

The line between fiction and reality, the concrete and the abstract, is about to be broken.

  • 1260


    115% of 1 100€

    35 backers

  • 28/05/2021

    Expired on

  • Completed

    This project has been successfully funded

The line between fiction and reality, the concrete and the abstract, is about to be broken.

Dichotomy follows the story of two artists, and the character they created, looking for things as different as similar - whether looking for a story or looking for "it". In this living room, where discussions and commitments bring to life the character's path through the forest to his final destination, the Cócito River, where man will finally find the true meaning of his journey.


MARCOS SILVA is the director of Dichotomy. He resides in Resende, in the district of Viseu, and from a very early age he has a passion for cinema, starting to shoot short videos and sketches since he was a teenager. He joined ESMAD - Higher School of Media, Arts and Design in 2018, and since then he has been focusing mainly on script writing and in the image area, having been the co-writer and co-director of photography for the short film “Decidido” . Debuts in making this short, final degree project in Audiovisual Communication Technology.

About the author

The Dichotomy team is composed of finalist students of the Degree in Audiovusal Communication Technology, alumni and professionals in the field of cinema.

We have a huge passion for the seventh art and we believe that our country has a lot to offer. As a mission, we seek to contribute to the realization and promotion of Portuguese cinema and culture.



Together, we will work to overcome obstacles and achieve our dream: making cinema in Portugal.

Budget and due dates

Despite being an academic project, we will not have the financial support of the institution. Thus, we invite you to help us make our dream come true, either in the form of monetary support or by sharing our project with your friends, family and on your social networks.

Financial support is essential for the realization of this project and will enable the logistical and creative objectives to be achieved. In this way, we can guarantee that we have all the necessary conditions for its execution.


[IMAGE: 858020: 0]

Filming is scheduled for June 2021.


We have several rewards for you such as t-shirts, notebooks and cloth bags with exclusive design, questions and answers with the director, access to backstage in real time and many more.

The project will only be financed if we reach 100% of the requested amount, otherwise the amount of your contribution will be returned in full. We count on you!

  • Individual Acknowledgment

    Invest with
    5€ or more

    Individual Acknowledgment

    You will receive an email from the team thanking you.

    6 backers

  • Special thanks

    Invest with
    10€ or more

    Special thanks

    - Name in Final Movie Credits - List of Favorite Team Films

    5 backers


    Invest with
    15€ or more


    - Official Poster - Name in the Final Movie Credits - List of Favorite Team Films

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

    Limited to 10 units. 10 remaining

  • Test-Screening

    Invest with
    15€ or more


    Visualization of the almost final version of the film in an auditorium. - Access to Test-Screening - Name in Final Movie Credits - List of Favorite Team Films

    5 backers

  • Exclusive Material

    Invest with
    20€ or more

    Exclusive Material

    - Access to Previous Team Films - Name in Final Movie Credits - List of Favorite Team Films

    4 backers


    Invest with
    25€ or more


    Receive a cloth bag with the film's exclusive design! - Cloth Bag with exclusive design - Name in the Final Movie Credits - List of the Team's Favorite Films

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

    Limited to 10 units. 10 remaining


    Invest with
    25€ or more


    Receive a t-shirt with exclusive design from the film! - T-shirt with exclusive design - Name in the Final Movie Credits - List of Favorite Team Films

    13 backers

    Limited to 10 units. None left


    Invest with
    50€ or more


    Receive a notebook with a message from the team! - Handmade notebook with unique design - Name in the Final Movie Credits - List of the Team's favorite films

    3 backers

    Limited to 5 units. 2 remaining


    Invest with
    80€ or more


    Follow the filming process in real time! - Access to the film's backstage in real time through the Instagram account - Exclusive access to the Behind The Scenes final of the film - Questions and Answers with the Director - Poster - Access to Test-Screening - Name in the Final Credits of the Film - List of Films Team Favorites

    1 backer

  • Companies

    Invest with
    100€ or more


    Sponsor our film! - Logo on Film Credits - Advertising on Film Social Networks - Behind The Scenes, Questions and Answers, Teaser, Trailer, Scene Photos and Poster with logo - Access to Test-Screening

