Comedy Movie

Comedy Movie

"Aquela Pastora não me larga" is the last project created by the team . ( A group of city students decide to make a camp in a village amidst mountains . After a bumpy ride , thi...

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  • 28/08/2015

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"Aquela Pastora não me larga" is the last project created by the team . ( A group of city students decide to make a camp in a village amidst mountains . After a bumpy ride , think finally have reached a resting place , until the disappearance of a flock of sheep change all your plans . )

This project aims to raise funds for the purchase of video and sound equipment in order to improve the quality of our amateur films produced by our team.

We will use the Douro, Montemuro montains and Bestança valley for new recordings. Through this new film we will try sensitize the population for tourism in Portugal and Also make known the heavenly places here who sometimes go unnoticed.

We also want to give a positive message and comic this region rich in legends and traditions.

First projects:

Documentary: "À descoberta do Bestança


"Mistérios do Paço

"Aquela Pastora não me larga


Estreia "Aquela Pastora não me larga"

About the author

We are two producers of 21 and 22 years and reside in Cinfães. In 2014, we decided to produce a short film, which include 13 characters, between 12 and 22, who were first in the role of actors. The film with the name "Mistérios do Paço" was released on December 14, 2014 at the Municipal Auditorium Cinfães having the completely filled the stands. A production 100% amateur, only with members of our region, praised by several Cinfães institutions and beyond.

Recently our team decided to invest in a new project, this time a comedy titled "Aquela Pastora não me larga" a movie recorded from Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto, Pala, Vila Viçosa and Cinfães. This is a feature film once again 100% amateur and finished debut on June 13 in Cinfães with the Municipal Auditorium completely sold out for the second time. We counted this time with a team of 27 people and several marked display locations.

Despite many economic difficulties, we did the possible and impossible for the end have a history able to represent our region and to spread smiles by the public. We disclose the outstanding landscapes that certainly contributed to the increase of tourism and interest in the Douro and Montemuro mountains as well as the establishments where we recorded. At this point we counted with thousands of followers on social networks and web pages.

Full biography

Budget and due dates

To carry out the new project need to acquire new material. So far we recorded with a camera (Canon 550D) and an external micro Rode of but would like to develop a bit the quality of sound and image.

Over time we have followed some goals and growing slowly. This time the need arose to acquire a Gopro and an external sound recorder. We work a lot so that every presentation we do something to be improved. In addition, the level of transport to all the characters becomes very complicated and expensive, and almost impossible without the support of our fans and friends.

Regarding deadlines recordings would have to be initiated this summer because it is a way to enjoy the leisure of all young people who are on holiday. If the raised value of more than € 500 the rest will be utilized for the purchase of photographic equipment and accessories for the recordings.

(To send the rewards should leave your address or contact. The shipping costs abroad are not included).

  • Invest with
    2€ or more

    Support with € 2 or more and get appreciation in the data sheet of the movie

    Support with € 2 or more and get special thanks in the data sheet of the film. For just € 2 you can see your name in this project that promises to boot smiles to the general public.

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  • Invest with
    15€ or more

    Support with € 15 or more and get autographed photo of elements

    For just € 15 or more get a special thanks in the datasheet of the film plus a team photograph autographed by producers. A great reminder not to forget the project in contributing.

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  • Invest with
    30€ or more

    Support with € 30 or more and get our movie

    For just € 30 or more receive a special thank you in the datasheet of the film and also an official DVD autographed by producers to be able to laugh at ease in their home.

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  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Support with € 50 or more and get a guided tour to the Bestança valley

    For just € 50 or more get a special thanks in the datasheet of the film and a guided tour of the Bestança Valley. Just drive up to Cinfães (costs not included) and producers will wait for you to show you this enchanted valley.

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Fri, 10/01/2025 - 06:30


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Campaign launched


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  • cbastiao

    É pouco!

    500 euros sempre ajuda... mas acho que é pouco dinheiro para adquirirem software, diversos microfones sem fios ou gravadores de audio e equipamento de vídeo, etc.

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