A Jeep for the Mission at Gungo
PPL Causas

A Jeep for the Mission at Gungo

The campaign A JEEP FOR THE MISSION AT GUNGO, led by the Missionary Group Ondjoyetu from the Leiria-Fátima Diocese, aims to collect funds to purchase a new Jeep to support the h...

  • 3985


    111% of 3 600€

    59 backers

  • 20/01/2017

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

The campaign A JEEP FOR THE MISSION AT GUNGO, led by the Missionary Group Ondjoyetu from the Leiria-Fátima Diocese, aims to collect funds to purchase a new Jeep to support the human and Christian development at Gungo, in Angola.

The main objective of this campaign is fundraising for the acquisition of a new Jeep for the Mission at São José do Gungo.

The Mission at São José do Gungo, with a population of about 25,000, is located in a very isolated region in the interior of the Sumbe Municipality, in Angola. To reach it, one needs to cover 130 kilometers, being that several dozens of these are “picadas” (dirt roads) with difficult accessibility and steep climbs through mountain sides, recurrently inundated by the intense rain season each year. Only a Jeep allows us to reach these almost forgotten populations of Angola... And many hours of skill training, patience, and resistance.

At the Mission, we currently have a Jeep, affectionately called “Cavalinho Branco” (Little White Horse). After almost ten years of use in these difficult circumstances, it is starting to show the extreme wear of the more than 300,000 kilometers accomplished. It is, therefore, necessary to acquire a new car, equivalent to the current one, to continue the sustainable work of human development by the missionaries of the Leiria-Fátima Diocese.

With this in mind, the A JEEP FOR THE MISSION campaign was launched on September 25th with the solidarity walk SOBRE RODAS (ON WHEELS), that took place in the Lapedo valley, in S. Eufémia, Leiria. To all that already participated in this campaign, by giving us your donation, and to all that are sensitive to this cause and available to cooperate with this Mission, a huge THANK YOU! Twapandula tchiwa! Keep walking with us. Estamos juntos! (We’re together!)

About the author

We are the Missionary Group Ondjoyetu from the Leiria-Fátima Diocese. We initiated our work in August 1999. This group has been bringing together the Dioceses of Leiria-Fátima (in Portugal) and Sumbe (in Angola).

On a first stage, we led six editions of the two-month project called “Projecto ASA – Acção Solidária com Angola” (ASA Project – Solidarity Action with Angola). It led to the signing of a protocol that established the two Dioceses as twin dioceses on March 25th, 2006. As a consequence, a permanent team of volunteers from the Leiria-Fátima Diocese currently lives in Angola.

The word that gives the name to the group – “Ondjoyetu” – means in Umbundo, the traditional language of Gungo, “Our Home”.   

In Portugal, our headquarters are located on the Diocesan Seminary of Leiria, and in Angola, we built a support house to the mission on the Pedra Um neighborhood, in Sumbe city.


We actively participate in the missionary efforts of the Leiria-Fátima Diocese but have also undertaken activities in other dioceses. However, our main focus for missionary action is the Gungo, in the Sumbe Diocese, as predefined on the protocol signed.  The missionary team has a role on the social and spiritual development of those communities.

Budget and due dates

The goal is to fundraise € 3,600 in two months.

This value represents 10% of the total needed to buy a new Jeep for the mission, as explained below:

€ 3,400: 10% of the total needed to buy the Jeep, including its transportation to Angola

€ 175: campaign rewards (see below)

€ 25: promotional leaflets

TOTAL: € 3,600


-  € 221 =  5% PPL crowdfunding fee

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Get a sincere “Thank you” note on our Facebook page.

    17 backers

  • Invest with
    20€ or more

    Get a sincere “Thank you” note on our Facebook page and a small ginguba pack (peanut) roasted at the Gungo Mission. Free delivery for Portugal.

    23 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Get a sincere “Thank you” note on our Facebook page, a small roasted ginguba pack (peanut) and a wooden spoon, both produced at the Gungo Mission. Free delivery for Portugal.

    13 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Get a sincere “Thank you” note on our Facebook page, a small ginguba pack (peanut) roasted at the Gungo Mission, and an Ondjoyetu rosary. Free delivery for Portugal.

    8 backers

  • Invest with
    250€ or more

    Get a sincere “Thank you” note on our Facebook page, a small ginguba pack (peanut) roasted at the Gungo Mission, and an Angolan cloth. Free delivery for Portugal.

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    500€ or more

    Get a sincere “Thank you” note on our Facebook page, an Ondjoyetu t-shirt, a small ginguba pack (peanut) roasted at the Gungo Mission, and personalized audiovisual thanks recorded by the Ondjoyetu missionary group in Portugal. Free delivery for Portugal.

