Tete Alhinho recording of new album | Mornas Ao Piano
  • Music
  • Praia, Cabo Verde

Tete Alhinho recording of new album | Mornas Ao Piano

Tete Alhinho new project is the much awaited comeback to the albums and live performances. This crowdfunding will allow Tete to record a new album assuring her total artisti...

  • 7221


    111% of 6 500€

    60 backers

  • 16/11/2015

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Tete Alhinho new project is the much awaited comeback to the albums and live performances. This crowdfunding will allow Tete to record a new album assuring her total artistic freedom and also its promotion.

“Mornas Ao Piano” is a longed project for many years now. Sang by Bana, in the final 15 minutes of Radio Barlavento, Mornas used to rock my child sleep. I, roughly, played them in my father´s piano where I first discovered the musical notes- until I was able to accompany my singing. Mornas were the cornerstone of my Cape Vert and islander feeling: touched by the pain of departures and the joy of arrivals; by nostalgia and Saudade” Teté Alhinho.

In 2015 Tete is back with the very much awaited new project: “Mornas ao Piano”, celebrates the simplicity of genuine traditional music from Cabo Verde along with Tete´s personal repertoire.

“Mornas Ao Piano” will be released in the Spring 2016.

About the author


The Soothing Voice from Cabo Verde

“I was born in Mindelo, a small, poor seaside town, on the island of Saint Vincent, with the sound of the sea all around me. Mindelo is the most culturally diverse town in Cape Verde. Because of its bay, it is a popular port and draws a lot of people from other countries. The population is very open-minded and they have a very sensual and unique musical sensibility. Growing up there, I inherited this rhythm and feeling of the sea. The sound of the sea gives me this enormous sense of freedom that I express in my music”. Teté Alhinho.

When Simentera took over the world in the early nineties, one voice stood out: Teté Alhinho. “Tete´s smoky, emotion-drenched delivery was a vital part of the groups unique sound“ wrote J. Poet, at Global Rhythm (USA). Her singing and her compositions are remarkably soothing. Nobody that has ever listened to Teté performing live can ever go back to their routine with ease.

Teté sings about melancholy without being sad. “You compose better about love when you are melancholic than when you are happy. When you´re happy, you are so full of love you have no space for anything else. When you are happy in love, you share this sentiment only with your beloved. But when you are sad, you need to share it with others, so you compose to translate what you feel. But the other side of this is hope, believing in better days to come”. It is with this simplicity that Tete conquers the hearts of her audience. With a velvet voice made out of threads from Cabo Verde, Cuba, Mexico or even Portugal, where her father was born. The natural fiber of pure magic. The miracle of inspiring all of those who will never forget her singing.

“The one voice I havent been able to get out of my mind since I first heard her cd is that of Tete Alhinho from Cape Verde. Dark, haunting and distinctive.” Simon Broughton about “Voz” (Songlines Best Album of 2004).

In 2015 Tete is back with a new Live Performance. “Mornas ao Piano” celebrates the best of the traditional repertoire,

Budget and due dates

Budget: €6500 to be fundraised in 2 months.

This amoutn wil assure all expenses of recording, musicians, studio, mixing and master, and creating promo tools essential to the promotion of the new project "Mornas Ao Piano".

We aim to release it in the Spring of 2016. The first edition will be of 1000 units.

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Digital Pack

    Receive the album "Mornas ao Piano" in digital format, one week prior to the official release date. You shall have the opportunity to enjoy the new album on your laptop, before the rest of the world. Mail expenses included for Portugal.

    14 backers

  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    Physical Pack

    Become an executive producer. Write your name on the production of the album "Mornas Ao Piano".

    11 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    Album Sponsor

    Become an executive producer. Write your name on the production of the album "Mornas Ao Piano", plus, become an executive producer. Write your name on the production of the album "Mornas Ao Piano".

    35 backers

  • Invest with
    300€ or more

    Cachupa package

    The ultimate Experience Besides becoming an executive producer and receiving the album before the world does, here´s the ultimate experience: Spend a weekend at Tete Alhinho´s home in Praia, Cabo Verde and experience the unique cachupa with Tete´s signature.

    6 backers

Sat, 21/09/2024 - 15:06

Thu, 19/11/2015 - 11:17

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Campaign launched


60 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 41
    new backers

  • 19
    recurrent backers

  • 17
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true

  • Denise Silva

    16/11/2015 - 17:58

  • Anonymous

    16/11/2015 - 14:14

  • Joana Neves

    16/11/2015 - 13:39

  • Sara Alhinho

    16/11/2015 - 12:40


  • joaomirandacruz07

    16/11/2015 - 10:02

    Tete,desejo-te tudo de bom na tua crreira.Es uma grande artista caboverdiana pois tens uma linda voz.Vai um grande abraco do teu amigo, Joao

  • cristina.martins22

    16/11/2015 - 00:55

    Qrda Amiga, mãos à obra e bom trabalho!!! Bjs de sodade Cristina, Fernando, Gonçalo, Catarina, Afonso e Francisco

  • Paulo Leite

    15/11/2015 - 21:24

  • Luci Fonseca

    15/11/2015 - 20:46

    Força Mamy!

  • Fernando Azevedo

    15/11/2015 - 02:32

    Vi o concerto em Matosinhos e faço questão de ter o CD para reavivar a minha memória de uma noite tão agradável e muito bem passada !

  • Joseph Leite

    14/11/2015 - 22:27

  • Suraya

    14/11/2015 - 12:24

  • Anonymous

    12/11/2015 - 14:31

    Que venha rápido, que eu não posso mais esperar.

  • diveracruz

    12/11/2015 - 14:23

    Miteja vai o meu contributo para ti com muito carinho.Sucessos.

  • _rt

    12/11/2015 - 13:43

    Desejos de muito sucesso neste novo projecto.

  • Anonymous

    12/11/2015 - 12:42

    you g girrrrrl :)

  • Anonymous

    12/11/2015 - 10:44

  • ritinhalhinho

    11/11/2015 - 18:19

    Vamos minha irmã,vais conseguir E em breve estarei eu a dançar com a tua voz, na minha sala, como tantas outras vezes, ao som do" Mornas ao Piano"

  • Rafael Santana

    08/11/2015 - 19:45

    Tia nunca é tarde demais. Bijim e felicidades. Rafa

  • Anonymous

    05/11/2015 - 20:02

  • Anonymous

    04/11/2015 - 15:48

    São urgentes trabalhos como este, para o qual a Tete precisa de ajuda. Temos a certeza que apoiamos um bom cd de música de Cabo Verde por quem a faz bem.