Faz e Acontece is an association of social entrepreneurship and volunteerism, whose name, translated from Portuguese to English, means something like “Dream, do it, and it will happen”.

In 2010, moved by the desire to create value, a group of friends flew to the Principe Island in Sao Tome and Principe. There we discovered a different reality, where happiness and smiles prevailed, but where there were no dreams of a different future, or an alternative to the existing reality. Books to read, teachers to teach, libraries to study, training in several areas ... In Principe, there was - and still there is - a lot to do for the Education of those children and ‘Sonha, Faz e Acontece’ wants to participate actively in this change that reveals urgency. Because educate is take care of the future!

That was how, in April 2012, ‘Sonha, Faz e Acontece’ was born, an association of social entrepreneurship and volunteerism whose dream is to promote the Education on the Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP countries).

We started by the Principe Island, what we assume it as our pilot project, but our intention is to expand our activity to other countries where the Education still is a basic need.Currently, we are focused on two lines of action - one in Portugal, the other in Principe - and all the help and revenues are necessary in order to achieve the projects we have outlined. It is education that we are speaking about. Education is synonymous with freedom. Education is "the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" Nelson Mandela.


Budget and due dates

a. Custo total: € 2.000 – i) mobiliário escolar: € 1.000; ii) material de construção civil e pintura: €900,00; e iii) deslocação de voluntários: € 100; b. Período da reconstrução: 27 de Julho a 24 de Agosto de 2013. A SFA já angariou € 1.000, em actividades culturais, recreativas e desportivas.

Sat, 01/03/2025 - 23:42


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Ana Soromenho

    Iniciativas como esta são

    Iniciativas como esta são bastante louváves. Espero que objectivo seja atingido e que tenham muito sucesso na tarefa a que se propõem!

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