Therapeutic robot that stimulates people with dementia
PPL Causas

Therapeutic robot that stimulates people with dementia

The objective of the campaign is to gather the necessary value for the acquisition of a therapeutic robot that promotes well-being and improves the quality of life of people wit...

  • 5085


    104% of 4 869€

    115 backers

  • 26/01/2018

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

The objective of the campaign is to gather the necessary value for the acquisition of a therapeutic robot that promotes well-being and improves the quality of life of people with dementia.

World´s older population is now growing, a trend also registered in Portugal, with an estimate of 32% of the population aged over 65 in 2060. Associated with this aging process, there is an increase in dementias prevalence. The estimate of Portuguese over 60 years with dementia is around 160,000.

These numbers raise great concerns about the treatment and promotion of the well-being of these people. Parallel to the scientific investment in the treatment area it is imperative to innovate in rehabilitation methodologies and promotion of the quality of life of people with dementia.

The therapeutic robot, whose main goal is to improve the social, emotional and cognitive performance of people with dementia, simulates a baby seal, which expresses emotions, emits real sounds, opens and closes the eyes, moves the head and the fins and reacts to the touch , light and sound.This robot has body temperature and weighs about 2.5 kg.It is endowed with artificial intelligence, being able to learn the name, to react emotionally when we call it and to learn and repeat behaviors that result in positive responses of those who interact with it.

It has a hygienic artificial skin with an anti-bacterial and anti-stain finish, allowing its use in hospitals.

Robot Terapêutico

This robot stimulates the following areas:

  • Cognitive: Attention, gnosis, memory, reminiscences;
  • Affective / Emotional: Expression of positive emotions;
  • Sensorial: Tactile, auditory and visual stimulation;
  • Psychological: generates relaxation; increases motivation; reduces levels of stress, agitation, anxiety and distress;
  • Social: fosters social interaction and communication reducing isolation.

Given that these people have a decline in cognitive functions such as loss of communication skills and reduced social interaction, and that, throughout the course of the disease, become more isolated and agitated, this robotic therapy will make a significant contribution to the promotion of their well-being and quality of life.

This robot is used for scientifically proven therapeutic purposes in several hospitals all over the world. In 2009 its importance was recognized by the Food and Drug Administration, which certified it as a "therapeutic medical instrument". The professionals who use it are trained in this robotic therapy.

Its creator, the Japanese engineer Takanori Shibata, called it Paro. Once the Robot can learn and react to its name, our patients have decided that it  will be called Amália.
If in the past we've seen robots performing tasks for humans in factories, today we have to see them as partners in care. The use of this robotic therapy will be an extraordinary therapeutic complement to our intervention. We understand that we must do everything in our power to make these people feel comfortable, keeping them interested and connected to the world.


About the author

Casa de Saúde da Idanha is a health establishment run by the Institute of the Hospitaller Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a NGOwith health purposes. It was founded in 1894 by St. Benedict Menni and is the first assistance center in Portugal of the congregation.

Its mission is to provide differentiated and humanized health care, especially in mental health and psychiatry, according to the best clinical practices, with quality and efficiency, respect for the individuality and sensitivity of the user, in a humanistic and integral view of the person.

In 2005, Casa de Saúde da Idanhaopened a unit specialized in the treatment and rehabilitation of people with dementia - Gerontopsychiatry and Cognitive Rehabilitation Unit. During the 12 years of activity, about 1,500 people were assisted in this unit for symptomatic control and/or for the relief of the caregiver burden, with most patients being reinstated into the community / family after discharge.

The experience accumulated during these 12 years of activity of the unit and the specialized and postgraduate training of the technicians that integrate it constitutes an added value for the implementation of this project of robotic therapy, ensuring at the same time its scientific quality.

A equipa de profissionais da unidade de gerontopsiquiatria

Budget and due dates


We need to reach the amount of €4869 of a total of € 6688.74 required.

The amount collected will be used in:

1 - Acquisition of therapeutic robot and professionals training in this therapy - €5.989,50;

2-PPL commission: 5% + VAT - € 299,46

3- Payments mechanisms commission: 2% + VAT -  €119,78

4 - Production of the campaign and shipping costs of the rewards - € 280,00

50% of the surplus will be donated to Portugal´s Alzheimer Association.

