Since I started studying dace, it was clear my will in direct my study in this area for the contemporary dance and its developpment, after some research to understand where existed that conditions, in academic level, I understood I had to look out of Portugal. From different possibilities I was in Amsterdam, at the end of April/beginning of May, auditioning to at Academie voor Theater en Dans. We were 800 people initially. After various technique classes, an full day choreography laboratory, passing throw all the fases of the selectino, I was one of the 22 selected to integrate in the next school year the new BA Expanded Contemporary Dance, a four year program (2019/2024).
This school choosed people from all over the world with the aim that each student develoops its own work, giving importance to each cultural identitie and its expression throw contemporary dance. This program is particulary interesting for its openess and curiosity for all cultures and is worried to provide a plataform for its expression and development, having great professionals in the field of contemporary dance as teachers.
At the end of the training I´ll recieve an internationally recognized Bachelor of Dance diploma.
As you can see this is an unique opportunity and I´ll just be able to make it with financial support, as the cost of living in Amsterdma is way higher than in Portugal and despite being gathering money and working I won´t be able to gather enough money for the first months to live there.
That´s why I created this campaign and that´s the way you can help me, contributing financially, helping me to make this dream a reality.
ensaio PEDRA - culturgest
About the author
I was born in 1998 and grew up in a small village in Lapas, Torres Novas - Portugal. I started taking ballet, contemporary dance, c.i, repertoire and composition classes at the age of 14 at O Corpo da Dança - Torres Novas (Marta Tomé). It was in that school I had my first creation and interpretation experiences in the field of perfoming arts, practice and thinking. I took a summer school at materiais diversos festival with Miguel Pereira and Teresa Silva (2015) and other with Marcelo Evelin(2016). Took Emmanuelle Huyn workshop "Tôzai!..."(2017) and Vera Mantero workshop "The thinking body" (2018), Yael Karavan "The space inbetween" - butoh(2018) and Radouan Mriziga "0.ALKANTARA"(2019). I performed in Ana Borralho and João Galante "Trigger of Hapiness" (materiais diversos festival 2017 - Alcanena), in Raimund Hoghe "Momentos of Young People" (2018 - Teatro Municipal do Porto_Rivoli) and in Pedro Barreiro "O Mandarim - apóstrofe e paciência" (Contradança festival 2018 - Covilhã). Currently I´m developing with the author Zélia Sakai the project Biactivities in the Forest. I was studying at Escola Superior de Dança - Lisboa since September 2017 till now. Despite dance, suntentability is something that I spend a lot of time with, my choreographic work is infected with this worries, more directly with ecology I´m, at the moment, developping the project "Bioactivities in the forest" with the author Zélia Sakai.
I really want to grow and learn at this school and enjoy this unique oportunnity to mature and develop myself at a technical and choreographic level, develop and think my place in performing arts. I´m really enthusiastic to take with me (in my body) the local dance context, my culture, maturing it somewhere else in a rich exchange and diverse in experiences with dancers from all over the world, having great professionals helping us in this process of learning and development.
digital portefolio link: https://a-liberato.wixsite.com/a-ves
Bioativities in the Forest link: https://bioatividadesna.wixsite.com/floresta/home
Budget and due dates
This crowdfunding will serve as a support to move to Amsterdam and take care of all the basic necessities in my arrivle:
-to creat a health insurance (which is requires to live in the Netherlands) paid monthly (100 euros per month)
-to help paying the accomodation, which is 500/month (when arriving I´ll have to pay 3 months in advance)