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Let's bring Culture to life Na Esquina !

Let's bring Culture to life Na Esquina !

From September on, for their first residency, the collective Na Esquina will take over a 18th-century palace located in Praça do Príncipe Real, 18, and for a term of 9 months, t...

  • 3112


    156% of 2 000€

    77 backers

  • 22/09/2020

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

From September on, for their first residency, the collective Na Esquina will take over a 18th-century palace located in Praça do Príncipe Real, 18, and for a term of 9 months, transform it into an ephemeral venue for social, cultural and festive interchanges. Help us open its doors !

A hybrid space with a two-headed program :

On one hand, a cultural space, open to the public 5 days a month for a one-week thematic program, from Wednesday to Sunday, from midday to midnight. Free of charge, you will enter two floors hosting a diverse cultural program (concerts, shows, exhibitions, etc...) where citizen initiatives will also take place (debates, courses, intergenerational workshops, etc. ). Further multidisciplinary events will happen punctually and will remain accessible through the issue of entrance tickets.

On the other side, the palace grounds will offer spaces available to rent and organize private events. Almost all the proceeds from this attached activity will be returned to the owners, enabling the association Na Esquina to occupy the premises rent-free for a time frame of nine months.

Temporarily settling down in the neighborhood of Príncipe Real, our collective has the unique opportunity to experiment a go-against-the-tide approach: establish ourselves in the heart of a very touristic neighborhood, already being subject to gentrification, aiming to inject a new cultural ecosystem, both alternative and inclusive, of which the inhabitants can become active players or simply enjoy as a public. 

Our schedule from September 23:

- September: 23 to 27: Primeira Esquina

- October 28 to November 1: Esquina Parallela

- November: from the 18th to the 22nd: Esquina Piri-píri

- December: 16 to 20: Esquina Utopica

Besides the dates above-mentioned, shows and punctual cultural events will occur throughout the year.

And in 2021 … we will throw an insane festa for the festival of the popular saints, with loads of sardines… if things go well !

When Na Esquina Príncipe Real will open its doors, it will be :

WELCOMING: a convivial place to meet up (with or without) friends, but also to see, hear or move your feet to live music.

TOLERANT: for a militant space – non-discriminatory and open to all.

CURIOUS: opening only one week a month, Na Esquina won’t merely rest on its laurels. We want to promote emerging artistic scenes and develop a certain eclecticism and inquisitiveness in Príncipe Real.

LOCAL: Falling within the neighborhood life, in dialogue with its inhabitants, but also including transient populations. We aspire to put in practice ideas and tools so that everyone might be able to become an actor for the common good in the city, whether they are temporary or permanent residents.

CONNECTED: Collaborations and partnerships with already established associations in Lisbon, working as a catalyzer to encourage community building and bring this space to life; It's also the opportunity to reconnect the city center with the other neighborhoods of Lisbon. 

To help spread culture in new ways, make it more accessible, question it with a spirit of interaction and emulation, let's bring Culture to life Na Esquina !

About the author

Na Esquina is a non-profit organization - utopian, curious and in perpetual movement.

We work in collaboration with owners of temporarily unoccupied places, to create little corners in the city where Lisboners from all horizons can meet freely and discover other cultures.

Through these ephemeral residences, we aim to:

  • Open the doors of an architectural heritage of the city, hidden from its resident’s eyes
  • Shake and wake up sleeping buildings to transform them into vibrant cultural places
  • Encourage every initiative that enables the transition from “me” to “we"
  • Create a cooperative model, accessible to all the interested potential stakeholders

At each new location, new issues of integration arise and with that, further challenges: Na Esquina is an evolving project that constantly adapts, composes and experiments throughout its journey.


Joana Da Silva Tomas - Architect and Visual Artist, founder of the collective Muro Atelier

Vincent Rault - Architect and Visual Artist, founder of the collective Muro Atelier

Damien Carlhian - Communication director, Cultural producer, founder of the Gato Blaster collective

Gauthier Joachim - Artistic director, Cultural programmer, founder of the Gato Blaster collective

Patricia Gaspar Dias - Interior Architect, Designer Ceramist

Team members:

Christian Bisk Vismara (Black Pomade) - Dj and composer, founder of the Ruinas project

Patricia Keheler - Professionnal dancer and choreographer

Eugénie Lacroix - Photographer, Graphic designer, founder of Palas brand

Adrien Boussaoud - Chef at the restaurant Barra, Lisboa 

Budget and due dates

Non-profit project proudly carried by a team of volunteers, Na Esquina needs YOU to open the palace’s doors! All the funds raised from the public will serve to pay our administrative and operational expenses, help us transform the venue, and maybe more !

Our project’s business model is evidently impacted by the consequences of Covid-19, and we will probably work for an uncertain time, with a much-reduced audience … in that light, it takes us to have a float, a reliable working capital in case of further restrictions. By contributing to our project, you also help us to pay our artists with correct fees – and we place great emphasis on this point, particularly in tough times such as these.