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    750€ or more

    Get a sincere “Thank you” note on our Facebook page, an Ondjoyetu t-shirt, a small ginguba pack (peanut) roasted at the Gungo Mission, and personalized audiovisual thanks recorded by the Ondjoyetu missionary group in Portugal and another from the Gungo community. Free delivery for Portugal

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Sun, 16/06/2024 - 19:37

Wed, 25/01/2017 - 14:11

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Tue, 24/01/2017 - 00:57

Twapandula tchiwa! Muito obrigado!

As nossas melhores saudações e votos de bem-estar! O Grupo Missionário Ondjoyetu vem, por este meio, manifestar a sua profunda gratidão pelo vosso apoio. A nossa campanha foi ...

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Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Wed, 18/01/2017 - 23:26

Conseguimos!! :

Não só atingimos o objectivo da nossa campanha crowdfunding, como também o ultrapassámos, tendo chegado já aos 107%. Ainda podemos receber apoios até às 18h00 do dia 20 de jan...

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Thu, 12/01/2017 - 22:27

Faltam 8 dias para o fim da campanha...

... e 495€ para atingirmos o objectivo de 3600€! MUITO OBRIGADO pelo seu apoio. MUITO OBRIGADO por acreditar connosco. Tukasi kumosi. Estamos juntos!

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Campaign launched


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  • Grupo Missionário Ondjoyetu

    Twapandula tchiwa! Muito obrigado!

    As nossas melhores saudações e votos de bem-estar!
    O Grupo Missionário Ondjoyetu vem, por este meio, manifestar a sua profunda gratidão pelo vosso apoio.
    A nossa campanha foi totalmente financiada, com 111% do objectivo de 3600€!
    É com gestos como os vossos que vamos contribuindo para tornar este mundo um lugar mais justo e humano para se viver.
    Bem hajam!

    A fim de o Grupo Missionário vos enviar as respectivas recompensas, solicitamos que nos indiquem, por favor, as vossas moradas. Poderão contactar-nos pelo seguinte e-mail: ondjoyetu@gmail.com.

    MUITO OBRIGADO pelo vosso apoio. MUITO OBRIGADO por acreditarem connosco.
    Continuem a acompanhar-nos: www.ondjoyetu.blogspot.com | www.facebook.com/ondjoyetu

    Tukasi kumosi. Estamos juntos!
    O Grupo Missionário Ondjoyetu

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  • Grupo Missionário Ondjoyetu

    Conseguimos!! :

    Não só atingimos o objectivo da nossa campanha crowdfunding, como também o ultrapassámos, tendo chegado já aos 107%.
    Ainda podemos receber apoios até às 18h00 do dia 20 de janeiro.
    Agradecemos do fundo do coração a ajuda, confiança e incentivo que deram ao longo desta campanha!

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  • Grupo Missionário Ondjoyetu

    Faltam 8 dias para o fim da campanha...

    ... e 495€ para atingirmos o objectivo de 3600€!
    MUITO OBRIGADO pelo seu apoio. MUITO OBRIGADO por acreditar connosco.
    Tukasi kumosi. Estamos juntos!

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59 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 39
    new backers

  • 20
    recurrent backers

  • 25
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Helena Pedrosa

    07/12/2016 - 14:56

    Bora lá dar um jipe à missão no Gungo... os caminhos são atribulados e cheios de desafios, o jipe é mesmo essencial, e a Missão tem feito um trabalho fantástico

  • André Antunes Batista

    07/12/2016 - 00:51

  • Euromolding - Madeiras Lda

    06/12/2016 - 15:13

    Muito sucesso para o projeto!

  • Ana Rodrigues

    29/11/2016 - 21:31

  • Anonymous

    28/11/2016 - 13:56

  • Adelino da Conceição Serra

    26/11/2016 - 16:30

  • Anonymous

    25/11/2016 - 13:24

    nice campaign

  • Anonymous

    24/11/2016 - 15:04

  • Rui Mira Ferreira

    24/11/2016 - 15:03

  • Helena Espírito Santo

    24/11/2016 - 10:37

    Para um novo cavalinho branco poder ajudar e evangelizar

  • Joana Parente

    23/11/2016 - 22:47

  • Anonymous

    23/11/2016 - 11:45

    O povo do Gungo precisa muito deste "Cavalinho Branco". Não fique indiferente a esta causa!

  • Alberto Roque

    23/11/2016 - 11:37

    Muito obrigado pela vossa coragem e dedicação! Coma vossa ajuda estas pessoas terão um pouco de vida digna.

  • Anonymous

    23/11/2016 - 11:35

  • Mário J G Almeida

    23/11/2016 - 09:55

  • Anonymous

    23/11/2016 - 09:55

  • Anonymous

    22/11/2016 - 23:27

  • Manuel dos Santos Marcelino

    22/11/2016 - 22:00

    Gostaria ajudar com uma importância um pouco mais elevada, mas a minha situação financeira de momento não me permite:

  • Angélica Filipe

    22/11/2016 - 21:20

    Ecolelo Ninene! Força pessoal!!!!