Hands on the Sea - Let's accompany Quinas on the voyage of a lifetime!

Hands on the Sea - Let's accompany Quinas on the voyage of a lifetime!

"Hands on the sea" is a campaign launched by three citizens concerned about the future of the planet. On June 20th a leatherback turtle was rescued from fishing cables and taken...

  • 1356


    9% of 15 000€

    56 backers

  • 29/07/2019

    Expired on

  • Not funded

    This project was unable to raise the required funds

"Hands on the sea" is a campaign launched by three citizens concerned about the future of the planet. On June 20th a leatherback turtle was rescued from fishing cables and taken to the Porto d'Abrigo of Zoomarine. Upon its rehabilitation, this 300 kg reptile will be returned to the sea. This crowdfunding campaign aims to raise 15,000 euros for the purchase of monitoring material and satellite time, which makes it possible to monitor the Quinas when it is returned to the sea.

"Hands on the sea" is a campaign launched by three citizens concerned about the future of the planet. On June 20th a leatherback turtle was rescued from fishing cables and taken to the Porto d'Abrigo of Zoomarine. Upon its rehabilitation, this 300 kg reptile will be returned to the sea.

What if we could accompany and contribute to the knowledge and conservation of the species? This is what the Environmental Initiative Support Group (GAIA) intends to do through a crowdfunding campaign that aims to raise 15,000 euros for the purchase of monitoring material and satellite time, which makes it possible to monitor the Quinas when it is returned to the sea.

There are 7 species of sea turtles, all at risk. Accidents with fishing gear and boats, pollution, traffic, human consumption, artificial lighting and beach destruction, climate change are some of the challenges that these reptiles, who can live to 80 years, face. After birth they head quickly to the sea and only the females return to the beach where they were born to lay eggs and start a new generation. During their life, these animals travel thousands of miles, a journey still shrouded in mystery. Where do the turtles go? Do you always follow the same routes? Are climate change changing the travel of these animals? These are some questions that we can help answer if we can get this material. All technical support will be provided by Zoomarine which will handle the data and make them available on the seaturtle.org platform. The data are available not only to the scientific community but also to anyone interested in knowing the crossing of these animals.

Thanks to the amazing effort of the Porto d'Abrigo team at Zoomarine, Quinas is almost ready to return to his house, the sea. But with him we can learn a lot about the life of a leatherback turtle, an odyssey with many mysteries to discover. Perhaps the most important is the answer to the question: where do turtles go during their lifetime?

Knowing your habits can better protect this endangered species. With this equipment we can give a valuable help in the conservation of this species providing the sharing of data to any interested. We only protect what we know. Let's help get to know the giant tortoise better, be part of this initiative.

If the turtle is returned to the sea or undergoes any difficulties before reaching the value of the campaign, the value will be delivered to the Porto d'Abrigo of Zoomarine to assist in the rehabilitation of another marine animal. Failure to meet the stipulated target amount will result in a refund.

Hands on the Sea, together for the conservation of the planet.

Quinas assistida pela equipa de resgate

About the author

GAIA is a group of citizens from different training areas who share a common interest: preservation of the environment and animal life.

We are determined to promote initiatives that can contribute to deepen and share scientific knowledge, protect animal life and minimize human footprint on the planet.

The "Hands to the Sea" campaign will be the first initiative, a local contribution with global impact.

Ana Daniela Soares - Degree in Nursing and Communication Sciences
He currently coordinates and presents the program All words issued in RTP 3 and the item Around the books of Antena 1.
He has carried out several programs on environmental themes for Antena 1, the most recent one being dolphins and whales on the Portuguese coast.

Paula Nunes - Degree in Communication Sciences and Higher Hygiene and Safety Technician
She is a Director of services in a Portuguese group and is also engaged in the activity of accommodation for tourists.
Your new project, GAIA, is a personal motivation to leave your future and future generation healthy and future. Under the motto of "Hands to the Sea," this project is convinced that it is necessary to pass from the passivity of an observer, and to get to work.

Pedro Ávila - Degree in Management and Computer Science
Passionate about technology, people and knowledge sharing, with a huge fascination for the sea.
Responsible for Bool's training area and for the services provided to clients, he coordinates a fantastic team of professionals who create magical solutions.