- 1500 €: Baby Esquina

Thanks to you, we will finance 50% of the administrative expenses (opening to the public, security rules, various licenses, attorney and accountant fees, insurance, copyright, music right licenses ...)

- 2000 €: Beloved Esquina

Thanks to you, we managed to finance 50% of the administrative expenses and 15% of the second-hand interior equipment (chairs, sofas, crockery, tables for the workshops, sound system ...)

- 2500 €: Gorgeous Esquina

Thanks to you, we can finance 50% of administrative expenses and 35% of the necessary equipment!

- 3000 €: Dolled up Esquina

We are so thankful !!! Thanks to you, we will finance 50% of the administrative expenses and 50% of the equipment to dress up our beloved Esquina!

- 3500 €: Fancy Esquina

We have no words ... !!! Thanks to you, we will be able to finance 50% of the administrative expenses and 65% of the necessary equipment to rwelcome you na Esquina!

- 4000 € and more: Esquina Extravaganza!

Beyond our expectations ... You have managed to make our Esquina even more beautiful and contribute to us being able to pay all the attached expenses such as the remuneration of the artists, the promotion of our events, the scenography, the unforeseen expenses and some preparations for the year 2021 ..

Project schedule in 2020:

  • 31st of July: request for a cultural support grant from the Lisbon City Council
  • Summer 2020: clean and equip the palace, put it in accordance with security rules, deal with bureaucracy, obtain the necessary licenses, make the cultural program for the coming months.
  • Week of August 10: Dissemination of the Na Esquina project on social networks, collective financing campaign and call for artistic projects
  • Week of August 17th: launch of the first opening date - The First Time on the corner
  • Week of September 14: last preparations, installation of the signage and finishing of the works to receive you in conditions!
  • Opening weekend in September: from 23 to 27 - First Corner
  • October: from October 28th to November 1st - Parallel Corner
  • November: from the 18th to the 22nd - Piri-píri Corner
  • December: from 16 to 20 - Esquina Futura
  • Postcard with Artwork Na Esquina

    Invest with
    5€ or more

    Postcard with Artwork Na Esquina

    Thank you Godmothers and Godfathers!

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Your name on the wall of honor in the palace

    Invest with
    10€ or more

    Your name on the wall of honor in the palace

    + Postcard with Artwork Na Esquina with words of thanks :)

    11 backers

  • Na Esquina Artwork Poster Size A3

    Invest with
    20€ or more

    Na Esquina Artwork Poster Size A3

    Your name on the wall of honor in the palace + Postcard with Artwork Na Esquina with words of thanks :)

    35 backers

  • Free access to a workshop, a concert or an event Na Esquina of your choice

    Invest with
    40€ or more

    Free access to a workshop, a concert or an event Na Esquina of your choice

    + Your name on the wall of honor in the palace + Na Esquina Artwork Poster Size A3

    16 backers

  • Invitation for a guided first-hand visit to the palace

    Invest with
    60€ or more

    Invitation for a guided first-hand visit to the palace

    + Free access to a workshop, a concert or an event Na Esquina of your choice + Your name on the wall of honor in the palace + Na Esquina Artwork Poster Size A3

    6 backers

  •  Invitation for a guided first-hand visit to the palace + sunset aperitivo

    Invest with
    100€ or more

    Invitation for a guided first-hand visit to the palace + sunset aperitivo

    + Free access to a workshop, a concert or an event Na Esquina of your choice + Your name on the wall of honor in the palace + Na Esquina Artwork Poster Size A3

    6 backers

  • Invitation for a guided first-hand visit to the palace  + a sunset aperitivo

    Invest with
    200€ or more

    Invitation for a guided first-hand visit to the palace + a sunset aperitivo

    + 2 x Free access to a workshop, a concert or an event Na Esquina of your choice + Your name on the wall of honor in the palace + Na Esquina Artwork Poster Size A3

    3 backers

  • One night in the palace, privatized just for you and your friends!

    Invest with
    500€ or more

    One night in the palace, privatized just for you and your friends!

    Your name on the Wall of Honor in the Palace + Na Esquina Artwork Poster Size A3

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Chef dinner + a night at the palace, privatized just for you and your friends

    Invest with
    1000€ or more

    Chef dinner + a night at the palace, privatized just for you and your friends

    + Your name on the wall of honor in the palace + Na Esquina Artwork Poster Size A3

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Thu, 19/09/2024 - 09:28

Wed, 23/09/2020 - 12:02

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Sun, 13/09/2020 - 14:33

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Mon, 24/08/2020 - 13:05

50% reached

We've just achieved half the target! The glass is now more full than empty ;)

Wed, 19/08/2020 - 11:29

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Campaign launched


77 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 70
    new backers

  • 7
    recurrent backers

  • 3
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true