More 5000 people will understand Autism
PPL Causas

More 5000 people will understand Autism


  • 1955


    17% of 10 950€

    44 backers

  • 30/04/2018

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds


Vencer Autismo dedicates much of its resources to informing about autism, raising awareness about this reality and publishing concrete techniques and specific tips so that they can be immediately applied by parents, professionals and other educators.

At this moment, their great mission is to hold free conferences in Portugal entitled "Understanding Autism" in order to maximize the impact.

They recognize that conferences should continue to be free, because information must be accessible to all, however it is very difficult to meet the costs and reach more distant or less-populated locations.

The dream, and given that Vencer Autismo reaches an average of 12,000 people per year, would be to hold conferences throughout the country, without having to constantly be accountable for the amount spent on fuel, car wear, kms traveled, the time to manage the events, the nights away from the family ...

Each person who attends an "Understanding Autism" conference has a minimum cost of € 2 for Autism. In this way, with our goal of getting € 10,000, we are helping 5000 more people understand autism.

Over the last few years, Vencer Autismo has spoken and impacted the lives of 26,000 people ... And now, as a way of thanking them for the work they do, it's our turn to help them!

We talked to Susana and Joe - Founders of Vencer Autismo - and if we succeeded in achieving the goal, they were fully receptive to participating in the rewards we suggested.
So see the fantastic rewards we have selected for you.

Thank you so much for contributing so that everyone understands autism!

About the author

We are Friends of Vencer Autismo! We met Joe and Susana at different times and were inspired by their desire to change the world. We recognize in them the knowledge and preserverance capable of eliminating the negative stigma of Autism in order to provide the best quality of life for these families.

Joe, Caui e Susana

Budget and due dates

All money will revert to Vencer Autismo, more specifically so that the conferences "Understand Autism" continue to be free and can reach more places in Portugal.

Order value in the campaign = € 10,950

Value for commissions PPL = € 942.79

Net value to revert to Vencer Autismo = 10,007.20 €

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    You are contributing to change the world!

    Yeah, cheers !! You have contributed to Vencer Autismo to continue its mission.

    29 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Thank you letter

    Thank you, you contributed to Winning Autism to continue its mission. You will receive a personalized thank you letter.

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    Participation in a "Caui & Show"

    You have the opportunity to participate in a Caui & Show * to be held in Oporto on a date to be marked. If you can not move, you can choose the topic to talk to. * Caui is the daughter of the co-founder of Vencer Autismo and has Autism. It is the reason for the existence of Vencer autismo and the engine that makes wanting to do more and continue to provide useful tools to parents and professionals. For over a year now, she and Joe have been making small videos where they talk about various topics ... It started with a joke to work on some aspects of their social development and is now something that she is very committed to. They named it Caui & Show. See here:

    1 backer

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Masterclass "How to communicate with impact from the heart"

    Susana and Joe have a lot of experience speaking in public, and better than anyone else, they use communication from the heart to reach the heart. You will participate in a masterclass face-to-face or online on a date to mark. You can learn to communicate with impact, increase self-confidence and reduce stress levels and improve the quality of your personal and professional relationships.

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Inspirational dinner with Caui, Susana and Joe

    Let's make a relaxed dinner, talk, make friends, inspire and be inspired. It will be in Oporto in date to be combined with great animation and moments of sharing.

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    200€ or more

    Consultation session with Founders of Vencer Autismo

    You will have access to a 1h skype counseling session with Susana and Joe, where you can get all your autism doubts and receive many suggestions. If consulting does not apply to you, you can offer it to a family that needs it.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    500€ or more

    Sponsor a Conference

    You are officially the sponsor of a conference and you will receive a t-shirt. With this amount, you will bear the entire expense of a conference, helping more than 200 people attend the "Understanding Autism" conference.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    1000€ or more

    Vencer Autismo holds a conference in a place of your choice

    To the north or south of Portugal, in the center or the islands, you have the possibility to just choose and the Vencer Autismo goes to you and still offers you a t-shirt and a mug.

    1 backer

Sun, 19/05/2024 - 06:45

Sat, 05/05/2018 - 18:39

Agradecimento | Encerramento da campanha

Olá Amigos, Após a conclusão da campanha, vimos agradecer a todos pela divulgação e principalmente aos apoiantes pelos contributos e por acreditarem neste projeto. Infeliz...

