Together for México
PPL Causas

Together for México

Mexico has been hit by terrible earthquakes. Thousands of people need your help!

  • 1388


    139% of 1 000€

    53 backers

  • 09/10/2017

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Mexico has been hit by terrible earthquakes. Thousands of people need your help!

During the last few weeks, Mexico has ben hit by potent earthquakes. In september 19th, exactly 32 years after the tragic earthquake of 1985, a 7.1 magnitude seism destroyed dozens of buildings in Mexico city alone, including schools, killing hundreds of people. Many rescue teams and volunteers give their best to try and find survivors but desperately need tools and means to keep going.



This tragedy is far from over. Thousands of buildings have suffered severe damage and hundreds are uninhabitable, leaving thousands of families homeless and in despair. Dozens of shelters are already in place and also need a constant flow of food and basic supplies to help the families.



The money raised will be donated to the Mexican Red Cross. This institution provides free health care and is actively involved in rescue actions as well as humanitarian aid: I am in no way personally involved with the Red Cross, but have chosen it for being a safe destination for our donations.

If you wish to donate directly to the Mexican Red Cross, you can also do it here: or choose another type of support here:

About the author

I am Yoann Nesme, born in Mexico City 36 years ago. I still remember the earthquake that shook the city in 1985 and the panic that followed! I was 4 years old back then, so there wasn't much I could do. After 32 years, I am not there to help as I'd wish, but will do my best to raise funds the ones in need.

Linked in:

Note: I am one of the founders of this platform.

Budget and due dates

I hope to raise as much as I can in 2 weeks to quickly donate the total amount to the Mexican Red Cross. These funds will be used to buy food and medical supplies. You can check Mexican Red Cross' Facebook page below for the latest updates.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Thank you!

    A big thank you on my Facebook wall.

    6 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Thank you in pic!

    A picture of myself with a personalized thank you.

    15 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Thank you in video!

    A personalized video thanking you for your generosity.

    19 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Thank you in person!

    I will meet you and bring some Tequila to make a toast for Mexico.

    12 backers

Sat, 19/10/2024 - 16:55

Mon, 16/10/2017 - 16:26

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Tue, 10/10/2017 - 15:28

Gracias amigos!

Conseguimos juntar 53 generosas almas, de várias nacionalidades e de 3 continentes, para doarmos 1388 euros à Cruz Roja Mexicana. Alguns de vocês já receberam a vossa recompensa...

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Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Tue, 03/10/2017 - 10:26

128% and counting!

Obrigado aos 48 apoiantes que já fizeram com que a campanha ultrapassasse o "objectivo"! Vamos tentar aumentar ainda mais este número até ao final da campanha na próxima segunda...

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Thu, 28/09/2017 - 16:42


+ 76% dos apoiantes é do sexo feminino + o valor médio de apoio é de 25 euros + hoje ainda não vos melguei pelo que não houve apoios + preciso da vossa ajuda para divulgar! ...

Read more

Wed, 27/09/2017 - 13:35

+ 50% !

Uau! Já superámos os 50% do objectivo! Obrigado a todos pelos donativos e partilhas. Lembrem-se que todos os euros contam e que não há propriamente um limite para a campanha. ...

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Campaign launched


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  • Juntos pelo México

    Gracias amigos!

    Conseguimos juntar 53 generosas almas, de várias nacionalidades e de 3 continentes, para doarmos 1388 euros à Cruz Roja Mexicana. Alguns de vocês já receberam a vossa recompensa, outros ainda não pelo que estejam atentos.
    Ah, e para os que estão em Lisboa, haverá uma festa espectacular com jantar e espectáculo folclórico no sábado:

    Thanks to 53 generous souls, from several countries in 3 different continents, we'll be able to donate 1388 euros to Cruz Roja Mexicana. If you haven't got your reward already, it won't take long!

    Grâce à 53 âmes généreuses de 3 continents différents, on a réussi à réunir 1388 euros pour la Cruz Roja Mexicana. À tout de suite pour vos récompenses si vous ne l'avez pas encore reçue!

    Gracias a 53 generosas almas, provenientes de varios países en 3 continentes, serán donados 1388 euros a la Cruz Roja Mexicana. Enviaré las recompensas que faltan muy pronto!

    Un abrazo a todos!

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  • Juntos pelo México

    128% and counting!

    Obrigado aos 48 apoiantes que já fizeram com que a campanha ultrapassasse o "objectivo"! Vamos tentar aumentar ainda mais este número até ao final da campanha na próxima segunda-feira.

    Gracias amigos!

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  • Juntos pelo México


    + 76% dos apoiantes é do sexo feminino
    + o valor médio de apoio é de 25 euros
    + hoje ainda não vos melguei pelo que não houve apoios
    + preciso da vossa ajuda para divulgar!

    #girlsliketacos #fuerzamexico #juntospelomexico

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  • Juntos pelo México

    + 50% !

    Uau! Já superámos os 50% do objectivo! Obrigado a todos pelos donativos e partilhas. Lembrem-se que todos os euros contam e que não há propriamente um limite para a campanha.

    Grande abraço e continuem a partilhar! Muchas gracias!

    #fuerzamexico #vamosmexico #juntospelomexico

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