PPL Causas


José Jorge Letria Primary School wants to be a welcoming space open to the Community, which encourages Action, shelters the Being, defends the Environment, a School that wants t...

  • 1260


    63% of 2 000€

    34 backers

  • 28/02/2023

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

José Jorge Letria Primary School wants to be a welcoming space open to the Community, which encourages Action, shelters the Being, defends the Environment, a School that wants to be a HOME. We count on you to have a more lively school!

José Jorge Letria Primary School welcomes around 195 pre-school and primary school children from various countries and from different socio-economic backgrounds.

We want to be a HOME with a culture and identity of acceptance of the other, of experimentation and error, of risk, of openness to the outside and of satisfying curiosity.

How? Through book and reading mediation. Hosting residences of authors, actors, illustrators, plastic artists, sculptors, civil society personalities, activists of social and environmental causes in order to acknownledge and build projects together with our children. By acquiring materials and tools for artistic experimentation; resistant and simple infrastructures that develops physical skills; boxes, cabinets to store books, by creating small niches for reading and playing in the playground. Walking in the streets and getting to know the surrounding community and discover nooks and crannies.

Where? In the Ludobiblioteca Escolar (playing school library) space, in the playground, on the street, in the neighbourhood, entering the surrounding cultural structures.

Retrato de família

About the author

Association of Parents of Students of  Primary School  José Jorge Letria

The Parents' Association created on April 13, 2005 maintains its main objective in the cooperation of a concerted activity of parents and guardians for a better children's and students'  moral, civic and school formation . The Association participates and supports the School, according to its human and financial capacities, in carrying out pedagogical activities and implementing improvements to its infrastructures, in harmony with the management of the school and its Agrupamento.

Budget and due dates


consumable materials (glues, paper, paints, brushes, pens, pencils, clay, plaster bandages, wool and cotton thread, raw cloth, modeling clay, etc.) €500
pedagogical kits 1 Serigraphy Stencil Speedball Initiation kit €65
  Deluxe Speedball Engraving set €95
  wood "Reading at recess" €140
disclosure (printing of posters and programs) €200
5 guests illustrators, authors, actors and storytellers €1000
total   €2000

Calendar | year 2023

feb "Nature's imperfect beauty" Guest: Sílvia Maria Perloiro in residency | Creation of 1 space for reading and playing in the playground

mar Reading Week Guest: Rodolfo Castro World Poetry Day "Poemas no Recreio" World Tree Day Construction of field books and insect shelters | Creation of 1 space for reading and playing in the playground

apr Books in Freedom World Book Day Guest: Marco Taylor Semear Abril Week Collective exhibition of masters and apprentices | Creation of 1 space for reading and playing in the playground

may European Maritime Day and International Biodiversity Day International Play Day "Play Week" guests: Antonella Gilardi and Sandra Abafa | Creation of 1 space for reading and playing in the playground

jun World Children's Day World Oceans Day World Environment Day Guest: Danuta Wojciechowska | Creation of 1 space for reading and playing in the playground

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Book Marker

    A bookmark handmade by José Jorge Letria Primary School children, handed in one of our cultural initiatives.

    Hand-delivered (see above)

    7 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more


    An A4 handprint made by our children, handed in one of our initiatives.

    Hand-delivered (see above)

    15 backers

  • Heliography Workshop

    Invest with
    20€ or more

    Heliography Workshop

    Participation in a heliography workshop to be held in May 2023 during the Play Week.

    10 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Participation in 3 workshops

    Participation in 3 workshops to be held between March and June 2023. March- Illustration Workshop; May- Heliography Workshop; June- Sailor Art Workshop.

    7 backers

Sat, 27/04/2024 - 11:10

Thu, 22/06/2023 - 00:46

Recompensas e recibo de donativo

Caros(as) Amigos(as), Vimos relembrar que de acordo com o valor do apoio dado irá receber a(s) sua(s) recompensa(s). Relembramos: - Um apoio de 5€ ou mais irá receber um Ma...

Read more

Thu, 15/06/2023 - 21:12

Agradecimento e realização da oficina de heliografia

Caros(as) Amigos(as), Vimos agradecer o contributo dado ao nosso projeto. Estamos gratos pela vossa confiança e apoio na construção de uma LudoBiblioCASA que quer ser um cen...

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Mon, 13/03/2023 - 10:36

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Fri, 24/02/2023 - 09:39

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Mon, 13/02/2023 - 21:03

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Sat, 21/01/2023 - 19:21

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Sat, 21/01/2023 - 19:19

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • Associação de Pais dos Alunos EB José Jorge Letria

    Recompensas e recibo de donativo

    Caros(as) Amigos(as),

    Vimos relembrar que de acordo com o valor do apoio dado irá receber a(s) sua(s) recompensa(s).
    - Um apoio de 5€ ou mais irá receber um Marcador de Livro
    - Um apoio de 10€ ou mais irá receber uma Impressão
    - Um apoio de 20€ ou mais irá participar na Oficina de Heliografia (realiza-se este Sábado dia 24 às 14h)
    - Um apoio de 50€ ou mais terá a Participação em 3 oficinas

    Os recibos de donativo para quem enviou o número de contribuinte serão enviados em breve.
    Uma vez mais agradecemos a vossa confiança e apoio na construção da nossa LudoBiblioCASA.

    A.P. EB José Jorge Letria

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  • Associação de Pais dos Alunos EB José Jorge Letria

    Agradecimento e realização da oficina de heliografia

    Caros(as) Amigos(as),

    Vimos agradecer o contributo dado ao nosso projeto.
    Estamos gratos pela vossa confiança e apoio na construção de uma LudoBiblioCASA que quer ser um centro cultural aberto à comunidade, um espaço de acolhimento e de desenvolvimento das nossas crianças.

    A oficina de heliografia realizar-se-á no dia 24 de junho às 14h na EB José Jorge Letria. Quem estiver interessado em participar, confirme a sua presença até ao dia 20 de junho, por favor.
    Antes da oficina iremos ter um almoço partilhado a partir das 13h na EB José Jorge Letria. Assim convidamos-vos a juntarem-se a nós.

    A.P. EB José Jorge Letria

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34 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 21
    new backers

  • 13
    recurrent backers

  • 10
    anonymous backers

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