A Precinct with a Cause - Education and inclusion of children and youth. Continuing this innovative project depends on your help.
Mundos de Papel (MdP) and the Polícia de Segurança Pública (PSP) have been promoting, in partnership and since the beginning of the year, in Oeiras, a pilot and innovative project, which responds to a need felt by many: using an approach of proximity and concerted intervention, to strengthen relations between the PSP and the community, in particular with children and young people from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds. This perspective is pioneering as it develops within the police station itself and integrates PSP agents into the team who daily participate in activities, interacting with young people.
The project has contributed to a real demystification of prejudice, maintaining safety, preventing risky or deviant behavior, strengthening personal and social skills, and generally educating for the right and citizenship. If, on the first day of the project, 3 young people entered the squad activity room suspiciously, after 6 months, 10 run and challenge agents for a playstation or ping-pong duel.
The team is multidisciplinary and has a psychologist and art therapist, a sociologist and two full-time PSP agents.
For the continuity of a highly innovative project, for the possibility and interest in its replication to other squads of the country, help us.
Contribute to building ever more consistent bridges between security forces and the community!
Mundos de Papel Associação
A Mundos de Papel Associação agradece a todos os donativos, a confiança e por acreditarem no projeto Gira no Bairro - Uma Esquadra Aberta à Comunidade! Garantimos que o vosso apoio fará toda a diferença na nossa intervenção. Aproveitamos para vos convidar a conhecer o nosso projeto no terreno, teremos todo o gosto! Obrigada! Qualquer questão podem contactar-nos para o e-mail: mundosdepapel.associacao@gmail.com =)
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