No Bully Yes Love in Portuguese schools
PPL Causas

No Bully Yes Love in Portuguese schools

Be part of the "No Bully Yes Love Movement", an anti-bullying campaign for Portuguese schools!

  • 580


    15% of 3 800€

    22 backers

  • 23/01/2018

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

Be part of the "No Bully Yes Love Movement", an anti-bullying campaign for Portuguese schools!

Bullying affects 1 in 3 children aged 11 to 15 in Portugal *, leaving them with irreversible damages that prevent them from realizing their true potential. If you are against bullying, you now have the opportunity to reverse this by supporting the No Bully Yes Love campaign.

This serious problem has always existed - but now we know how to solve it! So it's time we stopped ignoring it and allowing children and young people to reach their true potential, with a future full of joy and love! In addition, we will prevent the other forms of violence that bullies tend to manifest as they grow, making them more empathetic and balanced.

After the success at Olaiais Middle School, funded by the 76 supporters by crowdfuding last year, we want to expand our impact to a new school.

The No Bully System® was created in the US, is a sequence of trainings for the entire school community, has been tested in more than 250 schools and has a success rate of 90%. With your help, we will be able to replicate these fantastic results!

Join this movement and spread the love - No Bully Yes Love!

Testemunhos escola das Olaias

About the author

No Bully Portugal is a non-profit association, founded in 2016, whose mission is to end bullying in schools by developing the empathy and kindness of children and young people.

We have a multidisciplinary team, with psychologists, managers, doctors, specialists in social networks, events, and many other areas. We work daily to get to Portuguese schools the program that will end bullying.

Get to know our work better at!


Budget and due dates

Campaign Calendar:

  • December - January: fundraising
  • February - March: training actions for the whole school community
  • April - June: follow-up of the "Solution Coaches"
  • July: evaluation of results

Expected budget:

No Bully Portugal aims to become financially sustainable, so it is necessary to cover the costs associated with each program in a school.

  • Fees for trainers No Bully: € 1 400
  • Fees for commercials No Bully: € 380
  • Costs of communication materials: 350 €
  • Commission for PPL and VAT: € 344
  • Intellectual Property Commission for No Bully International: € 338
  • Administrative fees No Bully: € 380
  • Cost of material for training in school: € 208
  • Estimated cost for supporter rewards: € 200
  • Shipping costs: 200 €
  • Invest with
    1€ or more

    Nice Supporter

    Public thank you on the official Facebook page

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    5€ or more

    Friendly Supporter

    Previous + Personalized thank you letter (postage for Portugal included)

    6 backers

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    10€ or more

    Hopeful Supporter

    Previous + Pin "No Bully Portugal" (Portes to Portugal included)

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    Dedicated Supporter

    Previous + Pen "No Bully Portugal" (postage for Portugal included)

    2 backers

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    20€ or more

    Concerned Supporter

    Previous + Notebook "No Bully Portugal" (postage for Portugal included)

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Special Supporter

    Previous + T-shirt "No Bully Portugal" (postage para Portugal included)

    3 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Fantastic Supporter

    Previous + Free Workshop (Portes para Portugal included)

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    200€ or more

    Marvelous Supporter

    Previous + Activity with students (postage for Portugal included)

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    500€ or more

    "Gold" Supporter

    Previous + Presence in communication materials (postage for Portugal included)

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    1000€ or more

    "Platinum" Supporter

    Previous + Free Workshop for 20 people (postage for Portugal included)

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Sun, 22/12/2024 - 01:55

Tue, 06/02/2018 - 14:07

Obrigada a todos!!!

Caros apoiantes, É do fundo do coração que vos agradecemos a confiança que depositaram em nós através das doações feitas. Graças a estas contribuições, temos o valor mínimo p...

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Fri, 26/01/2018 - 15:47

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


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  • Ines Freire de Andrade

    Obrigada a todos!!!

    Caros apoiantes,

    É do fundo do coração que vos agradecemos a confiança que depositaram em nós através das doações feitas. Graças a estas contribuições, temos o valor mínimo para avançar com uma sequência de formações que nos comprometemos a oferecer aos agrupamentos de escolas Patrício Prazeres (Santa Apolónia) e D. Dinis (Marvila)!!
    Dos 580€ doados, 155€ foram devolvidos aos doadores que não escolheram a opção de doar incondicionalmente, e 36.59€ ficaram para o PPL em comissões da plataforma e IVA. Assim, recebemos na nossa conta 388.41€.
    Deste valor, serão transferidos 338€ à No Bully dos EUA, com quem temos um contrato de licença de representação, no qual nos comprometemos a pagar 30% dos nossos preços de tabela para as formações por eles certificadas. Com o restante dinheiro, procedemos ao pagamento de 20€ em publicidade do projeto no Facebook e 30.26€ dos pins que encomendámos para as recompensas da campanha. Com estas despesas, restaram apenas 0.15€ do total angariado.

    A nossa prioridade é providenciar às escolas as ferramentas certas para lidar com o bullying, e é por essa razão que vamos avançar com o programa nestes dois agrupamentos, mesmo que não haja ainda o financiamento para tornar a nossa ação sustentável.
    No entanto, se acreditarem neste projeto e desejarem que ele cresça, estamos sempre disponíveis para esclarecer qualquer questão e temos a conta da associação aberta a donativos dos que estão mais solidários com este problema. O IBAN da conta é PT50 0036 0282 99100036239 87 (Montepio).

    Muito obrigada e daremos notícias das nossas intervenções!

    Inês Freire de Andrade
    Visionary Pacifist / Vice-Presidente

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22 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 10
    new backers

  • 12
    recurrent backers

  • 11
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Michele Beretta

    23/01/2018 - 12:03


  • Yoann Nesme

    23/01/2018 - 11:17

  • Anonymous

    23/01/2018 - 09:34

  • Helena Gil Pereira

    22/01/2018 - 10:47

  • Salvador Burnay Barros

    22/01/2018 - 10:42

    Força!! Vocês conseguem chegar lá!

  • Anonymous

    18/01/2018 - 22:23

  • Anonymous

    17/01/2018 - 21:34

  • Anonymous

    17/01/2018 - 11:43

    Um pequeno apoio para uma grande causa

  • Anonymous

    08/01/2018 - 09:58

  • João Raposo

    06/01/2018 - 20:53

  • Benedita Contreras

    05/01/2018 - 19:43

    O futuro começa pela educação! Grande iniciativa :)

  • Anonymous

    05/01/2018 - 18:43

  • Anonymous

    05/01/2018 - 10:38

  • Paula Manacas

    04/01/2018 - 19:22

  • Anonymous

    04/01/2018 - 18:51

    Excelente iniciativa. Crianças felizes não têm preço! Força e obrigada.

  • Anonymous

    04/01/2018 - 18:26

    Força No Bully!

  • Anonymous

    02/01/2018 - 14:56

  • Anonymous

    24/12/2017 - 14:45

    Grande projeto e com grandes resultados até ao momento!

  • Diogo Freire de Andrade

    14/12/2017 - 13:20