We are MAR&ILHA, a group that celebrates the Azorean viola da terra and wants to record their debut album after a 2021 full of opportunities and public affection. Your support is essential to take our music further!
We can confidently tell you that supporting this campaign will be very worthwhile if you like our work! We have eight beautiful songs composed or written especially for us by names of the brilliant musical generation of the eighties, the new generation of insular music and also of Azorean literature - Sara Cruz, Zeca Medeiros, João da Ilha, Urbano Bettencourt, António Bulcão, Isabel Mesquita , Rafael Carvalho and Aníbal Raposo are the names that entrusted us with their talent to give them sound with our very own voice. What can you expect? A trip around the world through rhythms and sounds as we love to do so much, but with the motto in the strings of the viola da terra, in the words, in the messages and in the heart of the songs - the meaning of the Azorean feeling and its search anywhere, at different times and for all people.
2020 and 2021 were very challenging years for everyone in general and for artists in particular, especially if we talk about independent artists who were left in an even more precarious situation due to the pandemic. This reality has made it more difficult for musical groups like us to invest privately to record records and book concerts and tours because we are left without a financial safety net (if we ever really had one!). Even so, assuming that after such a great cultural slowdown we have to move forward and do our part in the movement to return to normality as possible, in 2021 we bet strongly on rehearsing, putting together a repertoire, looking for concerts and this effort has paid off, bringing several opportunities to give concerts online, live and on TV and to create a safe network of virtual and in-person fans who admire our work.
Our followers started asking us frequently when they could hear something original or when we would record an album, and with time and the evolution of the project it started to make sense for us to plan the debut album as an obvious and fundamental next step to reach more stages, platforms and audiences. It is in the meeting of these two circumstances that this crowdfunding campaign arises - from the desire to record an album and the need for financial support to achieve this objective. In order to avoid long, uncertain and bureaucratic application processes, and since our objective is a desirable object for many, we thought that people who appreciate our music could be our most direct supporters - basically, they will help us by advancing the amount they would end up giving to buy our record later on, thus ensuring that it happens.
It's really simple - you just need to see in the rewards table what you want to receive (if only one disc, if you want to add merchandising or if you really feel generous and would like to help more and guarantee you a private concert from us), do transfer the corresponding amount to this platform and then wait a few months for the completion of the recording, manufacturing and distribution process to be able to receive at home the reward sent by us with all the affection! For us, even more important than the reward itself and even being able to show you our music, will be knowing that each of our supporters was the reason why this record came into existence - they will be part of the realization of a dream and the way to access our future as a Mar&Ilha. And we will be forever grateful!
Support us - be patrons of arts and culture and show that together we achieve more and that generosity and a sense of community make everything possible and more enjoyable!
Sara Miguel
Graças ao vosso apoio, o disco MAR&ILHA vai mesmo acontecer!
Agradecemos de coração a todos vós por nos terem apoiado em direcção a este objectivo que nos diz tanto e que tem reunido os nossos melhores esforços e muito trabalho de preparação! Para a semana iremos começar as gravações e seguir-se-ão todos os processos necessários à finalização do álbum - mistura e masterização, design de capa, registo de direitos de autor, duplicação e impressão, recepção do disco por nós e subsequente envio das vossas recompensas.
Calculamos que entre final de Junho e início de Julho estaremos já em condições de vos entregar ou enviar os vossos discos e restantes recompensas - o lançamento do álbum em concerto ao vivo está marcado para os primeiros dias de Julho nas Lajes do Pico em data a divulgar em breve.
Se tiverem qualquer dúvida sobre este processo, estejam à vontade para nos contactar para este email. Convidamos-vos também a seguirem a nossa página de Facebook e o nosso Site para estarem a par do andamento do processo e das novidades que forem surgindo - https://www.facebook.com/mareilhaviola ; https://mareilhapico.com/ .
Um abraço muito apertado a todos com toda a nossa gratidão e alegria! Podem sentir-se orgulhosos por terem com o vosso gesto de apoio encorajado a produção musical origina açoriana e valorizado os artistas e a cultura nacional!
Até breve, dos vossos,
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