DiOGO TiGRE - first music album
  • Music
  • Leça da Palmeira, Portugal

DiOGO TiGRE - first music album

Recording and commercial launch of the first album from the DiOGO TiGRE project, born in 2013.

  • 5200


    104% of 5 000€

    114 backers

  • 12/08/2016

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Recording and commercial launch of the first album from the DiOGO TiGRE project, born in 2013.

Since January 2013 we have been writing the lyrics and making the composition for the ideal atmosphere of the 8 instruments arrangements.

With this crowdfunding campaign comes the will to make an aAuthor Edition so we can have 100% artistic freedom.
This campaign calls on all those who have the courage to follow their hearts!


About the author

Diogo Tigre was born in Porto and from early years showed a special interest in music. But, it was only at thirteen years old that he confiscated his sister's guitar to take it to school and play with his friends!

He has always been very interested in the mysteries of life and always wanted to know more. He studied Arts, studied Music, he studied the Art of Life. He was the founder of Sankalpa band, a project that aimed to publicize the mantras of the ancient Yoga, and with them has recorded three albuns.

Today, its through music that he expresses what he is and what he sees. This new project is all about sharing experiences, concepts, stories that make us believe and hope in a better world.

His inspirations come from observing the people, catching some waves and contacting with the nature.

Budget and due dates

The total raised amount in this crowdfunding campaign will be invested as follows:
- CD recording, editing and mastering = € 1,900
- CDs and vinyl discs production = € 1,800
- Merchandising = 490 €
- Webdesign and online promotion = 500 €
- PPL Commission = 310 €

Studio recording: currently underway
Release date: early 2017

  • Invest with
    8€ or more

    All songs of the album, in digital format, before being released on the market.

    27 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    1 CD autographed by Diogo Tigre. Shipping costs included.

    30 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    1 CD with personalized message and autographed by all members of the band + Official Pin (exclusive edition). Shipping costs included.

    13 backers

  • Invest with
    45€ or more

    1 CD with personalized message and autographed by all members of the band + Official Pin and T-shirt (exclusive edition). Shipping costs included.

    11 backers

  • Invest with
    75€ or more

    1 CD with personalized message and autographed by all members of the band + Official Pin and T-shirt (exclusive edition) + Access to a studio session with the possibility to choose 3 favourite songs to be played. Shipping costs included.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    1 CD with personalized message and autographed by all members of the band + Official Pin and T-shirt (exclusive edition) + Ticket to live concert with reserved seat and access to backstage. Shipping costs included.

    4 backers

  • Invest with
    250€ or more

    2 CDs with personalized message and autographed by all members of the band + Official Pin and T-shirt (exclusive edition) + 2 tickets to live concert with reserved seats and access to backstage. Shipping costs included.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    1000€ or more

    2 CDs with personalized message and autographed by all members of the band + Official Pin and T-shirt (exclusive edition) + 2 tickets to live concert with reserved seats and access to backstage + Intimate acoustic concert with Diogo Tigre in quartet, at your house or another location to be determined. Shipping costs included.

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    2500€ or more

    2 CDs with personalized message and autographed by all members of the band + Official Pin and T-shirt (exclusive edition) + 2 tickets to live concert with reserved seats and access to backstage + Private concert with the band in a place to be determined (your house, a theater, a bar or elsewhere). Shipping costs included.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    5000€ or more

    All the rewards mentioned above + Opportunity to discuss future projects and partnerships. Shipping costs included.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Tue, 11/03/2025 - 01:53

Wed, 10/02/2021 - 12:44

Novo Álbum | Em breve

Malta querida, só para informar que em breve vamos lançar o 2º Álbum de originais. Obrigado por nos terem ajudado a lançar o primeiro. Isso deu-nos coragem para acreditar q...

Read more

Mon, 28/08/2017 - 17:31

Pedido de morada para envio de recompensas...

Olá malta, por favor enviem-me a morada para a qual querem que enviemos as recompensas. Respondam para o email: diogotigreoficial@gmail.com Abraço a todos

Read more

Sat, 22/10/2016 - 15:36

Entregas das recompensas

Queridos amigos, estamos à espera de ter o disco pronto para começarmos a enviar as vossas recompensas. Relembro para quem contribuiu anonimamente, que não temos como, sabe...

Read more

Thu, 25/08/2016 - 15:02

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner

Sat, 13/08/2016 - 23:26

Eterna gratidão....

Quando o coração pulsa intensamente de gratidão, Pelo forte empurrão com que me acariciaram, É forte, viva e eterna esta inspiradora emoção Com a qual empregnarei este disco ...

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Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


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  • Diogo Tigre

    Novo Álbum | Em breve

    Malta querida,

    só para informar que em breve vamos lançar o 2º Álbum de originais.
    Obrigado por nos terem ajudado a lançar o primeiro. Isso deu-nos coragem para acreditar que era possível e hoje chegarmos a este novo momento.

    Um abraço sincero de alegria e gratidão,
    Diogo e equipa

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  • Diogo Tigre

    Pedido de morada para envio de recompensas...

    Olá malta,

    por favor enviem-me a morada para a qual querem que enviemos as recompensas.
    Respondam para o email: diogotigreoficial@gmail.com

    Abraço a todos

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  • Diogo Tigre

    Entregas das recompensas

    Queridos amigos,

    estamos à espera de ter o disco pronto para começarmos a enviar as vossas recompensas.
    Relembro para quem contribuiu anonimamente, que não temos como, saber, nem como enviar as recompensas.

    Um abraço fraterno para todos,

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  • Diogo Tigre

    Eterna gratidão....

    Quando o coração pulsa intensamente de gratidão,
    Pelo forte empurrão com que me acariciaram,
    É forte, viva e eterna esta inspiradora emoção
    Com a qual empregnarei este disco rumo ao vosso coração

    Sempre recordarei cada um de vocês
    Com um sorriso nos lábios, água nos olhos
    E vontade de vos carregar em direção à derradeira união.

    Do fundo do meu coração, com toda a pureza deste eterno sonhador, o meu sincero obrigado.

    Até breve, amigos.
    Diogo Tigre

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114 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 70
    new backers

  • 44
    recurrent backers

  • 29
    anonymous backers

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