I need help I'm in a difficult situation.
PPL Causas

I need help I'm in a difficult situation.

jhone Maykon Brazilian nationality. After COVID, my wife and I came to Portugal and in search of a better life, I left my daughter with my in-laws. After a year, my wife and I p...

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    0% of 4 500€

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  • 7 days

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  • This campaign started on 15/04/2024 and is raising funds until 23/05/2024 - 18:00 WET.

jhone Maykon Brazilian nationality. After COVID, my wife and I came to Portugal and in search of a better life, I left my daughter with my in-laws. After a year, my wife and I picked up my daughter and she got pregnant.

Good morning, I'm Jhone Maykon, I'm resentfully unemployed, because of the CPLP residency that they're not accepting and it's expired. I'm of Brazilian nationality, I came to Portugal in search of a better life after COVID, my wife and I came to Portugal in search of a better life for us and our children. But it's complicated, I have two children, a 5-year-old and a 2-month-old newborn. My wife isn't working because she's breastfeeding and it's a very complicated situation. That's why I come and ask my family if there's someone who can help us.

About the author

I, Jhone Maykon, have been in Portugal for 2 years, along with my wife and my 5-year-old daughter, now things have become more difficult with the arrival of our second child, things have gone up a lot. Because of the expiring documentation, there is no vacancy at Aima, which is complicated. Anyone who can help us would be greatly appreciated.


Budget and due dates

Hello, I will spend the money paying my rent until the day I leave for my city and on food and tickets.

Thu, 16/05/2024 - 23:10

Campaign launched


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