Budget and due dates

12120 € - Localization and satellite communications equipment 
1500 € - Taxes of donations (estimated value)
1380 € - Platform commissions ppl.pt + VAT 

Rewards will be awarded to supporters up to 60 days after the campaign closes. 
Some rewards have limited availability, for more details consult the information on each reward. The difference between the actual and estimated tax value will be donated to the Porto d'Abrigo of Zoomarine, the first rehab ce

  • Invest with
    2€ or more

    Digital Photo and Certificate

    A digital photograph of the leatherback turtle Quinas and an official certificate of campaign supporter. Shipping costs included.

    11 backers

  • Invest with
    5€ or more

    Printed Poster + Digital Photo and Certificate

    A poster size 50x40 cm of Quinas, digital photo and certificate. Shipping costs included.

    12 backers

  • Invest with
    10€ or more

    Entry for Zoomarine + Printed Poster

    An invitate to enjoy a day in Zoomarine and a Printed Poster. This reward is limited to 100 units, attributed to the first 100 donations of this tier. Once the available units have been given, the subsequent donations will receive as a reward a Printed Poster, a digital photo and certificate.

    31 backers

  • Invest with
    25€ or more

    Entrance + Zoomarine Guided Tour, for 2 people

    An entrance to the Zoomarine, for two people, that will allow you to get to know the water park better, through a guided tour. This reward is limited to 75 units, attributed to the first 75 donations of this step. Once the available units have been given, the subsequent donations will receive as a reward a Printed Poster, a digital photo and certificate.

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    50€ or more

    Stingrays feeding session + Zoomarine guided tour

    The opportunity to participate in a Stingrays' feeding session and get to know Zoomarine in detail. This reward is limited to 50 units, attributed to the first 50 donations of this step. Once the available units have been given, the subsequent donations will receive as a reward a Printed Poster, a digital photo and certificate.

    5 backers

  • Invest with
    150€ or more

    Dolphin Interaction + Stingrays feeding session

    The chance of interacting with the Zoomarine Dolphins and participating in a Stingrays' feeding session. This reward is limited to 20 units, attributed to the first 20 donations of this tier. Once the available units have been given, the subsequent donations will receive as a reward a Printed Poster, a digital photo and certificate.

    2 backers

  • Invest with
    1000€ or more

    Zoomarine Private Dolphin Interaction, for 2 people

    A Private Dolphin interaction session for 2 people. This reward is limited to 3 units, attributed to the first 3 donations of this tier. Once the available units have been given, the subsequent donations will receive as a reward a Printed Poster, a digital photo and certificate.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

  • Invest with
    5000€ or more

    Go on the boat in the return of Quinas to the sea + Private Interaction with Dolphins

    On a boat on the day of returning to the sea the Quinas, a male leatherback turtle about 300kg, and a private interaction with Dolphins. This reward is limited to 1 unit, attributed to the first donation of this step. Once the available units have been given, subsequent donations will receive a a Printed Poster, a digital photo and certificate.

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

Thu, 26/09/2024 - 19:15

Thu, 01/08/2019 - 00:49

Obrigado por Acreditar

Boa noite, A iniciativa "Mãos ao Mar" terminou sem que tenha sido atingido o objectivo proposto. Apesar dos esforços para promover a campanha, a partir de contactos pesso...

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Campaign ended

The campaign failed to raise the total amount

Fri, 19/07/2019 - 18:30

Estamos a 13.733 passos de seguir o caminho marítimo do Quinas!

Cada euro conta e agradecemos a todos os que estão a contribuir para tornar possível a recolha de informação que permitirá preservar espécies e conservar os oceanos. Agora prec...

Read more

Wed, 10/07/2019 - 23:00

Começamos a ser muitos, precisamos de ser mais!

Olá, Têm sido dias de muita azafama, a desdobrar-nos em contactos e ideias para apelar à participação. Começa a dar frutos, com apoios e palavras de encorajamento. Muito o...

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Mon, 08/07/2019 - 23:31

E aqui vamos nós...!

Olá, Às 10 da manhã o entusiasmo era grande, aguardávamos o lançamento da campanha, que aconteceu minutos depois. Muito "passa a palavra", contactos efectuados e surgiram os ...

