"Fluxo" is a webserie that follows the life of Miguel, a young saxophonist who's looking for a way to sail through the world of music.
Fluxo is a webserie that follows Miguel's life, a young saxophonist of 19 years old, living in the island of Porto Razo.
He's misunderstood and his talent with the saxophone isn't well accepted by the people that dwell in the island. With the arise of an opportunity given by a captain passing by, he decides to leave his home and go after his dreams. During this adventure in the city, Miguel tries to play in the bar which he has always dreamed of, but a lot of incidents and obstacles will make him doubt of his decision.
About the author
We are a team of college students of the 2nd year of the bachelor's degree of Cinema, Video and Multimedia Communication of the Lusófona University of Lisbon. We are hardworking and we share the same passion for cinema.
Our team is composed of:
Showrunner: Diana Grabulho
Director: Duarte Rodrigues
Executive Producer: Gonçalo Lory Costa
Production Director: Raquel Santos
Photography Director: Marcos Ribeiro
Art Director: Natália Chavarria
Sound Director: Rita Almeida
Editor: Rodrigo Ferreira
Budget and due dates
The University parcially supports the serie, but due to varied production costs it's required extra funding.
Travel Expenses: 100€
Alimentation: 460€
Actors' Insurance: 300€
PPL Fee: 46,13€
9th to 14th May
Shooting places: