Childhood in Nature - Contribute to the implementation of an innovative project!
Desafio PPL!

Childhood in Nature - Contribute to the implementation of an innovative project!

This Campaign serves the aim to support the first investment to do in order to start an educational and environmental project for young children in the city of Aveiro. We aim to...

  • 821


    29% of 2 765€

    34 backers

  • 08/03/2018

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

This Campaign serves the aim to support the first investment to do in order to start an educational and environmental project for young children in the city of Aveiro. We aim to create a place where children and nature live and develop in harmony and learn to respect each other on a daily basis, raising future adults who are in deep connection and respectful for Nature as our Mother Earth. Therefore we need your help to start creating the brand, promoting workshops and activities for the comm...

Dear future supporter,

Welcome to the place where children and nature live in harmony on a daily basis, from sunrise to sunset!

We are a multidisciplinary trio of women concerned with the relationship that today's children have with nature and we seek to promote a space in which this relationship is naturally lived.


An educational place that allows children to develop physically and psychologically in direct relation with nature, accompanied by adults who facilitate their learning process. The inspiration for the pedagogical intervention starts from Forest School models, passing through referential approaches to childhood such as Montessori, Reggio Emilia and Waldorf Pedagogy, recognizing the child as a unique, individual and creative being. Thus, specific interventions will be designed in order to adapt to each child, using knowledge and practices from a holistic approach. At the basics of all project structure we will have Permaculture, in its comprehensive sense and complementary to the various aspects of life. It will be fundamental to open up to the local community, promoting moments of awareness for parents, experience and training in the most varied areas of expression of the human being.


This campaign is designed to provide the minimum conditions for the creation of the project and its programs, including all the initial bureaucracies inherent in the creation of the Community, the necessary structuring and planning consultancies, the purchase of agricultural and ecological building materials, pedagogical material and support to the initial workshops to be proposed to the community. The themes will range from Education in Nature and Permaculture to issues of environmental sustainability. Your support will allow us to walk towards the implementation of this innovative project as we aim to be in the next school year. Can we count on you?


The possibility of integrating a group of attentive people who are proactive in the land of Environmental and Ecological Education, contributing to a pioneering and innovative project at national level. By participating in this campaign you will be able to make regular visits to the project in order to monitor its implementation on the ground and its growth, benefiting from discounts in thematic workshops for adults and children throughout 2018. In the case of more contributions we will be happy to mention your name or the company through which you will participate in all initial communications regarding the project itself and the workshops that derive from it.

About the author


An Early Childhood Educator who is passionate about childhood in its exploration and discovery essence, a nature lover and a proactive promoter of outdoor activities. With more than ten years of experience in the field of early childhood education, she awakens to the need to restructure the current education model in Portugal, motivating herself to create new social responses aimed at the child's development as a creative being , dreamy and independent. With training in Development of the individual and positive psychology with children, she strives daily to be able to build an environment conducive to the full and balanced development of each of the children who pass through her life.


A full-time mother of two teenagers since the birth of her first child 16 years ago. With an academic background in the area of ​​Management, she accumulates 44 years of positive experiences, some more than others, but always absorbing learning. Today, as the children are grown up, she’s willing to share and receive knowledge from other children, she tries to give them a healthy and happy growth, with the main focus on respect for Nature. She is the author of the blog Olho de Gato by K. ( and “rumors says it” that where she puts her hands, magic happens!


Eternal lover of humanity, she walks through different cultures always with the attentive eye of the Psychology of Education and Development, seeing the world from a "forget the box!" perspective - broadly and openly. The thirst for new cultures has already led her to several destinations to live in a community, from Portugal, to Switzerland, Italy and Nepal, and she have dived deeply trip after trip. Her great passion is to be able to give hope to children and young people, encouraging them to dream constantly and empowering them to work hard to achieve their dreams. Her main goal is to develop a space that promotes participatory communities, aiming to contribute to a world where people come along together and enjoy sharing, feeling empowered to create their own realities.

Budget and due dates

Amount asked in the campaign - € 2765 *

Costs of leasing/preparation of the physical space (Land + Structure) - € 350

Registration Costs and Company Formality - € 850

Consultancy Costs (eg. BioConstruction, Permaculture, Water access, ecc.) - € 250

Implementation Costs - € 900 

Transport and Travel Costs (for trainers) - € 150

PPL Commission - € 238,07

* The amount requested corresponds to 35% of the total amount to be invested.

Important information: We are 100% available to clarify any doubts related to the project to whom to help.

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    Bread bag in cloth - handmade

    Bread bag made of cloth and patterned - Handmade Availability: In stock Deliveries via CTT throughout the country within 3-6 days (included Shipping costs up to €3) * Partnership with Olho de Gato by K. (

    17 backers

  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    Participation in thematic day! (for kids)

    Participation in thematic day! (for kids) Thematic days will take place in the region of Aveiro, covering themes such as manual work with elements of nature, activities in natural surroundings and forest, music and construction of musical instruments, theater, cooking for children, gardening and agriculture, among others. There will be thematic days throughout the year 2018, covering the themes mentioned. *Some of the workshops might be developed on other regions of the country, according to availability of partners.

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    20% discount on Permaculture Workshop

    20% discount on 1 Permaculture Workshop * Valid for one or two day workshops on full value. Workshops to be held in the area of ​​Aveiro throughout the year of 2018, starting from March. Workshops will be developed to support the construction of the space, which will cover various Permaculture themes. *Partnership with PermaTorus (

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    80€ or more

    Permaculture Consulting Session*

    Consulting * in Permaculture throughout the country, except the Azores. (if outside Lisbon, does not include travel costs) Duration: 1h Available all year 2018, subject to consultant availability. * Partnership with Perma Torus (

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Workshop on BioConstruction Techniques

    One day of participation on a BioConstruction Workshop. Workshop to be held in the area of ​​Aveiro, predicted to happen for the period between March and September 2018.

    1 backer

Mon, 14/10/2024 - 10:13

Fri, 16/03/2018 - 12:07

Dear friends and friendly

Dear friends and friendly people who contribute to the Crowdfunding, I am writing you with some disappointment in the words, because we have not been able to achieve the goa...

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Fri, 16/03/2018 - 11:43

Objectivo não alcançado | Mensagem a tod@s que contribuíram

Bom dia a todos e a todas! Escrevo-vos com alguma decepção nas palavras, pelo facto de não termos conseguido alcançar o objectivo por nós proposto. Não obstante, a motivação ...

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Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Wed, 24/01/2018 - 15:06


Olá a todos e a todas =) Gostaríamos de expressar o nosso profundo agradecimento a estes primeiros contributos, vocês desempenharam um papel lindo e importante para este arr...

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Campaign launched


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  • Vanessa Aires

    Dear friends and friendly

    Dear friends and friendly people who contribute to the Crowdfunding,

    I am writing you with some disappointment in the words, because we have not been able to achieve the goal we have proposed ourselves to in the PPL Crowdfunding platform, to which you contributed. Nevertheless, the motivation remains in my soul and the will to do this project is equally alive in me =) The fact that I received the messages from all of you who contributed and who expressed your support was something very important and it had a strong impact on me. I will use this strength that I have been given to invest even more in this process and project.

    I would like to inform all the supporters that the project will not stop with this setback, the work will continue to be done and at this moment I await the results of the Consulting already contracted with the Permaculture Designer, which will soon deliver the first drawings of the space. With this completed design, and in partnership with the Architects involved in the Project, I will develop a mock-up of the space, so as to be able to give back to all of you and to those who are more interested, a concrete and more tangible image of what space will look like = )

    So all contributions are welcome as I will continue to invest all my time and money into the development of this space for a balanced and nature-based early childhood development. To those who have contributed and now will be reimbursed the value, on the behalf of the platform PPL, I appeal that you can still contribute to the project, directly to me, if you keep the interest. All contributions will be applied in the development of the project, I am available to share, whenever you wish, the investment proof of your contribution in this development.
    To those who express an interest in making this contribution directly, may you please send me an email to the address

    I express once again my profound gratitude for your belief in this project and your expression of its value, contributing to the realization of a dream of public and community service.

    May Gaia bless you all!
    I await your messages =)

    Warm Regards,
    Vanessa Aires

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  • Vanessa Aires

    Objectivo não alcançado | Mensagem a tod@s que contribuíram

    Bom dia a todos e a todas!

    Escrevo-vos com alguma decepção nas palavras, pelo facto de não termos conseguido alcançar o objectivo por nós proposto. Não obstante, a motivação permanece na alma e a vontade de fazer este projecto está igualmente viva em mim =) O facto de ter tido o apoio e ter recebido as mensagens de todos vocês que contribuíram e manifestaram o vosso apoio, foi algo bastante importante e teve um impacto forte em mim. Irei usar essa força que me passaram para investir mais ainda neste processo.
    Gostaria de informar todos os apoiantes que o projecto não irá cessar ou travar-se com este contratempo, o trabalho continua a ser feito e neste momento aguardo os resultados da Consultoria já contratada com o Designer de Permacultura, o qual entregará em breve o primeiro desenho do espaço. Com esse desenho completo, e em parceria com as Arquitectas envolvidas no Projecto, irei desenvolver uma maquete do espaço de forma a poder devolver a todos vocês e a quem mais se interessar, uma imagem concreta e mais palpável de como se parecerá o espaço =)
    Assim, todas as contribuições serão bem vindas, pois continuarei a investir todo o meu tempo e dinheiro no desenvolvimento deste espaço de primeira infância. A quem contribuiu e agora terá retribuído o valor por parte da plataforma da PPL, apelo a que possam contribuir ainda assim para o projecto, directamente para mim. Todas as contribuições serão aplicadas no desenvolvimento do projecto, estando eu disponível para partilhar sempre que desejarem os comprovativos de investimento do vosso contributo neste desenvolvimento.
    A quem quiser efectuar esta contribuição directamente para mim, peço que me contactem por email para, pois nem todos deixaram aqui o seu email, principalmente quem contribuiu como anónimo.

    Manifesto uma vez mais a minha profunda gratidão pela vossa crença neste projecto e a vossa manifestação de valor do mesmo, contribuindo para a concretização de um sonho de serviço público e comunitário.
    Um bem haja a todos e todas !
    Aguardo as vossas mensagens =)

    Até breve,
    Vanessa Aires

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  • Vanessa Aires


    Olá a todos e a todas =)

    Gostaríamos de expressar o nosso profundo agradecimento a estes primeiros contributos, vocês desempenharam um papel lindo e importante para este arranque, transformando-se automaticamente nos "seeders" deste projecto. Graças a vocês conseguimos alcançar uma expressão bastante boa numa primeira semana e meia de campanha, já foram mais de 200 as pessoas que partilharam a nossa campanha, mas não chegam as partilhas. Peço a vossa ajuda, todos e todas que já acreditaram no projecto o bastante para passarem à contribuição, para que possam divulgar pelos vossos contactos expressando a vossa escolha por contribuir para este projecto.
    Um bem haja a todos os contribuidores que preferiram manter o anonimato, estamos gratas pelo vosso apoio e presença neste grupo =)

    Até breve e uma agradável semana !

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34 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 19
    new backers

  • 15
    recurrent backers

  • 11
    anonymous backers

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