"Retalhos", currently in production, is a short documentary film that appears in an academic context, as an artistic residency project for the Master's in Cinema P...
"Retalhos", currently in production, is a short documentary film that appears in an academic context, as an artistic residency project for the Master's in Cinema Photography at ESMAD (P. Porto).
The film introduces itself into the cultural matrix of Santo Tirso, a city that, once upon a time, was built on the textile industry and its ramifications. Four women, owners of independent businesses, linked to lines and fabrics, tell their stories of overcoming, resilience and independence. They are linked by an invisible line and - each, in their own way - are the face of a generation raised in the shadow of the factory.
This film aims to capture the beauty of the mundane, in an intimate way, to value tradition and draw parallels between what once defined a city's identity and its current state of preservation. The team, made up of four students from ESMAD and one from ESMAE, gets involved in the world of these women, meandering through the history of the businesses they maintain, which so much characterizes them and their lives.
The team aspires to convey the connection created with these women, who opened the doors of their corners to better understand the history of the city. However, to make this film happen, we need your help!
Whether with contributions or sharing, all types of participation are welcome and immensely appreciated!
About the author
"Retalhos" arises from an artistic residency organized and produced by the Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design, with the help of the Santo Tirso City Council. This institution, belonging to the Polytechnic of Porto, is located in Vila do Conde. It has national (and international) recognition for the projects developed and is the home where the students responsible for the film are being trained in the area of Cinema.
The team is made up of five members. From ESMAD, Ângela Rodrigues Pereira, in charge of production; in production direction, Mariana Máximo; Photography direction is Rui Almeida, also responsible for camera operation; Pedro Capelão, in addition to being behind the camera, is responsible for editing and editing. Coming from ESMAE (Escola Superior de Music e Artes do Espetáculo), António Abreu comes to watch as sound director.
With great affection for the project, these students intend to show that documentaries have a crucial role in preserving cultural and personal legacy!
Budget and due dates
The project began to be built at the beginning of this year, still during the development of a proposal. Pre-production of the film began in March, and involved several trips to Santo Tirso to begin to better understand the routines, rituals and personalities of the people we were going to work with, as well as the travel routes and locations to film. This planning period lasted until the beginning of the artistic residency - the period covered for filming (April 12th to 21st). Post-production is expected to last until mid-June.
During the time that has already passed and until the end of post-production, the team's concerns were and are countless. As this is an academic project, and even though we have help from the school in providing equipment and accommodation, our resources are very limited. For this reason, for production to succeed, we have to resort to partners, donations, fundraising and even personal investment.
The amounts raised intend to cover expenses such as:
Acquisition of complementary technical equipment
Miscellaneous expenses/Unforeseen events
To cover expenses already incurred and those yet to come, fundraising will continue until the date of post-production completion. We count on the participation and help of all those who support and believe in this film!