    2 backers

  • Executive producer

    Invest with
    160€ or more

    Executive producer

    Be part of the Film Team! - Executive Producer Credit - Behind The Scenes, Questions and Answers, Trailer, Scene Photographs, Poster and Film in PEN - Poster Signed by the Team - Access to Test-Screening

    1 backer

    Limited to 3 units. 2 remaining


    Invest with
    200€ or more


    For the fans! - FIGURINE of one of the characters in the film - BTS, Questions and Answers, Teaser, Trailer and Film in PEN - T-shirt, Bag and Exclusive Notebook - Poster Signed by the Team (you can choose which of the posters you want to receive) - Access to Test- Screening - Access to Previous Films - Special Thanks in Final Movie Credits - List of Favorite Team Films

    No backers yet. Be the first one!

    Limited to 1 unit. Last one available

Sun, 22/09/2024 - 17:54

Tue, 08/06/2021 - 16:01


Terminámos as o período de rodagens e vamos dar início à terceira fase da concretização do filme - a pós-produção! Let's go!

Read more

Wed, 02/06/2021 - 20:01


Começamos amanhã o 1º dia de rodagens! Para seguires os bastidores da curta-metragem basta ires a @dicotomia_shortfilm no Instagram e acompanhares esta nossa aventura :)

Read more

Mon, 31/05/2021 - 15:28

Payout completed

The raised funds have been transferred to the campaign owner


Campaign ended

The campaign successfully raised the initial target

Thu, 13/05/2021 - 15:51

Novos Objetivos!

Olá! Temos muito orgulho por termos alcançamos a meta dos 1100€. Não podíamos estar mais felizes! Ainda falta algum tempo para a campanha terminar e por isso, estabelecemos no...

Read more

Mon, 03/05/2021 - 14:58


Alcançamos a meta dos 1100€. Obrigada! Estamos eternamente gratos pela tua contribuição e pela dedicação dos nossos amigos e familiares! Um grande abraço e até já :)

Read more

Fri, 30/04/2021 - 17:21

100% reached

WE DID IT! We met our initial target but the fundraising can continue

Wed, 21/04/2021 - 11:44

Já falta pouco!

Já ultrapassamos a marca dos 75%! Estamos quase pessoal! Obrigada a todos os que contribuíram e acreditaram na nossa equipa! Vamos continuar a trabalhar para alcançar o noss...

Read more

Sat, 17/04/2021 - 21:09

We're now 20

We reached the first 20 backers. Let's keep up!

Mon, 12/04/2021 - 12:47

First five backers

We've gathered the first 5 backers. Hurray!

Campaign launched


Join us so you can take a part in this campaign. Register

  • Frederica Nunes de Pinho


    Terminámos as o período de rodagens e vamos dar início à terceira fase da concretização do filme - a pós-produção!
    Let's go!

    Log in or register to post comments

  • Frederica Nunes de Pinho


    Começamos amanhã o 1º dia de rodagens!
    Para seguires os bastidores da curta-metragem basta ires a @dicotomia_shortfilm no Instagram e acompanhares esta nossa aventura :)

    Log in or register to post comments

  • Frederica Nunes de Pinho

    Novos Objetivos!

    Temos muito orgulho por termos alcançamos a meta dos 1100€. Não podíamos estar mais felizes!
    Ainda falta algum tempo para a campanha terminar e por isso, estabelecemos novos objetivos.

    Acompanhem o vídeo de agradecimento na nossa página do PPL e na conta do Instagram - dicotomia_shortfilm - para saberem mais.

    Contamos convosco!

    Log in or register to post comments

  • Frederica Nunes de Pinho


    Alcançamos a meta dos 1100€. Obrigada!
    Estamos eternamente gratos pela tua contribuição e pela dedicação dos nossos amigos e familiares!

    Um grande abraço e até já :)

    Log in or register to post comments

  • Frederica Nunes de Pinho

    Já falta pouco!

    Já ultrapassamos a marca dos 75%! Estamos quase pessoal!

    Obrigada a todos os que contribuíram e acreditaram na nossa equipa! Vamos continuar a trabalhar para alcançar o nosso objetivo :)

    Log in or register to post comments

35 members of the PPL community
support this campaign

  • 28
    new backers

  • 7
    recurrent backers

  • 6
    anonymous backers

Meet the people helping this dream come true
