EvoLusa - Documentary about the Portuguese Soul and Future

EvoLusa - Documentary about the Portuguese Soul and Future

Is Portugal destined to remain a small, insignificant country, with a population submissive to a national inferiority complex endlessly complaining about the crisis? O...

  • 1421


    15% of 9 000€

    43 backers

  • 18/09/2013

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Is Portugal destined to remain a small, insignificant country, with a population submissive to a national inferiority complex endlessly complaining about the crisis? O...

Is Portugal destined to remain a small, insignificant country, with a population submissive to a national inferiority complex endlessly complaining about the crisis? Or is there substance to the inspired intuition of some of the greatest Portuguese philosophers, mystics and poets that Portugal has a significant role to play in the future of mankind?

What is the true nature of the Portuguese soul? What qualities of the Portuguese character could have a decisive role in the evolution of human consciousness and culture? And, equally importantly, what are the cultural narratives and psychological patterns that stifle and inhibit the spark of the Portuguese?

Join Peter Bampton, co-founder of Awakened Life Project and a great lover of Portugal and the Portuguese, for a provocative and inspiring investigation into the rare, but often undervalued, spiritual qualities of the Portuguese.

The story will be told through a collection of interviews with various personalities living in Portugal, whose work gives them a perspective on the Portuguese in a global context. The film will include a deep understanding of history that defines the condition of the Portuguese, an investigation of the unique characteristics of the Portuguese soul, and examples of a new movement that is happening in Portugal.

 Is the time right for Portugal to start a new era of discoveries in the fields of interior consciousness? And if so, what will it take for the Portuguese to awaken and begin to embody the promise of the future?


Although we already have some basic equipment to film and edit, we would like to have the ideal resources available so that we can develop this project to the best of our ability.

Because this story deserves to be told in a clear and sensible way, it is very important that the equipment we have does not define the limits of our creativity.

We have already started working on the documentary, and we expect to complete it in the spring of 2014. We are confident that if a large number of people to contribute to making this happen, even just with a small amount, we will succeed.

This is what we need:

- 4,000€ for equipment

Computer for organization and editing video

set of hard drives for high capacity storage and editing

DSLR camera with 50mm lens to shoot interviews

- 2,000€ for the producer / director salary

(400 € per month during 5 working months)

- 2,000€ for the creative director / editor salary

(400 € per month during 5 working months)

- 800€ travel expenses

(Getting to interviews around Portugal)

- 200€ unexpected expenses


About the author


The documentary will be a collective effort of many people, initiated by:

Peter Bampton

I am a co-founder of the Awakened Life Project and a teacher of evolutionary spirituality. As a result of teaching, living and working with many Portuguese I have been impressed by many rare spiritual that are very intrinsic to the national character. Through the transformational work that I teach I have also noticed some deep cultural obstacles to higher development. When I began to speak publicly about both the spiritual potential I saw in the Portuguese and the cultural narratives inhibiting this emergence, it had a very big impact. Gradually I became more and more interested in this subject and passionate about helping the Portuguese to awaken to their true nature. This adventure of research and deepening understanding has led me to begin creating this documentary. EvoLusa (Evolve Lusitânia (The Land of the Light)): The Portuguese Soul & The Future is my gift to the beautiful country of Portugal, and to the spiritual evolution of the Portuguese.

Glen Friedman 

I first came to Portugal over 3 years ago. At the time I was studying Engineering at the State University of New York, but I followed a deep impulse that brought me here instead. I came to explore Europe and sustainable projects, and Portugal was a random and coincidental starting point for the journey.  As soon as I landed here I felt something different, a completely different energy from the people. Learning the language feels to me like unlocking this never ending discovery of the culture. The more I am able to speak with the Portuguese in their language, the more I am able to understand them and the more impressed I am.


I feel privileged to be working on the technical aspect of this documentary. Until now, I have been working on sustainable projects at the Awakened Life Project, and returning to work in New York to support this. With the support of those who want to see this documentary happen I hope I am able to remain here and tell this amazing story.


Budget and due dates

Apesar de sermos donos de algum equipamento básico para filmar e editar, gostaríamos de ter ao nosso dispor os recursos ideais para podermos desenvolver o melhor trabalho possível. Porque que esta história merece ser contada da forma mais clara e sensível, será muito importante que não seja o equipamento a definir os limites para a nossa criatividade. Já começámos a trabalhar no documentário e esperamos concluir na Primavera de 2014. Estamos confiantes de que se um número grande de pessoas contribuírem para a nossa campanha, mesmo que seja com um valor mínimo, seremos bem sucedidos. Isto é o que precisamos: 4000€ equipamento computador para organização e edição de vídeo conjunto de discos rígidos de grande capacidade de armazenamento e edição câmera DSLR com lente de 50mm para filmar entrevistas 2.000€ salário produtor / realizador (400€ por mês durante 5 meses de trabalho) 2.000€ salário realizador creativo / editor (400€ por mês durante 5 meses de trabalho) 800€ despesas de viagem (realização de entrevistas à volta de Portugal) 200€ despesas inesperadas

Sat, 21/09/2024 - 09:13


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


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