Sea4Us is a recently created Portuguese biotechnology company that uses marine compounds for the development of novel therapeutic drugs, particularly for chronic pain...
Sea4Us is a recently created Portuguese biotechnology company that uses marine compounds for the development of novel therapeutic drugs, particularly for chronic pain (see below) – a clinical condition that does not have a proper treatment. Scientific research developed at Sea4Us revealed that certain marine species, currently with no commercial value and that are found on the rocky bottoms of our sea, demonstrate enormous potential for the treatment of chronic pain.
Although we have raised some funding, this is not yet available and is allocated to specific laboratory activities of our project. At the moment, we have no funds to dive and collect marine samples, something that is essential and the basis of all our activities. This crowdfunding campaign is intended to raise funds in order to collect samples for a period of a month and a half, planned for the end of this summer. This is the season with the best weather conditions for diving. Missing the summer diving season will result in postponing all downstream laboratory activities for another year.
The activity of collecting marine samples comprises several steps: 1) identification and collection of species of interest; and 2) suitable processing and storage at the collection site. Only then proper laboratory analysis of bioactive compounds produced by these marine species and the testing of analgesic activity in models of chronic pain are possible. Collecting marine samples represents only a small part of our project to develop a new painkiller, but it is crucial for it!
What is chronic pain?
Chronic pain is a syndrome caused by various pathologies (diabetes, cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, shingles, etc.) and it affects 1.5 billion people worldwide (21% of world population), causing a huge negative impact on society. Besides being a terrible condition for these patients, it also has enormous associated economic costs. Among the direct costs are, for example, health care costs, while indirect costs correspond to workplace absenteeism and low productivity, caused by the intense pain. In Portugal, for example, the weight of the direct and indirect costs on the economy, related to chronic pain, represent nearly 3% of gross domestic product (GDP)! Although there are effective and safe analgesics for mild pain, there are no effective treatments for moderate and severe pain, and the ones that exist cause non-negligible side effects.
What is Sea4Us's strategy?
Some marine invertebrates such as sponges, anemones, corals or bryozoans, among others, are the only animals on our planet that are fixed to the rocks and at the mercy of predators, without being able to escape. Millions of years of evolution on these marine animals resulted in highly specialized and ingenious solutions for defense against predators. In the absence of spines or strong shells, the development of toxins that act as chemical defenses is very common. These toxins are often paralyzing anesthetics or powerful painkillers. Here lies the inspiration of Sea4Us and its enormous potential for the discovery of new therapeutic compounds.
It is time to determine the true value of biodiversity of our sea, particularly for the strategic area of biotechnology! The solution for the treatment of chronic pain is in the nature. This is Sea4Us’s belief. Help us in this quest!
Jorge costa serrao
O futuro está no fundo do mar e Portugal, aí, é um potentado...
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Sea4Us - Biotech
É uma gratidão enorme esta que todos nós sentimos. Em nome de todos da Sea4Us, muito obrigado!
Atingimos o objectivo e o que queremos garantir a todos os que nos ajudaram, é que o financiamento vai ser gasto com rigor, dedicação e empenho. Graças a vós, vamos levar a cabo esta campanha que se vai desenrolar durante os meses de Setembro e Outubro.
Informamos que todo o apoio que exceda o orçamento apresentado será usado criteriosamente em actividades ligadas ao mesmo projecto, isto é, ao desenvolvimento do produto com aplicações na dor crónica.
Muito Obrigado,
Pedro Lima
Marisa Sousa
Filipe Vilas-Boas
Hugo Pacheco
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Maria Marta de Castro
Votos de grande sucesso pelo
Votos de grande sucesso pelo vosso projecto.
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Sea4Us - BiotechMaria Marta de Castro
Obrigado! :)
Obrigado! :)
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