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Fri, 04/05/2018 - 11:14

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Mon, 02/04/2018 - 16:26

Agradecimento e Dia Mundial da Consciencialização do Autismo

Olá Amigos, 10 dias depois de termos lançado esta campanha, queremos agradecer-vos por todos os contributos e partilhas feitas... Estamos a caminhar para o objetivo, mas ain...

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Campaign launched


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  • Amigos da Vencer Autismo

    Agradecimento | Encerramento da campanha

    Olá Amigos,

    Após a conclusão da campanha, vimos agradecer a todos pela divulgação e principalmente aos apoiantes pelos contributos e por acreditarem neste projeto.

    Infelizmente não conseguimos atingir o objetivo, que apesar de ambicioso, fazia todo o sentido e iria ter impacto em pelos menos 5000 pessoas.
    No entanto, este movimento permitiu que a Vencer Autismo divulgasse ainda mais a sua missão e, apesar de não se ter refletido na campanha, sabemos que aconteceram contactos muito importantes.

    Tendo em conta que esta campanha estava enquadrada nas Causas PPL, existia a opção de dar o apoio ao promotor, mesmo que a campanha não chegasse ao objetivo.
    Assim, conseguimos reunir 32 apoios no valor total de 659.00 €, sendo que 56.74€ desse valor foram para as comissões PPL.
    Já demos ordem de transferência para a conta da Vencer Autismo de 602.26€.

    Os apoios reunidos de forma não incondicional já foram devolvidos aos apoiantes pelo PLL.
    Aproveitamos para deixar os dados bancários da Vencer Autismo para o caso de alguém desejar oferecer na mesma o apoio à Vencer Autismo, após receber a devolução do seu contributo inicial no PPL.

    Vencer Autismo
    IBAN: PT50 0269 0659 00208627951 84

    Muito obrigada por nos terem ajudado a ajudar a Vencer Autismo :-)
    Iremos continuar esta caminhada juntos!

    Abraços e Sorrisos,
    Amigos da Vencer Autismo

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  • Amigos da Vencer Autismo

    Agradecimento e Dia Mundial da Consciencialização do Autismo

    Olá Amigos,

    10 dias depois de termos lançado esta campanha, queremos agradecer-vos por todos os contributos e partilhas feitas...
    Estamos a caminhar para o objetivo, mas ainda precisamos muito do vosso apoio e divulgação.

    Hoje é o Dia Mundial da Consciencialização do Autismo, um dia muito importante para nos relembrar que a missão da Vencer Autismo tem que continuar.

    "O Autismo é apenas uma forma diferente de perceber o mundo, agora falta o mundo perceber o autismo de forma diferente."
    Muito obrigada por acreditarem neste projeto!

    Abraços e Sorrisos,
    Amigos da Vencer Autismo

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44 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 33
    new backers

  • 11
    recurrent backers

  • 23
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Susana Gonçalves

    25/04/2018 - 23:19

    E que cada vez mais pessoas possam entender o Autismo

  • Fernando Pinto

    24/04/2018 - 18:39

  • Sandra Duarte

    23/04/2018 - 14:46

  • Anonymous

    17/04/2018 - 14:09

    É muito triste em pleno século XXI ainda falarmos em "inclusão".Obrigado por lutarem contra a maré, obrigado por me fazerem acreditar num mundo mais justo!

  • Anonymous

    16/04/2018 - 17:16

  • Anonymous

    10/04/2018 - 21:11

  • Ezequiela Fátima da Silva Pereira Resende

    09/04/2018 - 19:50

    Incentivo para a vencer autismo

  • Anonymous

    07/04/2018 - 09:09

  • Mónica Alexandra Leal da Silva

    07/04/2018 - 00:14

    Sou mãe de um menino autista e sei o quanto é importante divulgar e conscientizar as pessoas sobre o autismo.

  • Anonymous

    06/04/2018 - 17:42

  • Anonymous

    06/04/2018 - 12:28

    Força. Mantenham o foco e continuem assim. Excelente trabalho

  • Anonymous

    06/04/2018 - 10:14

  • Anonymous

    05/04/2018 - 20:11

  • Paulo Jorge Diniz

    04/04/2018 - 21:16

  • Ricardo França

    03/04/2018 - 16:31

  • Anonymous

    03/04/2018 - 10:57

  • Clélia Martins

    30/03/2018 - 19:50

    Força! não desistam do vosso sonho, da vossa missão.

  • Tiago Ferreira

    30/03/2018 - 17:34

    Go Vencer Autismo!

  • Anonymous

    30/03/2018 - 14:33

  • Lea Rohner-Wimmer

    30/03/2018 - 14:15

    Good luck!