Lets help Ró get the transport car :)
PPL Causas
  • Social
  • Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal

Lets help Ró get the transport car :)

Ró is 5 years old and has cerebral palsy (spastic tetraparesis) and epilepsy. His condition does not allow him to move around alone and therefore he needs an adapted stroller.

  • 4850


    100% of 4 850€

    96 backers

  • 12/02/2024

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

Ró is 5 years old and has cerebral palsy (spastic tetraparesis) and epilepsy. His condition does not allow him to move around alone and therefore he needs an adapted stroller.

Rodrigo, better known as Ró, is a 5-year-old boy full of joy and willpower :)

Ró is extremely premature at 27 weeks, with the sequelae of prematurity (and possibly bacterial meningitis that he still had in neonatology) being cerebral palsy (spastic tetraparesis - partial loss of function of the 4 limbs) and later, after viral encephalitis, he joined the epilepsy to the already complex picture. But his condition brings limitations and at this moment with his growth, one of the limitations is mobility. Normally it is carried on the lap or in a baby stroller, but it is becoming too big for both of them, and in the lap the biggest problem is the weight because we are never too big to hold. In addition, so-called normal strollers are inappropriate as they do not allow you to have the best posture due to a lack of support.

As a family, we have managed to have funds to support his therapies and support materials, in 2023 alone it exceeded 21 thousand euros, but unfortunately we were unable to respond to everything, at least in the time he needed, and that is why we created this fundraiser so that we can help to provide him with a transport stroller suitable to his size and needs as soon as possible, which costs around €4400

Any amount above this will be sent to Ró's therapy account.

About the author

I'm Patricia, Ró's mother, and together with Pai and the rest of the family we try our best to provide him with the highest level of therapies and support products so that we can help him develop his full potential and improve his autonomy and quality of life.

Rodrigo, better known as Ró, is a 5-year-old boy full of joy and willpower :)

Ró is extremely premature at 27 weeks, with the sequelae of prematurity (and possibly bacterial meningitis that he still had in neonatology) being cerebral palsy (spastic tetraparesis - partial loss of function of the 4 limbs) and later, after viral encephalitis, he joined the epilepsy to the already complex picture.

The willpower and resilience he has in total, we are only responsible for finding the means. And right now we are counting on all of you to join the Ró team and work together with us to give you the best possible.

Budget and due dates

As he grows, it becomes increasingly urgent to acquire a chair so that he can walk and go to therapy or go to school as comfortably as possible and with the best posture in order to avoid future problems.

The quote is valid until just over mid-July, after which it may be increased (as it is rare), even after being ordered the stroller takes around 60 days to be delivered.

In short, the sooner we can ask, the better it will be for him :)

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Product to choose from up to €15 in the rora.pt store

    You can choose a product in our online store

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    9 backers

  • Invest with
    100€ or more

    Product to choose from up to €25 in the rora.pt store

    You can choose a product in our store rora.pt

    Postman/courier or hand-delivered
    Shipping included (to Portugal)

    7 backers

Thu, 23/01/2025 - 22:58

Fri, 17/05/2024 - 16:48

Chegou 😍

Ultimamente os planos não querem nada comigo😅 Sempre foi assim um bocadinho desde que os gémeos estavam na barriga mas cada vez pior🤣 Tem mais de uma semana que ando para par...

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Fri, 03/05/2024 - 14:29

Boas notícias ❤️

Olá a todos❤️ Não pensem que nos esquecemos de todos os que tornaram este objectivo real🥰 Não partilhamos nada porque na verdade depois da encomenda não havia novidades, mas hoj...

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Tue, 13/02/2024 - 09:22

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Mon, 12/02/2024 - 09:26

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Wed, 07/02/2024 - 13:50

Obrigada a todos

Obrigada a todos que contribuíram até esta data com a nossa causa, muito obrigada do fundo nosso coração. Independentemente do valor do vosso donativo, fizeram a diferença. Atra...

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Sun, 04/02/2024 - 10:43

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Sat, 03/02/2024 - 14:15

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Fri, 02/02/2024 - 20:03

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Ana Patrícia Ferreira e Couto Oliveira

    Chegou 😍

    Ultimamente os planos não querem nada comigo😅 Sempre foi assim um bocadinho desde que os gémeos estavam na barriga mas cada vez pior🤣

    Tem mais de uma semana que ando para partilhar a novidade com vocês 😊 O carrinho adaptado Ró chegou fez ontem uma semana, mais conhecido pelo veiculo dele🤣

    Já foi para a escola com ele, já foi a um batizado e só não vai passear este fim de semana porque o malandro resolveu ficar doente. O Ró não o carrinho🤣🤣

    É incrível o como fica bem posicionado e acima de tudo confortável😍 Espera-nos muitas aventuras.

    No mesmo dia que recebemos o carrinho fui entregar no balção de apoio da segurança social a prescrição da cadeira de rodas elétrica que está orçamentadas em cerca de 18500€, vamos a ver o tempo que demora.

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  • Ana Patrícia Ferreira e Couto Oliveira

    Boas notícias ❤️

    Olá a todos❤️ Não pensem que nos esquecemos de todos os que tornaram este objectivo real🥰 Não partilhamos nada porque na verdade depois da encomenda não havia novidades, mas hoje ficamos a saber que a cadeira deverá ser entregue na próxima semana😊 Assim que a tiver partilhamos com vocês ❤️

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  • Ana Patrícia Ferreira e Couto Oliveira

    Obrigada a todos

    Obrigada a todos que contribuíram até esta data com a nossa causa, muito obrigada do fundo nosso coração. Independentemente do valor do vosso donativo, fizeram a diferença. Através da plataforma e de alguns donativos directos, conseguimos alcançar o valor para o carrinho do Ró, tendo sido já enviado email à empresa a confirmar a aquisição do mesmo e sobre o qual vos vamos dando novidades. A campanha aqui continua ativa por regras da plataforma, sendo que qualquer valor que seja angariado além do valor do carrinho será utilizado para financiar as terapias e outros materiais relativos ao Ró.

    Obrigada novamente a todos, sem vocês isto não seria possível neste tempo tão reduzido,

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96 members of the PPL community
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