Support of all your followers and friends together for a new que most advanced weather station in Serpa.
With this initiative the Meteo Alentejo want to count on the support of all your followers and friends together for a new que most advanced weather station will serve not only the population but Also Serpa of the Alentejo!
With this new equipment we can Provide a better public weather service in Alentejo, for vaio can raise the level of reliability of the recorded data and can serve as a "launching pad" for a new large-scale project that is preparing Meteo Alentejo.
About the author
The Meteo Alentejo is a project of meteorology Which AIMS to disseminate the weather like in Alentejo and it came from a great passion for meteorology. After several years of recording on paper time data in the region, January 8 de2011, decided to create a blog Meteo @lentejo where such data were available in real-time data from the meteorological station of Serpa.
Over the more than three years, this project has Increased degree of notoriety thanks to the reliability of Their predictions and unprecedented que Initiatives have been developed, such as holdings in regioanis fairs, meteorology meetings, workshops with professional meteorologists, Hampers solidarity given to charities, among many others.
Carla Pinto
Tomei a liberdade de também
Tomei a liberdade de também divulgar o vosso projeto, para ver se todas as campanhas que estão no site conseguem o seu objetivo.
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Luís MestreCarla Pinto
Obrigado :)
Obrigado :)
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Paulo Soska Oliveira
Parabéns pela iniciativa e votos de sucesso!
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Luís MestrePaulo Soska Oliveira
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Rui Rosa
já dei uma pequena ajudinha,
já dei uma pequena ajudinha, o Luís merece
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Luís MestreRui Rosa
Obrigado Rui
Obrigado Rui
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