A children's book that aims to be an important contribution to the acquisition of healthy and sustainable eating habits, full of humor and with a hint of romance. A Fazedoras de Histórias edition.
In our activity, we are often assaulted by the urgency to have a nobler purpose, while we seek to develop and improve our editorial production work in a meaningful, pedagogical and differentiating way.
Thus, the Storymakers are back with a new title for children: Mr. Turbante and Mrs. Extravagant . We believe that this platform (PPL) is the ideal tool to enable the production of this book that has been in the drawer for a few years.
The Book
Mr. Turbante and Mrs. Extravagant is a story in which the universe of food that talks, wants to travel and try restaurants, intersects with human emotions and desires, such as hope, sadness, disbelief and humor, and where passion emerges in an unusual way.
We quickly understand that this book has different layers of interpretation, which can easily be consolidated into a larger project, which takes it from "paper to the table"! This story is for children (and not only!), relates nature and food, and can be promoted in the most diverse contexts, be they educational and/or cultural, developing the underlying themes in a playful way.
Fazedoras de Histórias and Maria das Ervas – a Green Partnership!
Therefore, it made perfect sense for us to have Maria das Ervas as our travel companion and partner, with a project that is driven by "good eating practices and agroecological behaviors that will make all the difference not only to you and your family health, but also to the environment".
Chef Cláudia Moita helps us discover healthy food and achieve well-being. Her "main goal is to make her products and recipes known to all those who want to practice a healthy, nutritious diet that fills us with love inside and out."
She is currently participating in the project as a consultant for our book which - SURPRISE! - will also be a book with recipes accessible to all children.
With the book Mr. Turban and Mrs. Extravagant, we believe we can make a difference in terms of health education, promoting a healthy lifestyle and encouraging sustainability. Throughout the story, the foods that should be part of a healthy and balanced diet are listed, as they can be found in our region and are within everyone's reach. We therefore hope that the project will gain real dimension and reach many more people, by publishing it in book form for children and the educational community in general.
We know that it is in the younger age groups of the population that we must invest if we truly want to change the paradigm of health education, encourage healthy living and promote sustainability. By raising awareness and educating young people about these issues, we have the opportunity to leave the seeds that will blossom into concrete goals in the future.
Important topics that can be addressed with this book:
- Importance of protecting Nature;
- Raise awareness of gender equality;
- Health education;
- Sustainability associated with the consumption of regional foods and seasonality;
- Innovation (creation of a product that has a greater reach beyond the obvious);
- Importance of cultivating a gastronomic heritage, both regional and national.
The message is that we do not exist if we are not aware that we must change our practices “in the face of the climate emergency, the galloping loss of biodiversity and social inequalities and asymmetries ” ( in Sustainable Development Goals, ODS.pt).
Cristina Arvana
O Sr. do Turbante e Sra. Extravagante - Queremos saber tudo!
Olá a todos os nossos magníficos apoiantes!
Esperamos que se encontrem bem e que já tenham tido oportunidade de desfrutar da leitura do vosso "Sr. do Turbante e a Sra. Extravagante".
Já passaram alguns dias desde as primeiras entregas e estamos mesmo muito curiosas para saber o que pensam, o que sentiram, se gostaram e se este novo livro vai ao encontro das vossas expectativas.
Contamos com os vossos comentários! :)
Alguns de vós que contribuíram, escolheram permanecer anónimos. Por isso não teremos oportunidade de vos enviar uma carta de agradecimento. Mas fica aqui registado o nosso muito obrigada por terem contribuído e facilitado a realização deste sonho.
MUITO OBRIGADA nunca será demais e a nossa felicidade de hoje reflete o que TODOS fizeram por nós.
Aproveitamos para deixar também o convite para a apresentação formal do livro, no dia 22 de dezembro, pelas 12h, na Quinta Courela dos Pegos, Pinhal Novo. Fica aqui o link:
Um forte abraço,
Cristina e Joana
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Cristina Arvana
Chegámos finalmente à última
Chegámos finalmente à última etapa desta campanha e temos o prazer de anunciar que conseguimos ultrapassar o objetivo!
Graças a vocês, que puderam apoiar, promover e incentivar-nos a não esmorecer neste último fôlego, o livro vai ser impresso e, em breve, todos vão poder conhecer a insólita e amorosa história d' O Sr. do Turbante e a Sra. Extravagante.
Foi muito importante para nós e estamos muito felizes por nos terem ajudado nesta missão!
Em breve receberão o(s) vosso(os) exemplar(es) e queremos saber a vossa opinião!
Beijinhos e até breve!
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Cristina Arvana
Obrigada pelo apoio e divulgação
Antes de mais, o nosso MUITO OBRIGADA pelo vosso apoio! Já chegámos aos 55% do total do financiamento. Só por isso estamos todos de parabéns!
Agora que estamos na reta final, pedimo-vos um último esforço: ajudar-nos a continuar a divulgação para que chegue cada vez a mais pessoas.
Muitos beijinhos e obrigada!
Esperamos em breve dar-vos as melhores notícias!
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