Campaign period 60 days

Rewards send date: 1st -15th February 2018

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    Personalized gratitude message from our patients

    Receive a gratitude message in the social networks of the Institute of the Hospitaller Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. You also receive a personalized gratitude message from our patients. This message will be scanned and sent via email.

    10 backers

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    Manual work done by our patients

    Receive a gratitude message in the social networks of the Institute of the Hospitaller Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. You also receive a manual work done by our patients that will be sent by mail.

    26 backers

Mon, 14/10/2024 - 15:40

Mon, 02/04/2018 - 15:02

Ponto situação campanha Robot Amália

Ex mos senhores equipa PPL Vimos por este meio informar que o Robot Amália já chegou à Casa de Saúde da Idanha. Já iniciámos a intervenção com esta ferramenta terapêutica e o q...

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Mon, 02/04/2018 - 14:50

A Amália já chegou à Casa de Saúde da Idanha

Exmos senhores, Vimos por este meio informar que graças à vossa generosidade o Robot Amália já chegou à Casa de Saúde da Idanha. Já iniciámos a intervenção com esta ferramenta...

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Mon, 05/02/2018 - 13:50

Confirmação da transferência dos fundos angariados

Ex mos senhores equipa PPL Venho por este meio confirmar que recebemos a transferência dos fundos angariados na campanha Amália - Robot terapêutico que estimula doentes com de...

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Mon, 29/01/2018 - 12:05

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Casa de Saúde da Idanha - Irmãs Hospitaleiras

    Ponto situação campanha Robot Amália

    Ex mos senhores equipa PPL
    Vimos por este meio informar que o Robot Amália já chegou à Casa de Saúde da Idanha. Já iniciámos a intervenção com esta ferramenta terapêutica e o que tem sido mais gratificante é a satisfação dos nossos doentes quando estão com a Amália. Ao longo deste mês de intervenção já foi possível constatar que este Robot tem grandes potencialidades terapêuticas, ao nível da promoção da qualidade de vida e do bem estar dos doentes com demência.
    Logo que tenhamos resultados consistentes do impacto desta ferramenta terapêutica na qualidade de vida dos nossos doentes informamos.
    Relativamente às recompensas já foram todas entregues, com excepção de 3 apoiantes. Uma das recompensas exigia que o apoiante nos enviasse uma morada, em 3 situações apesar do envio de e-mail a solicitar morada não obtivemos resposta, devemos efetuar algum procedimento para esta situação?
    Muito Obrigada,
    Carla Pombo

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  • Casa de Saúde da Idanha - Irmãs Hospitaleiras

    A Amália já chegou à Casa de Saúde da Idanha

    Exmos senhores,
    Vimos por este meio informar que graças à vossa generosidade o Robot Amália já chegou à Casa de Saúde da Idanha. Já iniciámos a intervenção com esta ferramenta terapêutica e o que tem sido mais gratificante é a satisfação dos nossos doentes quando estão com a Amália. Ao longo deste mês de intervenção já foi possível constatar que este Robot tem grandes potencialidades terapêuticas, ao nível da promoção da qualidade de vida e do bem estar dos doentes com demência.
    Logo que tenhamos resultados consistentes do impacto desta ferramenta terapêutica na qualidade de vida dos nossos doentes informamos.
    Muito Obrigada,
    Carla Pombo

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  • Ana MoraisCasa de Saúde da Idanha - Irmãs Hospitaleiras


    Muitos parabéns a toda a equipa e especialmente aos pacientes que vão beneficiar deste equipamento!

    Um forte abraço!

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  • Casa de Saúde da Idanha - Irmãs Hospitaleiras

    Confirmação da transferência dos fundos angariados

    Ex mos senhores equipa PPL
    Venho por este meio confirmar que recebemos a transferência dos fundos angariados na campanha Amália - Robot terapêutico que estimula doentes com demência.
    O robot Amália já está encomendado e chegará à Casa de Saúde da Idanha na segunda quinzena de Fevereiro. Relativamente às recompensas estamos a proceder ao seu envio.
    Agradecemos todo o apoio da PPL e a oportunidade de angariar fundos através da vossa plataforma. Gostaríamos de fazer um agradecimento especial ao João Pedro Pio pela ajuda e esclarecimentos ao longo de toda a campanha.
    Carla Pombo
    Casa de Saúde da Idanha - Irmãs hospitaleiras

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