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Mon, 08/07/2019 - 11:05

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


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  • GAIA - Grupo de Apoio à Iniciativa Ambiental

    Obrigado por Acreditar

    Boa noite,

    A iniciativa "Mãos ao Mar" terminou sem que tenha sido atingido o objectivo proposto.

    Apesar dos esforços para promover a campanha, a partir de contactos pessoais, peças em diferentes medias, os generosos apoios obtidos revelaram-se insuficientes.
    A plataforma PPL.pt assenta num modelo tudo-ou-nada, ou seja, ou são obtidos apoios num valor igual ou maior ao objectivo financeiro da campanha, e os promotores recebem os apoios, ou se o valor apoiado ficar aquém do objectivo o mesmo é devolvido aos apoiantes.

    Esta foi a primeira iniciativa do GAIA. A nossa missão é ainda maior.
    Queremos promover outras iniciativas relacionadas com ambiente e vida selvagem, seja na vertente educacional e de sensibilização, seja na vertente mais interventiva, através do apoio a algum animal em perigo ou na realização de acções de limpeza e conservação da natureza, por exemplo.
    Estamos a elaborar um plano de futuras acções. Teremos mais novidades muito em breve.

    Mais uma vez, muito obrigado pelo apoio.

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  • GAIA - Grupo de Apoio à Iniciativa Ambiental

    Estamos a 13.733 passos de seguir o caminho marítimo do Quinas!

    Cada euro conta e agradecemos a todos os que estão a contribuir para tornar possível a recolha de informação que permitirá preservar espécies e conservar os oceanos.
    Agora precisamos que cada um de vós, traga um amigo também.
    Esta é uma campanha de todos os que apoiam a investigação e educação para um planeta mais azul.
    Temos 10 dias. Vamos a isso?

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  • GAIA - Grupo de Apoio à Iniciativa Ambiental

    Começamos a ser muitos, precisamos de ser mais!


    Têm sido dias de muita azafama, a desdobrar-nos em contactos e ideias para apelar à participação. Começa a dar frutos, com apoios e palavras de encorajamento.

    Muito obrigado a todos os que apoiaram, obrigado também a quem mostrou interesse em conhecer a campanha. A todos pedimos o favor de difundir a iniciativa, por quem tenha sede de conhecimento e gosto pela partilha, vida animal, mares e oceanos.

    Amanhã vamos chegar aos 1000€ em apoios! Contamos convosco.


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  • GAIA - Grupo de Apoio à Iniciativa Ambiental

    E aqui vamos nós...!


    Às 10 da manhã o entusiasmo era grande, aguardávamos o lançamento da campanha, que aconteceu minutos depois. Muito "passa a palavra", contactos efectuados e surgiram os primeiros apoios.

    O Quinas dia para dia mostra que está a recuperar, os resultados das análises de hoje confirmaram isso, está no bom caminho. Certamente o início de todo um caminho inimaginável e incomparavelmente maior que percorrerá quando for devolvido ao mar.

    Acreditamos que com o apoio de todos vamos atingir o objectivo.

    Muito obrigado.

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56 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 36
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  • 20
    recurrent backers

  • 16
    anonymous backers

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  • Anonymous

    14/07/2019 - 19:46

  • Anonymous

    14/07/2019 - 19:46

  • Anonymous

    14/07/2019 - 19:45

  • Anonymous

    14/07/2019 - 19:45

  • Anonymous

    14/07/2019 - 19:45

  • Anonymous

    14/07/2019 - 19:44

  • Anonymous

    14/07/2019 - 19:44

  • Anonymous

    14/07/2019 - 19:43

  • Anonymous

    14/07/2019 - 19:43

  • Anonymous

    14/07/2019 - 19:42

  • Anonymous

    14/07/2019 - 19:42

  • Anonymous

    14/07/2019 - 19:42

  • Anonymous

    14/07/2019 - 19:41

  • Anonymous

    14/07/2019 - 19:41

  • Anonymous

    14/07/2019 - 19:40

  • Anonymous

    14/07/2019 - 19:40

  • Anonymous

    14/07/2019 - 19:40

  • Anonymous

    14/07/2019 - 19:39

  • Anonymous

    14/07/2019 - 19:39

  • Anonymous

    14/07/2019 - 19:38