“na Praia dos Pescadores” is a short documentary film that approaches a fishing community, its art, the beach, and the sea through the eyes of João Pedro, a 23-year-old fisherman.
“na Praia dos Pescadores” is a short documentary film, developed in an academic context as a final project of the second year of the Master's Degree in Cinema and Photography – Specialization in Documentary and Experimental Cinema, by the Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design (Polytechnic Institute of Porto).
This film emerged from a small seed of curiosity that the director, Pedro Capelão, had regarding the current state of fishing at Praia dos Pescadores in Vila Chã (Vila do Conde) since this had once been a destination for several excursions. The presentation of the project, in an academic context, aroused the curiosity of the director of photography, Rui Almeida, who would later join the team at an early stage.
The beach is characterized by its vast sand covered in seaweed, the boats parked on top of it, and the colorful “Sea Houses” surrounding it. What was once a busy beach, with around 120 boats, now has only five. These are commanded, at its base, by a family group. This fishing community has a history of a lifetime dedicated to the sea – which, as the years go by, is increasingly uncertain about the future of the art they practice. Not only because of the lack of interest of the new generations in embarking on this profession but also because of the natural changes they face daily.
João Pedro is the youngest fisherman in this community, at just 23 years old, and today he is fulfilling the dream he has pursued since childhood. It is through his eyes that the team intends to direct the film, exploring the relationships that exist between these people and their routines, capturing their emotional side.
To do this, we ask for your help – with contributions or shares, all support is welcome and immensely appreciated.